It is impossible to convey, in words, any idea of the hideous phantasmagoria of shifting limbs and faces which moved through the evil-smelling twilight of this terrible prison-house. Callot might have drawn it, Dante might have suggested it, but a minute attempt to describe its horrors would but disgust. There are depths in humanity which one cannot explore, as there are mephitic caverns into which one dare not penetrate.
With an air of disgust, she stormed out of the room.
She hated her husband.
- O, kocasından nefret etti.
Fred went so far as to say that he had hated me.
- Fred benden nefret ettiğini söyleyecek kadar uzağa gitti.
Tom says that he detests war.
- Tom savaştan nefret ettiğini söylüyor.
Tom and Mary were disgusted with each other.
- Tom ve Mary birbirinden nefret etmişti.
She hated her husband.
- O, kocasından nefret etti.
Fred went so far as to say that he had hated me.
- Fred benden nefret ettiğini söyleyecek kadar uzağa gitti.
Hypocrisy is my abhorrence.
- İkiyüzlülük benim nefret ettiğim şeydir.