
listen to the pronunciation of msa
English - English
Mobile Service Architecture
Motorway Service Area
Modern Standard Arabic (Fus-ha)
Michigan Statutes Annotated
(See Metropolitan Statistical Area)
Metropolitan Statistical Area (as defined by the U S Census Bureau)
1 Michigan Student Assembly
MSAs are similar to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and also similar to the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by some employers An MSA is a tax-advantaged personal savings account established to reimburse qualified medical expenses, including health plan deductibles and co-payment s as well as some services not typically covered by health plans MSA’s are part of HR3101, the Kassebaum/Kennedy Act and are a pilot project offered between the years 1997 and 2000
A medical savings account, enacted with the 1996 Act and available only to 750,000 individuals who participate in high deductible medical plans thus permitting them to shelter pre-tax dollars for unreimbursed medical insurance premiums
A tax-advantaged personal savings account used in conjunction with a high deductible health policy Individuals can contribute money to this account on a pre-tax basis to set aside money for qualified medical care and expenses, including annual deductibles and copayments
Metropolitan Statistical Area As defined by the U S Office of Management and Budget, an MSA is a county or group of counties that includes either a city of at least 50,000 residents, or an urban area with at least 50,000 residents, or an urban area with at least 50,000 people that is itself part of a county/counties with at least 100,000 residents
An area defined by the US government for use in grouping census data and other statistics MSAs include a city of at least 50,000 people or urbanized area of at least 100,000 people and the counties that include these areas Not all areas of the US are in an MSA The FCC used these area definitions to license cellular telephone service carriers There are 306 regions of the US designated as MSAs
Middle Stone Age
An otherworld containing all desirable things Elsewhere Sawi (Kom), Mse (Funggom), Wumsa' (Nso')
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Middle States is one of six similar regional accrediting associations which together serve the entire U S Membership is open to public and non-public schools and colleges The other five are New England, North Central, Northwest, Southern, and Western Association of Colleges and Schools Link to MSA Home Page
Metropolitan Service Area A cellular coverage, defined by the FCC, which resides in a densely populated area There are 306 MSAs in the United States, all of which now have cellular service
Metropolitan Statistical Area Denotes an area associated with an urban area MSA determinations are made by the Census Bureau based on population and interaction Nonurban areas included in an MSA are marked by a high rate of commuting and interaction MSA boundaries are particularly important in determining maximum allowable rents for Tax Credit development (see PMSA)
Medical savings account
Metropolitan Statistical Area: An MSA demotes one of the 306 largest urban population markets as designated by the U S government Two wireless operators are licensed in each MSA (Back to top )
Metropolitan Statistical Area (formerly Standard Metro Statistical Area)
merchant service agreement - to do real time e-commerce online you will need a an MSA with a bank or credit card company
Metropolitan Service Area A cellular coverage, defined by the FCC, which resides in a densely populated area here are 306 MSAs in the United States, all of which now have cellular service
An area defined by the US government for use in grouping census data and other statistics MSAs include a city of at least 50,000 people or an urbanized area of at least 100,000 people and the counties that include these areas Not all areas of the US are in an MSA The FCC used these area definitions to license cellular telephone service carriers There are 306 regions of the US designated as MSAs
An MSA demotes one of the 306 largest urban population markets as designated by the U S government Two wireless operators are licensed in each MSA
Metropolitan Statistical Area
GW's current financial application software provider
The FCC divided the United States into MSA markets and Rural Service Area (RSA) markets There are 306 MSAs in the United States, all of which now have cellular service
A tax-advantaged personal savings account used in conjunction with a high deductible health insurance policy Individuals may contribute the equivalent of the annual deductible into this tax-deferred savings account These moneys are set aside for qualified medical care expenses
Metropolitan Statistical Area The 30 U S urban areas (markets) as defined by the FCC, using SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) data All are licensed for two cellular operators, and almost all have both operators on the area MSA's comprise 76% of the U S population, but only 22% of its land surface area