Mouthfeel is a product’s physical and chemical interaction in the mouth. It is a concept used in many areas related to the testing and evaluating of foodstuffs, such as wine-tasting and rheology. It is evaluated from initial perception on the palate, to first bite, through mastication to swallowing. In wine-tasting, for example, mouthfeel is usually used with a modifier (big, sweet, tannic, chewy, etc.) to the general sensation of the wine in the mouth
The in-mouth impressions of wine when wine tasting, especially the tactile sensations such as "heat" from high alcohol content or "heaviness" or body due to the viscosity from high alcohol and residual sugar in the wine
A sensory way of evaluating the body of a beer Mouthfeel is the viscous feeling in the mouth that provides a measure of the texture of beer, ranging from thick to thin