my eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark

listen to the pronunciation of my eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark
English - German
Meine Augen gewöhnten sich langsam an die Dunkelheit
my eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark


    my eyes slow·ly be·came ac·cus·tomed to the dark

    Turkish pronunciation

    may ayz slōli bikeym ıkʌstımd tı dhi därk


    /ˈmī ˈīz ˈslōlē bēˈkām əˈkəstəmd tə ᴛʜē ˈdärk/ /ˈmaɪ ˈaɪz ˈsloʊliː biːˈkeɪm əˈkʌstəmd tə ðiː ˈdɑːrk/