moves the ink composition across and through the screen mesh

listen to the pronunciation of moves the ink composition across and through the screen mesh
English - English
moves the ink composition across and through the screen mesh


    moves the ink com·po·si·tion a·cross and through the screen mesh

    Turkish pronunciation

    muvz dhi îngk kämpızîşın ıkrôs ınd thru dhi skrin meş


    /ˈmo͞ovz ᴛʜē ˈəɴɢk ˌkämpəˈzəsʜən əˈkrôs ənd ˈᴛʜro͞o ᴛʜē ˈskrēn ˈmesʜ/ /ˈmuːvz ðiː ˈɪŋk ˌkɑːmpəˈzɪʃən əˈkrɔːs ənd ˈθruː ðiː ˈskriːn ˈmɛʃ/