Posta hizmetleri devlet tekelindedir. - Postal services are a government monopoly.
Toplantıda o, tartışmayı tekeline aldı ve davayı tamamen bozdu. - At the meeting he monopolized the discussion and completely disrupted the proceeding.
If something or someone monopolizes you, they demand a lot of your time and attention, so that there is very little time left for anything or anyone else. He would monopolize her totally, to the exclusion of her brothers and sisters
mo·nopo·lize monopolizes monopolizing monopolized in BRIT, also use monopolise1. If you say that someone monopolizes something, you mean that they have a very large share of it and prevent other people from having a share. They are controlling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market Johnson, as usual, monopolized the conversation. + monopolization mo·nopo·li·za·tion the monopolization of a market by a single supplier
To acquire a monopoly of; to have or get the exclusive privilege or means of dealing in, or the exclusive possession of; to engross the whole of; as, to monopolize the coffee trade; to monopolize land