mixing up

listen to the pronunciation of mixing up
English - Turkish

Definition of mixing up in English Turkish dictionary

mix up
kafasını karıştırmak
mix up
düzenini bozmak
mix up

Kuyrukluyıldız ve asteroitleri karıştırmayın. - Don't mix up comets and asteroids.

mix up
mix up
karmakarışık etmek
mix up
(deyim) mix someone/sth. up zihni karistirmak,yuzune gozune bulastirmak. a mix-up karisiklik. mix someone up in sth. karistirmak,sokmak (birini bir ise karistirmak.)
mix up
karman çorman etmek
mix up
(Fiili Deyim ) karışmak , karıştırmak
mix up
mix up
English - English

Definition of mixing up in English English dictionary

mix up
To confuse or reverse

I always mix up Vermont and New Hampshire on a map.

mix up
A confusion or reversal

I refuse to send them any more money until they fix this mix-up.

mix up
A mix, blend, or variety

Next time, let's ask a group with a different mix-up.

mix up
To mix or blend

If you want to mix up some batter, we can make pancakes.

mix up
If you mix up two things or people, you confuse them, so that you think that one of them is the other one. People often mix me up with other actors Depressed people may mix up their words Any time you told one of them something, they'd swear you'd mixed them up and told the other
mix up
If you mix up a number of things, you put things of different kinds together or place things so that they are not in order. I like to mix up designer clothes Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into office, industrial and residential zones, but mix the three up together This is music from a different era. I've taken those sounds from childhood and mixed them up with other things. see also mixed up, mix-up
mix up
cause to be perplexed or confounded; "This problem stumped her"
mix up
assemble without order or sense; "She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence"
mix up
confusion, mess; confuse, mess up; combine, mix together
mixing up


    mix·ing up

    Turkish pronunciation

    mîksîng ʌp


    /ˈməksəɴɢ ˈəp/ /ˈmɪksɪŋ ˈʌp/