
listen to the pronunciation of multiple
English - Turkish

Tom çoklu doku sertleşmesinden muzdarip. - Tom suffers from multiple sclerosis.

Çoklu yaralanmalar bildirildi. - Multiple injuries have been reported.

çok bölümlü

Hakim mahkemeye düzeni sağlamak için birkaç sefer tokmağı aşağı vurmak zorunda kaldı. - The judge was forced to slam her gavel down multiple times in order to restore order to the court.

Videonun başında birkaç feragatname vardı. - There were multiple disclaimers at the start of the video.


Yaşamın birçok dil olmadan ne kadar fazla renksiz olacağını düşünemiyorum. - I can't imagine how much more colourless life would be without multiple languages.

Tom birçok kez vuruldu. - Tom has been shot multiple times.


Tom'un multipl sklerozu var. - Tom has multiple sclerosis.


Tom babasının birden çok kez ona tecavüz ettiğini iddia etti. - Tom claimed that his father had raped him on multiple occasions.

Test çoktan seçmeliydi. - The test was multiple choice.

(isim-elektrik) çok safhalı cereyan: "multiple circuit: çok safhalı devre"
{s} katmerli. i., mat. katsayı
(isim-matematik) katsayı: "least common multiple: en küçük ortak katsayı"
multiple choice testlerde cevaplardan birini seçme usulü
{i} katsayı
multiple reentry vehicle birkaç ayrı bomba taşıyan roket
çok yönlü
(Tıp) Müteaddit, muhtelif (vücutta birden fazla yerde olan), mülti
çok kısımlı
multiple circuit elek
(Askeri) ÇOK KATLI
{s} katlı
çok safhalı devre
çok safhalı cereyan
(Ticaret) birden çok olan
birden fazla organı etkileyen
birden çok

Tom babasının birden çok kez ona tecavüz ettiğini iddia etti. - Tom claimed that his father had raped him on multiple occasions.

Aynı anda birden çok dil öğrenmeyi tercih ediyorum. - I prefer learning multiple languages at the same time.

multiple access
(Bilgisayar) çoklu erişimli
multiple access
(Bilgisayar) çoklu erişim
multiple circuit
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çok safhalı devre
multiple comparisons
çoklu karşılaştırma
multiple cut
(Mekanik) çoklu kesme
multiple data
tek komut çoklu veri
multiple dives
çoklu dalışlar
multiple entry visa
çoklu giriş vizesi
multiple force
(Askeri) çok uluslu kuvvet
multiple inheritance
çoğul kalıtım
multiple input
(Çevre) çoklu giriş
multiple myeloma
(Tıp) mültipl miyelom
multiple myeloma
(Tıp) bir plazma hücre kanseri
multiple myeloma
(Tıp) mültipl myeloma
multiple pages
(Bilgisayar) çok sayıda sayfa
multiple personality
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çok kişilikli
multiple personality
çok kişiliklilik
multiple personality
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çoğul kişilik
multiple personality
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çoklu kişilik
multiple pole
katlı kutup
multiple precision
(Bilgisayar) çoklu duyarlı
multiple programming
(Bilgisayar) çoklu programlama
multiple regression
(Bilgisayar) çoklu bağlanım
multiple root
(Matematik) çokkatlı kök
multiple stage
(Gıda) çok aşamalı
multiple valued
(Matematik) çok değerli
multiple access code
çok adresli kod
multiple address
çok adres
multiple birth
çoğul doğum
multiple choice
çok seçenekli
multiple circuit
çok katlı devre
multiple meaning
çok anlamlı
multiple myeloma
multipl miyelom
multiple precision
çoklu kesinlik
multiple pregnancy
çoğul gebelik
multiple production
seri üretim
multiple sclerosis
çoklu sertleşim
multiple sclerosis
multipl skleroz
multiple sensor display group
çoklu sensör gösterim grubu
multiple shop
mağaza zincirinden biri
multiple shop
multiple star
çok yıldız
multiple tool lathe
çok takımlı torna
multiple valued
multiple weapon control panel
çoklu silah kontrol panel
çoktan seçmeli
çok maksatlı
multiple access network
çoklu erişim ağı
multiple address message
çok adresli mesaj
multiple arch dam
çok kemerli baraj
multiple births
Birden doğumlular
multiple buffering
(Bilgisayar) Çoklu arabelleğe alma
multiple connector
çoklu bağlayıcı, ortak akış simgesi
multiple copy
Birden fazla kopya
multiple disk brake
çok diskli fren
multiple domain network
birden çok etki alanı ağ
multiple dome dam
çok kubbeli baraj
multiple intelligence
Çoklu zeka
multiple ionization
çoklu iyonlaşma, çokkatli iyonlaşma
multiple jet carburettor
çok jikleli karbüratör
multiple job processing
Birden fazla iş işleme
multiple journey
Birden fazla yolculuk
multiple line braking system
çok katlı frenleme sistemi
multiple nuclei theory
ÇOK ÇEKİRDEKLİ TEPKİ : Şehirler bir çok alanın ve özel kullanım için ayrılmış bölgenin gelişimini sağlar
multiple personality syndrome
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Çok kişilik sendromu
multiple punch
çoklu delgi
multiple rate
çoklu kur
multiple recording
çoklu kaydetme
multiple register computer
çoklu-yazmaç bilgisayarı
multiple sclerosis
MS diye bilinen merkezi sınır sisteminde görülen bir rahatsızlık
multiple search strategy
Birden çok arama stratejisi
multiple shop
şube, mağaza zincirinden biri
multiple split screen
Birden fazla split screen
multiple terminal access
Birden fazla terminal erişim
multiple use
çoklu kullanım
multiple valued
multiple valued term
Birden çok değerli dönem
çok namlulu
Çok temel
birden fazla seçeneği olan,çok seçenekli (çoktan seçmeli)
çoklu giriş
Çok şeritli (yol)
Multiple Launch Rocket System
(Askeri) çok namlulu roketatar sistemi
multiple access
coklu erisimli, coklu erisim
multiple access commercial satellite
(Askeri) çoklu erişimli ticari uydu
multiple access interference
coklu erisim karismasi
multiple alleles
(Biyoloji) çok alellilik
multiple antiaircraft weapon
(Askeri) ÇOK NAMLULU HAVA SAVUNMA SİLAHI: Birden çok ateşleme tertibatı veya namlusu bulunan hava savunma silahı
multiple arch dam
(İnşaat) çok payandalı baraj
multiple axis chart
çok eksenli çizim
multiple banking
(Ticaret) tüm bankacılık hizmetleri
multiple bar chart
çok çubuklu çizim
multiple bath dyeing
(Tekstil) çok banyolu boyama
multiple bond
(Kimya) çoklu bağlar
multiple branding
(Ticaret) çoklu markalama
multiple cell row
çok hücreli satır
multiple chart
çoklu çizim
multiple choice exam
çoktan seçmeli sınav
multiple choice item
(Dilbilim) çoktan seçmeli madde
multiple choice selection list
çok seçenekli liste
multiple choice test
(Dilbilim) çoktan seçmeli sınav
multiple coloumn list
(Bilgisayar) çok kolonlu metin
multiple column
Çok sütunlu
multiple column array
Çok sütunlu dizi
multiple column text
çok kolonlu metin
multiple connector
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ortak akış simgesi
multiple connector
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çoklu bağlayıcı
multiple converter
(Elektrik, Elektronik) katlı konvertisör
multiple correlation
çoklu ilinti
multiple correlation
(Dilbilim) çoklu bağıntı
multiple correlation coefficient
coklu ilinti katsayisi
multiple data
tek komut coklu veri
multiple data columns
(Bilgisayar) çoklu veri sütunları
multiple dates
(Bilgisayar) birden çok tarih
multiple disc clutch
(Otomotiv) çok diskli kavrama
multiple domain
çoklu alan
multiple drill
(Askeri) Bak. "multiple unit training assemblies"
multiple dwelling
çokdaireli konut
multiple echo
(Nükleer Bilimler) tekrarlı (seri) yankılar
multiple eject rack
(Askeri) çoklu yük atıcısı
multiple file support
Çoklu Dosya Desteği
multiple files selection
birden fazla dosya seçimi
multiple frame
çok açıklıklı çerçeve
multiple glazing
çok yüzeyli cam
multiple gun
(Askeri) TEK KOMUTALI SİLAH GRUBU: Ayrı tertibatla ateşlenmek üzere yerleştirilmiş ve ayarlanmış silah grubu; Bir mevkie yerleştirilen ve birlikte ateşlenen bir silah grubu
multiple gun
(Askeri) tek komutalı silah grubu
multiple hosts
(Bilgisayar) birden çok ana makine
multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle
(Askeri) BAĞIMSIZ OLARAK HEDEFE YÖNELTİLEBİLEN ÇOKLU ATMOSFERE DÖNÜŞ BÖLMESİ: Her ayrı hedefe bir veya daha fazla sayıda atmosfere dönüş bölmesi bırakabilecek, bir dağıtım sistemi tarafından taşınan bir atmosfere dönüş bölmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "maneuverable reentry vehicle", "multiple reentry vehicle", "reentry vehicle"
multiple input multiple output system
cok-girdili cok-ciktili sistem
multiple input single output system
cok-girdili tek-ciktili sistem
multiple instances
Bir programın aynı anda çalışan diğer
multiple integral
(Matematik) çokkatlı integral
multiple integral
(Matematik) çokkatlı tümlev
multiple integral
çok katlı entegral
multiple ionization
(Fizik) çoklu iyonlaşma
multiple ionization
(Fizik) çokkatlı iyonlaşma
multiple line report
çok satırlı rapor
multiple lines
(Bilgisayar) birden çok hat
multiple management
(Ticaret) çoklu yönetim
multiple meaning
(Dilbilim) çoğul anlam
multiple media
(Bilgisayar) birden çok ortam
multiple members
(Bilgisayar) çok sayıda üye
multiple moored buoy
(Askeri) çoklu bağlanan şamandıra
multiple objective defense
(Askeri) ÇOK HASSAS NOKTALI HASSAS BÖLGE SAVUNMASI: Düşman hava taarruzundan müteessir olabilecek muhtelif tesisleri ihtiva eden 2000 yardadan fazla çaptaki bir bölgenin aktif hava savunması
multiple of a unit of measurement
olcum biriminin  ust katlari
multiple offense
(Spor) çoklu hücum
multiple order sampling
oruntulu ornekleme
multiple pass
çok geçişli
multiple payment
çoklu ödeme
multiple piles
(Askeri) çoklu kazıklar
multiple plots
(Bilgisayar) birden fazla çizim
multiple point
(Matematik) çokkatlı nokta
multiple pole
katli kutup
multiple popup
(Bilgisayar) birden fazla açılır menü
multiple pregnancy
(Tıp) çoklu gebelik
multiple rate sampling
katli ornekleme
multiple redundancy
(Askeri) çoklu yedekleme
multiple reentry vehicle
(Askeri) ÇOKLU ATMOSFERE DÖNÜŞ BÖLMESİ: Bir hedefe birden fazla atmosfere dönüş bölmesi bırakabilecek, bir dağıtım sistemi tarafından taşınan bir atmosfere dönüş bölmesi. Ayrıca bak. "maneuverable reentry vehicle", "multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle", "reentry vehicle"
multiple reflections
(Nükleer Bilimler) tekrarlı (seri) yansımalar
multiple register
(Dilbilim) çok kesitli yöntem
multiple revisions
(Bilgisayar) çoklu düzeltmeler
multiple routing
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çoklu rotalama
multiple routing
(Bilgisayar) çoklu yol atama
multiple routing
(Bilgisayar) çoklu yönlendirme
multiple routing
çoklu yolatama
multiple routing
çoklu yöneltme
multiple scattering
(Nükleer Bilimler) çoklu saçılma
multiple selection field
çok seçimli alan
multiple session
çok oturumlu
multiple shock
(Çevre) çoklu şok
multiple sill
çoklu sil
multiple size
çok boyutlu
multiple station rack
(Askeri) ÇOK BÖLMELİ BOMBA HAMİLİ: Birden çok bomba alan bomba hamili
multiple station rack
(Askeri) çok bölmeli bomba hamili
multiple stock
çoklu stok
multiple tariff
(Ticaret) çok kolonlu gümrük tarifesi
multiple taxation
(Ticaret) çifte vergileme
multiple tempering
çoklu menevişleme
multiple thread
çok ağızlı vida
multiple titles
(Bilgisayar) birden çok konu başlığı
multiple tool head
çok takımlı kafa
multiple tube method
(Tıp) çoklu tüp yöntemi
multiple turntable
(Sinema) eşleme masası
multiple unit
tren seti
multiple unit
çoklu dizi
multiple unit training assemblies
(Askeri) BİRLİKLERİN TOPLUCA EĞİTİLMESİ: Bir veya daha fazla ardışık gün boyunca, iki veya daha fazla birliğin bir araya gelerek eğitilmesi. Bir takvim gününde, ikiden fazla eğitim yapılmaz
multiple values
(Bilgisayar) birden çok değer
multiple vote
(Politika, Siyaset) mükerrer oy
multiple warning phenomenology
(Askeri) ÇOKLU İKAZ FENOMONOLOJİSİ: Yanlış raporlara veya karıştırmalara yol açmamak amacıyla, daha fazla güvenirlik sağlamak için aynı olaylarla ilgili farklı fiziksel olguları gözleyen iki veya daha fazla sistemden ikaz bilgileri elde etmek
multiple wavelength
çoklu dalga boyu
multiple windows
(Bilgisayar) birden fazla pencere
multiple windows
(Bilgisayar) çoklu pencereler
English - English
Price-earnings ratio
One of a set of the same thing; a duplicate
A number that may be divided by another number with no remainder; thus 14, 21 and 70 are multiples of 7
Having more than one element, part, component or function

My Swiss Army knife has multiple blades.

{a} containing several times
-A person diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder
A quantity containing another quantity a number of times without a remainder
Containing more than once, or more than one; consisting of more than one; manifold; repeated many times; having several, or many, parts
You use multiple to describe things that consist of many parts, involve many people, or have many uses. He died of multiple injuries The most common multiple births are twins, two babies born at the same time
A multiple or a multiple store is a shop with a lot of branches in different towns. It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples. many, or involving many things, people, events etc (multiplex; MULTIPLEX). multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle multiple birth multiple integral multiple sclerosis multiple personality disorder
Sometimes a pattern will say: ch an odd number of stitches, (number ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) or chain an even number of stitches (number ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) or chain a multiple of 4 ex 4 x 20 = ch 80 or chain a multiple of 3 + 2 [(4 x 20)+2] = ch82etc An asterisk is usually placed between instructions which are to be repeated Parentheses ( ) , brackets [ ] , or a small cross (or dagger) + , can also be used in place of an asterisk * or in addition to an asterisk if needed to clarify instructions
Allows multiple selections from the list
Listing- The pooling in a central bureau of listings of properties for sale These listings are held individually by members of a group of real estate brokers, with the agreement that any member of the group may sell the properties and, in the case of a sale, the commission will be divided between the broker making the sale and the broker who filed the listing
prefix symbol fraction prefix symbol
The fastest speed position of the Master Controller in subway cars
a group of two or more unseparated stamps Mulready Cover - Prepaid envelope or letter sheets designed by William Mulready issued in Great Britain in 1840 Mulready Caricature - The design of the official 'Mulready' envelope and cover was not popular and private firms printed similar items in humorous vein to ridicule the official stationery These needs stamps to be affixed for usage
A VA FileMan DATA TYPE that allows more than one value for a single entry See Subfile
Synonym of Price/earnings ratio
The multiple of a number is the product of the number and any other whole number (2,4,6,8 are multiples of 8)
Multiple short exposures on a single frame
Needed when users are allowed to make multiple selections
An un-separated unit of stamps including at least two stamps, but fewer than the number included in a full pane
A multiple of the number, b, is a whole number times b
If n is an integer, k*n is a multiple of k
having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual; "multiple birth"; "multiple ownership"; "made multiple copies of the speech"; "his multiple achievements in public life"; "her multiple personalities"; "a pineapple is a multiple fruit
the product of a quantity by an integer; "36 is a multiple of 9"
number that can be divided by another with no remainder -- " how to find a greatest common factor and a least common multiple " (162)
The state of having more than one person/soul/spirit etc sharing one body Sometimes also called Plural
more than one (e g There are multiple reasons for driving safely )
A factor that, when applied to a financial activity such as earnings or cash flow, results in a value of the item that generated the financial activity It is equal to the inverse of a rate of return, i e , a rate of return of 2% is equal to a multiple of five times
A number that is a product of a number and another number 6 X 2 = 12 12 is a multiple of 2 and a multiple of 6 4 X 2 = 8 8 is a multiple of 2 and a multiple of 4
Repeated addition of a number For example: 4, 8, 12, 16: are multiples of 4
{i} (Mathematics) numeral which contains another numeral a certain number of times without a remainder (i.e. 15 is a multiple of 5); electric circuit that has numerous points of access (Electricity)
  A system of wiring so arranged that a circuit, a line, or a group of lines is accessible at a number of points   (188) Synonym multipoint
If one number is a multiple of a smaller number, it can be exactly divided by that smaller number. Their numerical system, derived from the Babylonians, was based on multiples of the number six
{s} many times more; having many parts; having numerous access points; various; compound
the product of a quantity by an integer; "36 is a multiple of 9" having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual; "multiple birth"; "multiple ownership"; "made multiple copies of the speech"; "his multiple achievements in public life"; "her multiple personalities"; "a pineapple is a multiple fruit
e g multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24
multiple allelism
The state of having three or more alleles, or distinctive forms of a gene
multiple birth
a birth in which more than one baby are born
multiple chemical sensitivity
a chronic disease caused by a person's inability to tolerate a variety of environmental substances
multiple disabilities
A severe intellectual disability associated with at least one handicap of another kind, such as a motor disability
multiple expansion
An increase in the price-earnings ratio, or multiple, of a stock or group of stocks

The recent rise in the market is due more to multiple expansion than any increase in earnings.

multiple expansions
plural form of multiple expansion
multiple fruit
A fruit that develops from the fusion of carpels from more than one flower, as for instance, a pineapple
multiple fruits
plural form of multiple fruit
multiple inheritance
The ability to inherit from more than one superclass in a single subclass
multiple level
A metric level with pulses slower than the beat level
multiple levels
plural form of multiple level
multiple myeloma
A cancer of the white blood cells
multiple personalities
plural form of multiple personality
multiple personality
A dissociative disorder in which several distinct identities or personality states alternate in controlling the sufferer's consciousness and behaviour
multiple personality disorder
A dissociative identity disorder
multiple personality disorders
plural form of multiple personality disorder
multiple sclerosis
A chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord characterized by changes in sensation, visual problems, weakness, depression, difficulties with coordination and speech, impaired mobility and disability
multiple star
Multiple stars that appear to be one when seen with the naked eye, either because they orbit one another (multiple star systems) or happen to be in the same line of sight even though they are separated by a great distance
multiple star
Multiple stars which form a stellar system, such that they orbit the point of equilibrium of their gravitational fields; a multiple star system
multiple star system
A stellar system that has multiple stars orbiting around each other; multiple star
multiple stars
plural form of multiple star
multiple superparticular
The sum of a whole number and a number of the form 1/n for n a whole number larger than 1

2.5 is a multiple superparticular, as it is 2+\frac12.

multiple superparticulars
plural form of multiple superparticular
multiple unit
a train consisting of one or more self-propelled cars capable of coupling with other units of the same or similar type and still being controlled from one cab
multiple units
plural form of multiple unit
Having more than one, enumerated, possible answers. A type of test question where the correct answer is selected from a group of proffered choices
Multiple Data stream
(Bilgisayar) In computing, Multiple Instruction stream or Multiple Data stream(MMID) is a technique employed to achieve parallelism. Machines using MIMD have a number of processors that function asynchronously and independently. At any time, different processors may be executing different instructions on different pieces of data. MIMD architectures may be used in a number of application areas such as computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, simulation, modeling, and as communication switches. MIMD machines can be of either shared memory or distributed memory categories. These classifications are based on how MIMD processors access memory. Shared memory machines may be of the bus-based, extended, or hierarchical type. Distributed memory machines may have hypercube or mesh interconnection schemes
Multiple Instruction stream
(Bilgisayar) In computing, Multiple Instruction stream or Multiple Data stream(MMID) is a technique employed to achieve parallelism. Machines using MIMD have a number of processors that function asynchronously and independently. At any time, different processors may be executing different instructions on different pieces of data. MIMD architectures may be used in a number of application areas such as computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, simulation, modeling, and as communication switches. MIMD machines can be of either shared memory or distributed memory categories. These classifications are based on how MIMD processors access memory. Shared memory machines may be of the bus-based, extended, or hierarchical type. Distributed memory machines may have hypercube or mesh interconnection schemes
multiple baseline design
(Tıp, İlaç) Multiple Baseline Design is a style of research involving the careful measurement of multiple persons, traits or settings both before and after a treatment. This design is used in medical, psychological and biological research to name a few areas. It has several advantages over AB designs which only measures a single case. By gathering data from many subjects (instances), inferences can be made about the likeliness that the measured trait generalizes to a greater population. In multiple baseline designs, the experimenter starts by measuring a trait of interest, then applying a treatment before measuring that trait again. Treatment should not begin until a stable baseline has been recorded, and should not finish until measures regain stability. If a significant change occurs across all participants the experimenter may infer that the treatment is effective
multiple buffering
(Bilgisayar) In computer science, multiple buffering is the use of more than one buffer to hold a block of data, so that a "reader" will see a complete (though perhaps old) version of the data, rather than a partially-updated version of the data being created by a "writer". It also is used to avoid the need to use Dual-ported RAM when the readers and writers are different devices
multiple choice
Multiple choice questions (MCQ) or items are a form of assessment item for which respondents are asked to select one or more of the choices from a list. This type of question is used in education testing, in elections (choose between multiple candidates, parties, or policies), in market research, and many other areas
multiple intelligence
Multiple intelligences is educational theory put forth by psychologist Howard Gardner, which suggests that an array of different kinds of "intelligence" exists in human beings. Gardner suggests that each individual manifests varying levels of these different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique "cognitive profile." The theory was first laid out in Gardner's 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and has been further refined in subsequent years
multiple nuclei model
In demography, the multiple nuclei model is an ecological model put forth by Chauncy D. Harris and Edward L. Ullman in the 1945 article "The Nature of Cities." While a city may have started with a central business district, similar industries with common land-use and financial requirements are established near each other. These groupings influence their immediate neighborhood. Hotels and restaurants spring up around airports, for example. The number and kinds of nuclei mark a city's growth
multiple nuclei theory
A theory of urban land use according to which cities develop many different cores of activity
multiple personality syndrome
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) A hysterical neurosis in which the personality becomes dissociated into two or more distinct but complex and socially and behaviorally integrated parts each of which becomes dominant and controls behavior from time to time to the exclusion of the others ― called also multiple personality
multiple regression
(İstatistik) A statistical technique that predicts values of one variable on the basis of two or more other variables, multiple correlation
Multiple Launch Rocket System
{i} MLRS, type of high mobility rocket artillery system (produced by Lockheed Martin) furnished with missile launchers
Multiple Rocket Launcher System
MRLS, system that can dispatch several rockets
multiple access
A method for accommodating more users in the same frequency band
multiple access
Antenna on board each TDRS which allows the TDRS to provide return links to as many as five spacecraft simultaneously Each MA antenna has only one forward link capability
multiple access
A methodology (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA) by which multiple users share access to a transmission channel Most modern systems accomplish this through "demand assignment" where the specific parameter (frequency, time slot, or code) is automatically assigned when a subscriber requires it
multiple access
The simultaneous sharing of a common transmission bandwidth by multiple users In satellite communications, it usually refers to the shared use of one or more transponders by multiple earth stations
multiple access
A method for accomodating more users in the same frequency band
multiple access
The ability of nodes to access a medium that is not carrying a message
multiple allele
Any of a set of three or more alleles, or alternative states of a gene, only two of which can be present in a diploid organism
multiple birth
when more than one baby is born to the same mother at the same time. Birth of more than one child from one pregnancy. Twins are most common, born in 1 of about every 80 pregnancies. Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg, which splits into two genetically identical embryos (though physical traits may be modified during their development); they occur randomly but are more likely in older mothers. Incomplete or late division results in conjoined twins. Fraternal twins develop from two eggs fertilized by two sperm and are no more genetically alike than are other siblings. Most common among persons of African ancestry and least common among those of Asian ancestry, fraternal twins seem to run in families. Repeated twinning produces triplets, quadruplets, and so on; these multiples may be identical, fraternal, or a combination. The use of fertility drugs has increased the number of high-order multiple births. Medical and psychological "twin studies" compare fraternal and identical twins to learn about genetic influences on various characteristics and diseases
multiple chain
group of stores owned and operated by the same person or company
multiple choice
In a multiple choice test or question, you have to choose the answer that you think is right from several possible answers that are listed on the question paper. a multiple choice examination or question shows several possible answers, and you have to choose the correct one
multiple choice
offering a number of different choices, comprised of several options
multiple choice exam
test in which one must choose the best answer among many possible choices
multiple choice test
test in which one must choose the best answer among many possible choices
multiple company
(Ticaret) Systems and software used for multiple, separate organizations or financial entities within a larger organization. While using the same base system, each company may set different system parameters
multiple correlation coefficient
an estimate of the combined influence of two or more variables on the observed (dependent) variable
multiple currency
(Ticaret) Financial systems that allow orders and transactions to use more than one currency, and use exchange rate tables to perform conversions and revaluations into a base currency when specified
multiple fruit
{i} fruit that is composed of many individual small fruits; fruit in which the carpels of various flowers join in one fruit
multiple fruit
A fruit, such as a fig, mulberry, or pineapple, derived from several flowers that are combined into a single structure
multiple integral
In calculus, the integral of a function of more than one variable. As the integral of a function of one variable over an interval results in an area, the double integral of a function of two variables calculated over a region results in a volume. Functions of three variables have triple integrals, and so on. Like the single integral, such constructions are useful in calculating the net change in a function that results from changes in its input values
multiple intelligences
Intelligences can be in a variety of forms They are not restricted to purely intellective (eg: Gardner, Sternberg)
multiple intelligences
theory by Howard Gardner (1983) that defines intelligence as not being a single or fixed capacity The theory offers a range of preferred approaches to learning They are linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal Each one is a system in it's own right and independent from others, although they do interact
multiple intelligences
also MI A theory of intelligence that characterizes human intelligence as having multiple dimensions that must be acknowledged and developed in education Conceptions of intelligence that dominated earlier in the 20th Century, particularly through the influence of the Stanford-Binet IQ test, were based on the idea that intelligence is a single, unchanged, inborn capacity Advocates of MI argue that there are other equally important intelligences, found in all people in different strengths and combinations MI this belongs to the group of instructional philosophies that focus on the differences between learners and the need to recognize learner differences in teaching The theory of MI is based on the work of the psychologist Gardner who posits 8 intelligences
multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner's theory that each individual has a variety of co-existing abilities or intelligences; Gardner proposes that there are seven intelligences See also: Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence Logical/Mathematical Intelligence Visual/Spatial Intelligence Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence
multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner proposes that all humans are endowed with seven forms of intelligence: mathematical/logical, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, spatial, and kinesthetic Schools usually emphasize the linguistic and mathematical/logical intelligences
multiple intelligences
The different modalities learners use to create meaning and access new knowledge and skills
multiple intelligences
multiple intelligences
Many types of intelligences (verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist)
multiple intelligences
defined by Howard Gardner as intelligence extending beyond that of verbal and computational to include the use of "special, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and personal intelligences" to solve problems or create products
multiple intelligences
theory formulated by Howard Gardner to describe the broad range of capabilities used by humans in solving problems and creating things and ideas
multiple intelligences
In this model it is presupposed that individuals in Western society are exposed to many different experiences, and that it is norm for an individual to develop different capabilities and mental strategies, expressed as multiple intelligences These are commonly listed as visual, spatial, linguistic, musical, physical, and numerical, and they cover a broader range of activity than that which is measured in IQ tests
multiple mononeuropathy
pathology of several individual nerve trunks
multiple myeloma
A cancer of plasma cells The plasma cell normally produces proteins called immunoglobulins or antibodies that destroy foreign bodies such as bacteria The antibodies recognize targets on foreign bodies known as antigens
multiple myeloma
A malignant proliferation of plasma cells in bone marrow causing numerous tumors and characterized by the presence of abnormal proteins in the blood
multiple myeloma
is cancer of the plasma cells of the bone marrow
multiple myeloma
myeloma that develops in several places at the same time
multiple myeloma
A malignant tumor of plasma cells usually arising in the bone marrow; characterized by diffuse involvement of the skeletal system, hyperglobulinemia, Bence-Jones proteinuria, and anemia
multiple myeloma
malignant neoplasm that originates in bone marrow, involves mainly the skeleton and is chiefly composed of plasma cells
multiple myeloma
A form of Bone cancer
multiple myeloma
(mye-eh-LO-ma): Cancer that arises in plasma cells, a type of white blood cell
multiple myeloma
cancer involving plasma cells of bone marrow
multiple neuritis
Inflammation of several nerves at one time, as in leprosy. Also called polyneuritis
multiple personality
(Psychology) split personality, condition in which a person divides into at least two separate and independent personalities
multiple personality
A highly disputed psychological disorder in which a person exhibits two or more disassociated personalities, each functioning as a distinct entity. Also called dissociative disorder. if someone has a multiple personality, they are mentally ill because they have two or more completely separate personalities that each behave differently
multiple personality disorder
or dissociative identity disorder Rare condition in which two or more independent and distinct personality systems develop in the same individual. Each personality may alternately inhabit the person's conscious awareness to the exclusion of the others, but one is usually dominant. The various personalities typically differ from one another in outlook, temperament, and body language and give themselves different first names. The condition is generally viewed as resulting from dissociative mental processes that is, the splitting off from conscious awareness and control of thoughts, feelings, memories, and other mental components in response to situations that are painful, disturbing, or somehow unacceptable to the person experiencing them. Treatment is aimed at integrating the disparate personalities back into a single and unified personality
multiple reasons
variety of reasons
multiple regression
An equation or analysis where two or more independent (predictor) variables affect the dependent variable
multiple regression
simple regression, finding a curved equation between several variables that fulfills the results of a sample in order to explain the result of the sample
multiple regression
Statistical technique used to measure the association between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables
multiple regression
A statistical method in which a linear (straight-line) relationship is estimated between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables
multiple regression
The estimated relationship between a dependent variable and more than one explanatory variable
multiple regression
Statistical technique used to compare the responses of a mailing with census demographics and list characteristics of mailing lists Used to direct mail to the best types of people or areas This technique can also be used to analyse customers, subscribers, etc
multiple regression
In multiple regression analysis, we are studying the relationship between one dependent variable and several independent variables (called predictors) The regression equation takes the form
multiple regression
Regression model that uses more than one independent variable to estimate the dependent variable
multiple regression
A technique in which a correlation is obtained between a number of variables and a criterion (Kline, 1995)
multiple regression
regression analysis for more than two variables
multiple regression
a statistical technique that predicts values of one variable on the basis of two or more other variables
multiple regression
Regression with two or more independent variables
multiple regression
A mathematical technique used in estimating the amount of value for a subject property based on known variables and prices for comparable properties
multiple regression
a procedure for determining the relationship between a criterion variable and several predictor variables
multiple sclerosis
A progressive autoimmune disease in which the body attacks it's own central nervous system, gradually destroying the white fatty substance that surrounds nerve fibers, thereby damaging sites in the brain and spinal cord
multiple sclerosis
a disease of the central nervous system that is an unpredictable condition that can be relatively benign, disabling, or devastating, leaving the patient unable to speak, walk, or write
multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (literally, "many scars") is a disease of the central nervous system The demyelination of the myelin sheath which coats the nerves impedes the transmission of signals from the brain Most people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis will experience relapses in which the number of symptoms is increased The main patterns which Multiple Sclerosis takes are: relapsing/remitting; chronic progressive; secondary progressive; and benign For further details see What is Multiple Sclerosis?
multiple sclerosis
(MS) The National Sclerosis Society says of MS that it is "a disease that randomly attacks your central nervous system, wearing away the control you have over your body Symptoms may range from numbness to paralysis and blindness The progress, severity and specific symptoms cannot be foreseen
multiple sclerosis
disease of the nervous system, MS (Medicine)
multiple sclerosis
A chronic and often disabling disease of the central nervous system, characterized by the progressive destruction of the white matter in the nervous system the myelin sheath that protects the nerves and allows for uninterrupted transmission of nerve impulses
multiple sclerosis
disease of the brain and spinal cord caused by an unknown agent that gradually destroys the myelin covering, or sheath, of nerve fibers, resulting in a temporary interruption or disordered transmission of nerve impulses, particularly in pathways concerned with vision, sensation, and the use of limbs; disruption of impulse transmission may cause mild to moderate symptoms (numbness in the limbs to complete and permanent paralysis); onset generally occurs between ages 20 and 40, with symptoms appearing at irregular intervals for years
multiple sclerosis
A disease of unknown etiology Typically, symptoms include weakness, incoordination paresthesias, speech disturbances, and visual complaints
multiple sclerosis
This is the most common neurological disease affecting young adults The cause of MS is unknown, and there is no cure The symptoms of this disease, and their severity, vary greatly from one individual to another They can include slurred speech, paralysis, uncontrollable eye movement, loss of balance, lack of coordination, and extreme fatigue A person can suffer a series of attacks, followed by partial or complete recovery Alternately, MS can follow a slow, progressive course with few or no periods of recovery In some cases, the frustration of not knowing how one may be able to function from one day to the next can be aggravating enough to affect the individual's moods; however, MS is not a mental illness
multiple sclerosis
A neurodegenerative disease that damages myelin, the insulation that controls the movement of electrical signals along axons MS patients show a variety of symptoms (such as loss of coordination, slurred speech, and dizziness), depending on where in the central nervous system the degeneration occurs
multiple sclerosis
n Serious progressive disease of the central nervous system occurring mainly in young adults and thought to be caused by a malfunction of the immune system It leads to the loss of myelin in the brain or spinal cord and causes muscle weakness, poor eyesight, slow speech, and some inability to move Learn more about multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis
A disease in which there are foci of demyelination of various sizes throughout the white matter of the central nervous system, sometimes extending into the gray matter Typically, the symptoms of lesions of the white matter are weakness, incoordination, paresthesias, speech disturbances, and visual complaints The course of the disease is usually prolonged, so that the term multiple also refers to remissions and relapses that occur over a period of many years The etiology is unknown (Dorland, 28th ed)
multiple sclerosis
a disorder of the central nervous system involving decreased nerve function associated with the formation of scars on the covering of the nerve cells
multiple sclerosis
-a chronic disease in which there is loss of myelin (the covering of a nerve) in the central nervous system; it is characterized by speech defects and loss of muscular coordination
multiple sclerosis
A degenerative disease
multiple sclerosis
A progressive disease of the central nervous system, characterized by lack of coordination and speech difficulties 257A progressive disease of the central nervous system, characterized by lack of coordination and speech difficulties 257
multiple sclerosis
MS Chronic degenerative disease of the CNS in which a gradual destruction of myelin occurs in patches throughout the brain and/or spinal cord The plaques of sclerosis interfere with nerve pathways causing muscular weakness, loss of coordination, loss of speech, diplopia, nystagmus, dysarthria, paresthesias, mood alterations, etc Caused by a defect in the immune system that may be genetic or viral in origin
multiple sclerosis
An autoimmune disorder, which results in the demyelinization of nerves In MS, the myelin shealth that allows for efficient transmission of nerve impulses is damaged, resulting in progressive neurological symptoms such as, numbness, tingling, loss of control of certain bodily functions, and paralysis
multiple sclerosis
A slowly progressive central nervous system disease characterized by disseminated patches of demyelination in the brain and spinal cord
multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a serious disease of the nervous system, which gradually makes a person weaker, and sometimes affects their sight or speech. The abbreviation MS is also used. A chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system in which gradual destruction of myelin occurs in patches throughout the brain or spinal cord or both, interfering with the nerve pathways and causing muscular weakness, loss of coordination, and speech and visual disturbances. MS a serious illness that gradually destroys your nerves, making you weak and unable to walk. Disease of the brain and spinal cord in which gradual, patchy destruction of the myelin sheath of nerve fibres causes interruption or disordered transmission of nerve impulses. Its early symptoms may include limb weakness or trembling, visual problems, sensory disturbances, unsteady walking, and defective bladder control, which come and go irregularly. Attacks grow more severe, and some symptoms become permanent, sometimes with eventual complete paralysis. Average survival from onset is about 25 years, but a rare acute form progresses over months. The cause remains uncertain and treatment unsatisfactory. Corticosteroids may ease symptoms. MS may be due to a delayed immune response that attacks the myelin sheaths; suggested causes include various common viruses. Dietary causes have also been suggested
multiple sclerosis
a disease of unknown origin (though to be caused in part by a dysfunction of the immune system) that affects the central nervous system and results in the progressive loss of certain body functions and physical abilities
multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis
Chronic central nervous system disorder in which there is loss of the protective myelin sheath surrounding nerve tissue Effects on the eye include optic nerve inflammation with reduced vision, double vision and involuntary eye oscillations See Free Eye Tests
multiple sclerosis
As evidenced by the unequivocal diagnosis of MS confirmed by modern investigative techniques The MS must be characterized by at least two episodes of well-defined neurological abnormalities lasting for a continuous period of at least six months (180 days)
multiple sclerosis
A chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system in which gradual destruction of myelin occurs in patches throughout the brain or spinal cord (or both), interfering with the nerve pathways and causing muscular weakness, loss of coordination and speech and visual disturbances It occurs chiefly in young adults and is thought to be a defect in the immune system that may be of genetic or viral origin
multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (meaning many scars) is a disease that affects the brain and the spinal cord The brain sends messages through the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body to tell the body what to do When a person has MS, the covering (myelin) that protects the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord is scarred so that the message cannot always get through Symptoms of MS vary greatly depending upon where the sclerosed patches are formed in the central nervous system, and might include eye trouble, speech problems, partial or complete paralysis of any part of the body, tingling sensation, poor coordination, unusual fatigue, and loss of bladder and bowel control (National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 205 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017 (212) 986-3240)
multiple sclerosis
a chronic progressive nervous disorder involving loss of myelin sheath around certain nerve fibers
multiple selection
selection of several items at once
multiple star
A group of three or more stars, usually with a common gravitational center, that appear as one to the unaided eye
multiple star
a system of three or more stars associated by gravity
multiple store
A chain store. a chain store
multiple units of measure
(Ticaret) The use of more than one unit of measure for a given item for orders and transactions. A given item may be internally stocked in units but entered on customer orders in cases, packs or some other measure. Conversion tables translate all requirements into a base measure for planning, scheduling and inventory valuation
multiple use
According to the Multiple Use and Sustained Yield Act of 1960 (P L 86-517, June 12, 1960), as amended, multiple use of the national forests means the "harmonious and coordinated management of the various resources, each with the other, without impairment of the productivity of the land, with consideration being given to the relative values of the various resources, and not necessarily the combination of uses that will give the greatest dollar return or the greatest unit output " Multiple use implies a sustained yield of outdoor recreation, range, timber, watershed, and wildlife and fish values
multiple use
Many uses that occur simultaneously; used in forest management; limited to mutually compatible uses
multiple use
The management of land or forest for more than one purpose, such as wood production, water quality, wildlife, recreation, aesthetics, or clean air
multiple use
A system of resource use where the resources in a given land unit serve more than one user Multiple use can be effected in three ways: different uses of adjacent sub-areas which together form a composite multiple use area; the alternation in time of different uses on the same areas; and more than one use of an area at one time In multiple use planning, where differing resource uses are conducted at the same time on the same area and conflicts between users will occur, one resource is determined to be the dominant use and all other secondary uses are integrated only in-so-far as they are compatible with the first Often multiple use planning sacrifices the production of the individual resources in favor of the over-all mix of resource uses that brings the greatest social and economic benefits
multiple use
a system of resource use where the resources in a given land unit serve more than one user (2)
multiple use
Use of land for more than one purpose; i e , grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber production Also applies to use of bodies of water for recreational purposes, fishing, and water supply
multiple use
Land management for more than one purpose, such as wood production, water, wildlife, recreation, forage and aesthetics -O- Overstocked -- Forest or stand condition where more trees are present than at normal or full stocking
multiple use
Use of land for more than one purpose; e g , grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber production Also applies to use of bodies of water for recreational purposes, fishing, and water supply
multiple use
Concept of managing public land so that it is used for a variety of purposes For example, the resources of a National Park can be used for logging, mining, recreation, grazing, wildlife preservation, and soil and water conservation See also sustainable yield
multiple use
Treating and managing a single area for two or more complementary or compatible uses occurring concurrently or consecutively Examples: (a) land used for wood and wildlife production; (b) water areas used for flood control, recreation, and wildlife production; (c) land used for livestock grazing, wildlife habitat, and wood production
multiple use
Use of land for more than one purpose; i e , grazing of livestock, wildlife production recreation, watershed, and timber production Could also apply to use of bodies of water for recreational purposes, fishing, and water supply
multiple voting
voting in more than one place by the same person at the same election illegal in U
offering several alternative answers from which the correct one is to be chosen; or consisting of such questions; "multiple-choice questions"; "a multiple-choice test
common multiple
A number which is the result of multiplying two or more whole numbers together
To perform multiplication
To grow in number
To perform multiplication on (a number)
{v} to increase or grow in number
Frequency Division Multiple Access
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Frequency Division Multiple Access or FDMA is an access technology that is used by radio systems to share the radio spectrum. The terminology “multiple access” implies the sharing of the resource amongst users, and the “frequency division” describes how the sharing is done: by allocating users with different carrier frequencies of the radio spectrum
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
(Eğitim) Multiple intelligences is educational theory put forth by psychologist Howard Gardner, which suggests that an array of different kinds of "intelligence" exists in human beings. Gardner suggests that each individual manifests varying levels of these different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique "cognitive profile." The theory was first laid out in Gardner's 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and has been further refined in subsequent years
theory of multiple intelligences
Multiple intelligences is educational theory put forth by psychologist Howard Gardner, which suggests that an array of different kinds of "intelligence" exists in human beings. Gardner suggests that each individual manifests varying levels of these different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique "cognitive profile." The theory was first laid out in Gardner's 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and has been further refined in subsequent years
Code Division Multiple Access
(in Cellular Communication) use of a unique code for each user (allows transferal of all of the calls for subscribers of one cell on a very wide band without causing interference), CDMA
Time division Multiple Access
method of cellular communications which allows alternating transmission on one channel by dividing time into "slices" and giving one "slice" to every transmission, TDMA
common multiple
A quantity into which each of two or more quantities may be divided with zero remainder: The quantities 6, 12, and 24 are common multiples of 2 and 3
common multiple
an integer that is a multiple of two or more other integers
common multiple
number which can be divided by two or more numbers without leaving a remainder (Mathematics)
law of multiple proportions
(chemistry) law stating that when two elements can combine to form more than one compound the amounts of one of them that combines with a fixed amount of the other will exhibit a simple multiple relation
least common multiple
The smallest quantity that is divisible by two or more given quantities without a remainder: 12 is the least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, and
least common multiple
lowest common multiple, lowest multiple that is shared among a given set of numbers
least common multiple
Also called lowest common multiple
lowest common multiple
the smallest multiple that is exactly divisible by every member of a set of numbers; "the least common multiple of 12 and 18 is 36
multiple sclerosis
(see also Number Up) Placing more than 1 image of the same product onto a single form
The valuation of your company expressed in terms of some multiple of financial performance (such as revenues, net income or EBITDA; very industry specific as to the multiple and as to the financial measurement used)
The product of multiplying a number by a whole number For example, multiples of 5 are 10, 15, 20, or any number that can be evenly divided by 5 (cf What are Multiples Discussion)
This refers to any art object that can be reproduced in quantity from a single original matrix Prints were the first multiples, but many sculptures and pottery are now classed as multiples
plural of multiple
Repeated groups of the same amount Multiples of a number of the product of that number and another number
Another name for price/earnings ratios
In many or multiple ways
combine or increase by multiplication; "He managed to multiply his profits"
When animals and insects multiply, they increase in number by giving birth to large numbers of young. These creatures can multiply quickly
To increase in extent and influence; to spread
combine or increase by multiplication; "He managed to multiply his profits" combine by multiplication; "multiply 10 by 15" in several ways; in a multiple manner; "they were multiply checked for errors
To breed or propagate
To increase the amount, degree or number of (something)
Looks at the color information in each channel and multiplies the base color by the blend color The result color is always a darker color Multiplying any color with black produces black Multiplying any color with white leaves the color unchanged When you're painting with a color other than black or white, successive strokes with a painting tool produce progressively darker colors The effect is similar to drawing on the image with multiple magic markers
The image on the left illustrates a normal layer mode and the image on the right shows the same two layers in multiply mode
to do multiplication -- "Multiply twelve by two " (26)
To increase (the amount of gold or silver) by the arts of alchemy
To become greater in number; to become numerous
See the Note under Multiplication
When something multiplies or when you multiply it, it increases greatly in number or amount. Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Her husband multiplied his demands on her time
Turkish - English

Definition of multiple in Turkish English dictionary

multiple skleroz
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) multiple sclerosis