
listen to the pronunciation of myrmidon
English - Turkish
{i} paralı köle
efendisine körü körüne itaat eden kimse
English - English
One of a fierce tribe or troop who accompanied Achilles, their king, to the Trojan war
A soldier or a subordinate civil officer who executes cruel orders of a superior without protest or pity; -- sometimes applied to bailiffs, constables, etc

headed for a revelation to the District Attorney that would probably result in my having the pleasure of meeting H. R. Corbett or some other flatfooted myrmidon.

A devoted servant or disciple who follows commands without question
{n} a rude ruffian, constable, helper
{i} member of the warlike people who fought in the Trojan War at the command of their leader Achilles (Greek Mythology)
a follower who carries out orders without question
(Greek mythology) a member of the warriors who followed Achilles on the expedition against Troy a follower who carries out orders without question
(Greek mythology) a member of the warriors who followed Achilles on the expedition against Troy
{i} soldier who obeys his commander unquestioningly; person who follows his leader without hesitation regardless of the circumstances
A soldier or a subordinate civil officer who executes cruel orders of a superior without protest or pity; sometimes applied to bailiffs, constables, etc



    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈmərmədən/ /ˈmɜrmɪdɪn/


    () Latin Myrmidones, from Ancient Greek Μυρμιδόνες (Myrmidones), a tribe of warriors led by Achilles to the Trojan War. Folk etymology in Ovid's time derived the tribe's name from μυρμηδών ("ant-nest", from μύρμηξ, "ant").