
listen to the pronunciation of mission
English - Turkish

Eğer senin düzenli desteğin olmasa, benim misyonum başarısızlıkla sonuçlanırdı. - But for your steady support, my mission would have resulted in failure.

Tom misyonu tamamladı. - Tom completed the mission.

{i} heyet

Hükümet ordunun Okinawa'ya bir afet yardımı heyeti göndermesini istedi. - The government asked the army to send a disaster relief mission to Okinawa.

Kabine ordudan Okinawa'ya bir afet yardımı heyeti göndermesini istedi. - The cabinet asked the army to send a disaster relief mission to Okinawa.

{i} görev

Tom görevin amacının ne olduğunu anlayamadı. - Tom couldn't understand what the purpose of the mission was.

Tom görevin durdurulmasından yanaydı. - Tom was in favor of aborting the mission.


Yapacak bir işim var. - I have a mission to accomplish.

Tom görevini terk etti ve işinden ayrıldı. - Tom abandoned the mission and quit his job.

{i} elçilik
{i} vazife

1859'dan itibaren, Amerika'dan Protestan misyonerler gelmeye başladı ve Katolik ve de Rus Ortodoks kiliseleri de misyonerlik çalışmalarına aktif olarak dahil oldular. - From 1859, Protestant missionaries from America started to arrive, and the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches also became actively involved in missionary work.

Kendini Afrika'da ki misyon çalışmasına adadı. - She devoted herself to mission work in Africa.

(Denizbilim) özgörev
(Askeri) uçuş

NASA Galileo'nunkine benzeyen jeneratörler taşıyan 22 uzay uçuşunun üçünün kazayla sonuçlandığını söylüyor. - NASA says three of 22 space missions that carried generators similar to Galileo's ended in accidents.

alan çalışması
(Askeri) kullanım alanı
misyonerler kurulu
özel görev

Bu çok gizli bir özel görevdir. - This is a top secret mission.

(Askeri) GÖREV: Genel kullanımında, özellikle küçük askeri birliklerde kullanıldığı zaman, bir şahsa veya birliğe verilmiş vazife; özel bir görev
{i} ideal
{i} pol. misyon
memuriyet veya vazife ile bir yere gönderilen kimseler
{i} ask. uçuş
misyoner heyeti
{i} amaç
(Askeri) (NATO) GÖREV: Komutanlığın görevinin ve bu görevin amacının açık ve kesin olarak belirtilmesi
misyonerlerin faaliyet sahası
kilisede yapılan özel toplantı veya vaiz serisi

Misyon başkalarına hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir. - The mission remains to serve others.


NASA'nın Juno misyonunun temel hedefi Jüpiterin kökeni ve evrimini anlamaktır. - The principal goal of NASA's Juno mission is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter.

(Politika, Siyaset) görev tanımı
mission of fire
(Askeri) cephane payı
mission completed
görev tamamlandıişlem tamamlandı, bitti
mission critical
mission impossible
mission aborted
(Bilgisayar) görev iptal
mission capability
(Askeri) görev imkan ve kabiliyeti
mission capable/mission capability
(Askeri) görev yapabilir / görev imkan ve kabiliyeti
mission definition phase
(Telekom) misyon tanımı aşaması
mission disaster response officer
(Askeri) felaket görevi sorumlu subayı
mission essential backup
(Askeri) görev esas yedeği
mission item
(Askeri) göreve ait malzeme
mission item
(Askeri) görev malzemesi
mission item
(Askeri) GÖREV MALZEMESİ, GÖREVE AİT MALZEME: Bir depo tarafından stok yapılmasına yetki verilmiş ve bunun için stok seviyesi tesis edilmiş olan madde
mission list
(Askeri) görev şeması
mission load allowance
(Askeri) görev yük istihkakı
mission need document
(Askeri) görev ihtiyaç dokümanı
mission need statement
görev ihtiyacı beyanı
mission of fire
(Askeri) CEPHANE PAYI: Bir görev uçuşunda, bir hava filosunun görevi icabı almak mecburiyetinde olduğu azami cephane yükü. Bunu; ateş görevi anlamına gelen (fire mission) terimi ile karıştırmamalıdır
mission oriented items
(Askeri) GÖREVE GÖRE AYARLANMIŞ MADDELER: İhtiyaç hesapları; bilinen veya tahmin edilen tahrip hedefi toplamı ile ifade edilmiş düşman imkan ve kabiliyetlerinin kıymetlendirilmesine dayanan maddeler. Ayrıca bakınız: "combination mission/ level of effort-oriented items; level-of-effortoriented items"
mission profile
mission related training
(Askeri) göreve yönelik eğitim
mission report
(Askeri) görev raporu
mission report
(Askeri) GÖREV RAPORU: Uçuş yolu boyunca görülen önemli hususları ve görevin sonuçlarını içeren bir standart rapor
mission request report
(Askeri) görev istek raporu
mission requirements document
(Telekom) görev isterleri
mission review report
(Askeri) (PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION) GÖREV TETKİK RAPORU (FOTOĞRAF GÖSTERİMİ): Bir fotoğraf uçuşunda çekilen ve tüm hedefler hakkındaki bilgileri içeren bir istihbarat raporu. Bak. "general report" ve "second phase report"
mission review report
(Askeri) görev tetkik raporu
mission specific data set
(Askeri) göreve özel veri dizisi
mission specific protection
(Askeri) göreve has korunma
mission statement
mission support element; mobile subscriber equipment
(Askeri) görev destek unsuru; seyyar abone teçhizatı
mission support kit
(Askeri) görev destek kiti
mission support plan
(Askeri) görev destek planı
mission tasking
(Askeri) vazife görevlendirmesi
mission tasking letter
(Askeri) vazife görevlendirme yazısı
mission tasking packet
(Askeri) vazife görevlendirme paketi
mission tile
osmanlı kiremidi
mission tile
alaturka kiremit
mission to muslims
müslümanlara misyonerlik
mission type order
(Askeri) GÖREV TİPİ EMİR: 1. Ast bir birliğe gönderilen ve üst karargaha verilmiş topyekün vazifenin yapılışını içine alan emir tipi. 2. Bir birliğe, nasıl yerine getirileceği belirtilmeden, bir görevi yapması için verilen emir
mission type order
(Askeri) görev tipi emir
mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops available and civilian
(Askeri) vazife, düşman, birlik, arazi ve hava durumu, sivil varlık üstüne değerlendirmeler
military mission
askeri görev
military mission
(Askeri) ASKERİ HEYET: Bir hükümetin, diplomatik maksatlar haricinde, sırf askerlik ilminin bazı safhalarını incelemek veya öğretmek maksadıyla, yabancı bir memlekete gönderildiği askeri personel grubu
military mission
askeri heyet
military training mission
(Askeri) ASKERİ EĞİTİM HEYETİ: Bir hükümetin, yabancı bir memlekete, askeri işlerde yardım ve tavsiyelerde bulunmak maksadıyla göndermeye muvafakat ettiği bir askeri personel grubu. Bu heyet, askeri heyetlerin (military missions) bir nevidir
mine neutralization system (USN); mission needs statement
(Askeri) mayın imha sistemi (Birleşik Devletler Deniz Kuvvetleri (USN)); görev ihtiyaç beyannamesi
read mission
(Askeri) MÜKERRER KABUL: Bir hastanın, aynı hastalıktan ikinci defa şikayeti üzerine, tekrar hastaneye kabul edilmesi
glider borne mission
(Askeri) planörle indirme görevi
mission statement
(Politika, Siyaset) misyon bildirisi
mission statement
(Bilgisayar) görev belirtici cümle
primary mission
(Askeri) esas vazife
reconnaissance mission
(Askeri) keşif görevi
reinforcing mission
(Askeri) takviye görevi
universal mission load
(Askeri) genel görev yükü
combat mission
savaş görevi
cultural mission
kültür heyeti
multi mission
çok işlevli
search mission
araştırma görevi
be on a mission
Görevde olmak
campaign mission command
sefer görev emri
diplomatic mission
Diplomatik misyon
manned mission
insanlı görev
search and rescue mission
arama ve kurtarma görevi
space mission
(Teknoloji) Uzay uçuşu
suicide mission
intihar misyonu
Air Force Mission Directive
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri Görev Direktifi
Graphics Fleet Mission Program Library
(Askeri) Grafik Donanma Görev Programı Kütüphanesi
Marine expeditionary force (MEF) weather support team; mission support team
(Askeri) Deniz seferi kuvveti (MEF) meteoroloji destek timi; görev destek timi
Medicins Sans Frontieres ("Doctors Without Borders"); mission support force; mul
(Askeri) Sınır Tanımayan Doktorlar; görev destek kuvveti; çoklu muhabere formatı
Message Dissemination Subsystem; mission design series
(Askeri) Mesaj Yayınlama Tali Sistemi; görev tasarım serisi
National Military Command System; not mission capable, supply
(Askeri) Milli Askeri Komuta Sistemi; görev yapamaz, ikmal
United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda
(Askeri) Rwanda BM Yardım Görevi
United Nations Mission in Haiti
(Askeri) BM Haiti Görevi
United States Mission to the United Nations
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler BM Görevi
United States military training mission
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler askeri eğitim görevi
a person or group that is oppsed to an Army force mission but is not engaging Ar
(Askeri) karşıt düşman, rakip
abortive mission
(Askeri) YARIM KALMIŞ GÖREV: Bak. "abort"
air alert mission
(Askeri) TAKTİK HAVA KONTROL GÖREVİ; HAVADA ALARM GÖREVİ: Yerdeki kuvvetlerin ani hava isteğini karşılamak üzere, muharebe sahası üzerinde havada uçuş halinde bulunan tayyareler
air mission
(Askeri) HAVA GÖREVİ: Bak. "mission"
air mission intelligence report
(Askeri) HAVA GÖREVİ İSTİHBARAT RAPORU: Görevin tam bir istihbarat bilançosunu da içine alan bir hava görevinin sonuçlarını belirten ayrıntılı bir rapor
air mission request status tasking
(Askeri) hava görev talebi durum
airborne mission commander; Air Mobility Command; Army Materiel Command
(Askeri) Hava indirme görev komutanı; Hava Hareket Komutanlığı; Kara Kuvvetleri Malzeme Komutanlığı
aircraft mission equipment
(Askeri) UÇAK GÖREV TEÇHİZATI: Belirli bir görevi başarabilmesi için uçağa yerleştirilmesi gereken teçhizat
airlift mission schedule
(Askeri) hava nakliye görev programı
armored scout mission; automated scheduling message
(Askeri) zırhlı keşif görevi; otomatik programlama çağrısı
call mission
(Askeri) ANİ DESTEK GÖREVİ: Arzu edilen icra zamanından önce ayrıntılı planlamaya ve pilotlara uçuşa geçmeden önce görev açıklaması (briefing) yapılmasına imkan bırakmayacak kadar ani istenmiş bir çeşit hava destek görevi. Bu tip görev için programlanmış uçaklar önceden tespit edilmiş silahlarla teçhiz edilmiş olarak, havada, yerde veya uçak gemisinde alarm durumunda bulunurlar
chief of mission; collection operations management; commander
(Askeri) görev şefi; toplama harekatları yönetimi; komutan
close support mission
(Askeri) YAKIN DESTEK GÖREVİ: Esas maksadı; dost kara kuvvetlerine, o andaki görevlerinin ifasında yakın destek sağlamak ve bunlarla temas halindeki düşman kuvvetlerinin görevlerinin yerine getirmelerini önlemek olan bir görev. Kara, deniz ve hava faaliyetlerinin, görevden önce ve görevin yapılması sırasında, sıkı koordinasyonuna ihtiyaç vardır. Koordinasyon; yerden havaya ve havadan havaya kontrolları ve bomba emniyeti, yalama hücumu, ateş yasağı hat veya kesimlerinin, görevden önce kesin şekilde tespitini içine alabilir. Yakın destek görevlerinde mevcut bütün ateş destek görevlerinden faydalanılabilir
combat mission
combat mission
(Askeri) muharebe görevi
contact mission
(Askeri) DEVAMLI GÖZETLEME UÇUŞU: Herhangi bir bölgeyi, düşman kuvvetlerini veya düşman faaliyetlerini, sistemli bir surette gözetleme görevi almış bir uçak ile yapılan uçuş
daily mission of fire
(Askeri) günlük cephane payı
daily mission request message
(Askeri) günlük vazife istek mesajı
data channel multiplexer; deputy chief of mission
(Askeri) veri kanalı çoklayıcısı; görev başkan yardımcısı
destructive fire mission
(Askeri) İMHA ATEŞ GÖREVİ: Topçu atışlarında bir nokta hedefine imha için açılan ateş
direct action mission
(Askeri) DOĞRUDAN EYLEM GÖREVİ: Özel harekatta, düşman veya esirgenmiş bölgelerdeki başlıca destekleyici güçlerin özel harekat kuvvetlerince kötü görüş şartları, gizli, açık ve kapalı harekatla ilgili belirli bir görev
end of mission
(Askeri) GÖREV BİTTİ: Kara ve Deniz topçusunun desteğinde, belirli bir hedefe yapılan ateşin son bulduğunu belirten emir
fact finding mission
(Askeri) keşif heyeti
fact finding mission
(Askeri) keşif grubu
fire mission
(Askeri) ATIŞ GÖREVİ: Gözetleyiciden ateş idare merkezini veya ateş idare merkezlerinden bataryaları ikaz için yapılan bir ihbar
forward recovery mission profile
(Askeri) İLERİ KURTARMA UÇUŞ GÖREVİ PROFİLİ: İleri tarafsız/dost havaalanı veya iniş yerindeki bir uçağın kurtarılması ile ilgili uçuş görevi profili
fully mission capable
(Askeri) tam olarak göreve hazır
fully mission capable
(Askeri) tam görev yapabilir
glider borne mission
(Askeri) PLANÖRLE İNDİRME GÖREVİ: Personel ve malzemenin, planörle taşınması suretiyle yapılan herhangi bir hava görevi
head of mission
(Askeri) görev başkanı
high priority mission support kit
(Askeri) yüksek öncelikli görev destek kiti
home recovery mission profile
(Askeri) GERİ DÖNME GÖREV PROFİLİ: Bir uçağın tahsis edilmiş geçici veya asli harekat üssüne dönmesi ile ilgili görev profili
immediate mission request
(Askeri) Acil hava destek isteği
immediate mission request
(Askeri) ACELE GÖREV TALEBİ: Yapısı veya mahiyeti itibariyle detaylı görev koordinasyon ve planlamasına imkan verecek kadar önceden teşhis edilememiş bir hedefe hava taarruzu yapılması talebi. Bak. "preplanned mission request"
immediate mission request
(Askeri) (RECONNAISSANCE) ACELE GÖREV TALEBİ (KEŞİF): Yapısı veya mahiyeti itibariyle detaylı görev koordinasyon ve planlamasına imkan verecek kadar önceden teşhis edilememiş bir hedefte görev talebi
inception mission
ön çalışmalar
intruder mission
(Askeri) sızma harekatı
intruder mission
(Askeri) taciz harekatı
long range mission
(Askeri) UZUN VADELİ İSTİHBARAT: İleride kıymet kazanacağı tahmin edilen haberlerin vaktinden önce derlenmesi
main supply route; mission support request
(Askeri) ana ikmal rotası (Yolu); görev destek talebi
maritime patrol aircraft; mission and payload assessment; mission planning agent
(Askeri) deniz karakol/devriye uçağı; görev ve taşıma yükü değerlendirmesi; görev planlama etmeni
maximum calling area; military civic action; mission concept approval; movement
(Askeri) azami çağrı alanı; askeri sivil işlemler; görev konsepti onayı; intikal kontrol dairesi
message to observer; mission type order
(Askeri) gözetleyiciye haber; görev tür emri
not mission capable, maintenance
(Askeri) bakım görevi yapamaz
patrol mission
(Askeri) keşif kolu görevi
preplanned mission
preplanned mission request
(Askeri) (RECONNAISSANCE) ÖNCEDEN PLANLI VAZİFE TALEBİ (KEŞİF): Ayrıntılı görev koordinasyonu ve planlamasına izin vermek üzere önceden yeterli bir şekilde tahmin edilebilecek, saptanabilecek bir hedef üzerindeki görev veya manevranın desteklenmesi için yapılan talep
preplanned mission request
(Askeri) ÖNCEDEN PLANLI VAZİFE TALEBİ: Ayrıntılı görev koordinasyonu ve planlamasına imkan vermek üzere önceden yeterli bir şekilde tahmin edilebilecek, saptanabilecek bir hedef üzerene hava darbesinin, taarruzun yapılması istendiği talep
primary mission
(Askeri) ESAS VAZİFE, ESAS GÖREV: Bir birlik veya teşkilce elde edilmesi beklenen esas maksat veya gaye
primary mission aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas görev uçak envanteri
priority of immediate mission requests
(Askeri) ACİL GÖREV TALEPLERİNİN ÖNCELİĞİ: Bak. "emergency priority", "ordinary priority", "search and attack priority", "urgent priority". PRIORITY OF PREPLANNED MISSION REQUESTS
reconnaissance mission
(Askeri) KEŞİF GÖREVİ: Belirli bir sahanın keşfinde özellikle verilen bir görev. Örneğin; bir hedefin fotoğraflarını almak ve düşmanı gözetlemek için bir uçağın uçması bir keşif görevidir
reduced supply mission
reinforcing artillery mission
(Askeri) topçu takviye görevi
reinforcing artillery mission
(Askeri) TOPÇU TAKVİYE GÖREVİ: Bir topçu birliğinin, istek üzerine başka bir topçu birliğinin ateşini takviye etmesini gerektiren taktik görev. Bu görev takviye birliği için ana veya tali bir görev olabilir. Buna sadece "reinforcing mission" da denir
reinforcing mission
(Askeri) TAKVİYE GÖREVİ: Bak. "reinforcing artillery mission"
remote multiplexer combiner; rescue mission commander; Resource Management Commi
(Askeri) uzak çoklayıcı birleştiricisi; kurtarma görev komutanı; Kurtarma Yönetim Komitesi (CSIF); askeri kontrole girmiş
search and rescue (SAR) mission coordinator; system master catalog
(Askeri) arama ve kurtarma görevi koordinatörü; sistem mastır kataloğu
search and rescue (SAR) mission information officer
(Askeri) arama ve kurtarma görevi bilgi subayı
search and rescue mission coordinator
(Askeri) arama ve kurtarma görev koordinatörü
search and rescue mission coordinator
(Askeri) ARAMA VE KURTARMA GÖREVİ KOORDİNATÖRÜ: Belirli bir arama ve kurtarma görevini idare etmek üzere, arama ve kurtarma koordinatörü tarafından seçilmiş bir arama ve kurtarma koordinatörü
search mission
(Askeri) (AIR) ARAMA GÖREVİ: Bir veya birden fazla uçağın belirli bir bölgede olduğundan şüphelenilen cisim/cisimlerin yerini tespit için yapılan hava keşfi
security mission
(Askeri) EMNİYET GÖREVİ: Dost kuvvetleri, düşmanın gözetlemesine veya taarruzuna karşı korumak ve saklamak için yapılan iş ve görev
special assignment airlift mission
(Askeri) özel hava ulaştırma görevi
special electronic mission aircraft
(Askeri) özel elektronik görev hava aracı
special mission unit; supported activities supply system (SASSY) management unit
(Askeri) özel görev birliği; desteklenen faaliyetler ikmal sistemi yönetim birimi
special operations mission planning folder
(Askeri) özel harekat görev planlama dosyası
status of mission agreement
(Askeri) görev durumu anlaşması
strategic mission
(Askeri) STRATEJİK GÖREV: Düşmanın savaş gücünü ve iradesini tedrici olarak tahrip etmek ve parçalamak amacıyla seçilmiş bir seri hedeften biri veya birkaçı üzerine yöneltilmiş bir görev. Bu amaçla seçilmiş hedefler kilit önemdeki üretim sistemlerini, savaş malzeme kaynaklarını, kritik savaş malzemesini, yedek stokları, güç sistemlerini, ulaştırma sistemlerini, muhabere tesislerini ve bunlara benzer diğer hedefleri içine alır. Stratejik harekattan amaç taktik harekatın aksine, düşman ve düşman kuvvetleri üzerinde ani olmaktan çok uzun süreli bir etki yaratmaktır
suppression mission
(Askeri) baskı altında tutma görevi
suppression mission
(Askeri) BASTIRMA VAZİFESİ: Belirli bir zamanda veya belirli bir süre için mevcut veya olması muhtemel bir silah sisteminin hedeflerine ulaşmak için gerekli olan etkinlik seviyesinin altına düşürülmesi vazifesi
surface mission
(Askeri) SATIH HEDEFLERİ ATIŞ GÖREVİ: Hava savunma topçusunun kara ve deniz hedeflerine karşı atış görevi
trade mission
ticaret heyeti
trade mission
ticaret misyonu
type a mission logistical command
(Askeri) A TİPİ LOJİSTİK KOMUTANLIK: 9000 ile 15 000 kişilik muhtelif kuvvetlerden mürekkep bir teşkilata komuta eden lojistik komutanlık. Bu komutanlık, lüzumlu hizmet kuvvetleri ile teçhiz edildiği takdirde, ortalama 30.000 kişilik bir muharip kuvvete gerekli ordu ve menzil sahası desteği sağlar. Bak. "logistical command"
type b mission logistical command
(Askeri) B TİPİ LOJİSTİK KOMUTANLIK: 35.000 ile 60.000 kişilik muhtelif kuvvetlerden mürekkep bir teşkilata komuta eden lojistik komutanlık. Bu komutanlık lüzumlu hizmet kuvvetleri ile teçhiz edildiği takdirde, ortalama 100.000 kişilik bir muharip kuvvete gerekli ordu ve menzil sahası desteği sağlar. Bak. "logistical command"
type c mission logistical command
(Askeri) C TİPİ LOJİSTİK KOMUTANLIK: 75.000 ile 150.000 kişilik muhtelif kuvvetlerden mürekkep bir teşkilata komuta eden lojistik komutanlık. Bu komutanlık, lüzumlu hizmet kuvvetleri ile teçhiz edildiği takdirde, ortalama 400.000 kişilik bir muharip kuvvete gerekli menzil sahası desteği sağlar. Bak. "logistical command"
undertake a mission
misyon üstlenmek
universal mission load
(Askeri) GENEL GÖREV YÜKÜ: Genel görev yükü; muharebe için gerekli ıı nci ve ıv ncü sınıf malzeme görev yükünün, genellikle, görev tahsisleri önceden tespit edilmeyen birlikler için, teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosunda belirtilmiş destek kabiliyetine göre tahsis edilmiş kısmını teşkil eder. Bu yükte; standardizasyon özelliği sebebiyle özel şekilde desteklenen bir birliğe mahsus maddeler bulunmayabilir. mevcut maddeler, birlik, "özel birliklerin desteğinde konuşa geçmeden önce veya geçtikten sonra ayarlandığı zaman bu yük, görev yükü olur. Genel görev yükü; ABD anayurdu teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu destek tipi birliklerine ait yetki verilmiş depolama listesinin tamamlayıcı bir kısmıdır. Yetki verilmiş depolama listesinin, yürürlükteki yönetmeliklere göre tutulmasına devam edilir. Ayrıca bak "mission load"
English - English
collective term for third world charities, particularly those which preach as well as provide aid
To send to a mission
Religious evangelism
A purpose or duty. A task set by an employer, etc
an infrequent gathering of religious believers in a parish, usually part of a larger regional event with a central theme
{n} a sending, legation, commission
A stretching, guiding and reinforcing statement of intent and commitment (back to top)
An organization's stated purpose, which is designed to address a specified set of goals or problems Almost all federal research agencies are designated as mission agencies
A mission is a special journey made by a military aeroplane or space rocket. a bomber that crashed during a training mission in the west Texas mountains. the first shuttle mission
a group of representatives or delegates
A mission is the activities of a group of Christians who have been sent to a place to teach people about Christianity. They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Organized effort to spread the Christian faith. St. Paul evangelized much of Asia Minor and Greece, and the new religion spread rapidly along the trade routes of the Roman Empire. The advance of Christianity slowed with the disintegration of the Roman Empire after AD 500 and the growth of Arab power in the 7th-8th century, but Irish and Anglo-Saxon missionaries continued to spread the faith in western and northern Europe, while missionaries of the Greek church in Constantinople worked in eastern Europe and Russia. Missions to Islamic areas and Asia began in the medieval period, and when Spain, Portugal, and France established overseas empires in the 16th century, the Roman Catholic church sent missionaries to the Americas and the Philippines. A renewed wave of Roman Catholic missionary work in the 19th century focused on Africa and Asia. Protestant churches were slower to undertake foreign missions, but in the 19th and early 20th century there was a great upsurge in Protestant missionary activity. Missionary work continues today, though it is often discouraged by the governments of former European colonies that have won independence
{i} task, assignment; delegation; errand; religious delegation; building used by a religious delegation
Phillips' corporate mission is to provide superior financial returns for its shareholders
The purpose(s) for which an entity within state government exists As an example, the Department of Civil Service's mission is: "To provide human resource management services to create an effective state workforce "
A sponsor's stated purpose, which is designed to address a specified set of problems Almost all federal research agencies are designated as mission agencies
A course of extraordinary sermons and services at a particular place and time for the special purpose of quickening the faith and zeal participants, and of converting unbelievers
or mission statement [n] the guiding vision of an organization that describes its goals and purpose
A brief, clear statement of purpose; tells "why" the organization exists
A statement that explains the 'raison d'être' of an organisation It describes why the business or function exists It is quite distinct from the organisation's objectives, which will indicate how the mission is to be achieved and that achievement measured
A local Episcopal congregation that is not able to be financially self-supporting The congregation's rector is the diocesan bishop, and the bishop appoints a priest-in-charge as his/her representative The priest-in-charge of a mission is commonly referred to as a vicar When a mission is able to be self-supporting, it may apply for parish status and be admitted to the diocese as a parish
General statement of the purpose and nature of the organization (The reasons to be in business, why the organization exists)
an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters; "the planes were on a bombing mission"
a local Episcopal congregation that has not yet attained the status of a church with a full-time priest; also a church that has lost its church status and reverted to mission status St James' in Midway was a mission; when it became able to support a full-time priest, it became a church: St James' Episcopal Church Usually a mission does not have a full-time minister and does not have the full complement of daily or weekly services: Epiphany Mission in Sherwood
An assotiation or organization of missionaries; a station or residence of missionaries
A duty that involves fulfilling a request
the organized work of a religious missionary a special assignment that is given to a person or group; "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message"
Religious evangelism. See also: missionary
The ultimate purpose of the Agency's programs It is the unique contribution of USAID to our national interests There is one Agency mission
1 The responsibility of the component commander assigned by the ETO as the supported commander, who in coordination with supporting component commanders, will conduct operations to achieve the JFC's intent and desired effect 2 The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore The component commander assigns his tactical units joint tactical actions in coordination with the tactical units of the supporting component commanders
Dismission; discharge from service
Persons sent; any number of persons appointed to perform any service; a delegation; an embassy
The act of sending, or the state of being sent; a being sent or delegated by authority, with certain powers for transacting business; comission
A place where we were herded by the Government so that they and squatters/pastrolists/industry could take the land The other main type of mission are the Christian missions, where missionaries would convert 'heathen' Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and convert them to their ways From these missions (commonly known as "the mish") they could keep us un-educated, under control, under-fed and without human rights During the wars, many men joined from the missions so that they could for the first time in their lives, obtain a full wage, three good meals a day and see the world The direct equivalent of the North American 'reservation'
"To Care for the Land and Serve the People " As set forth in law, the mission is to achieve quality land management under the sustainable multiple-use management concept to meet the diverse needs of people
To send on a mission
If you say that you have a mission, you mean that you have a strong commitment and sense of duty to do or achieve something. He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil = vocation
a special assignment that is given to a person or group; "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message"
A heavy, dark-oak style with spare, rectangular lines popular in the early 20th century The style grew out of the English Arts and Crafts movement and was a reaction to the excesses of Victorian furniture
noun A specific description of the purpose of the organization
an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work
The main purpose for which an organization exists
a particular task or goal assigned to a person or a group; a statement issued by an organisation setting out their key tasks and aims (see also: Vision)
An organization's purpose
An organization for worship and work, dependent on one or more churches
A mission is an important task that people are given to do, especially one that involves travelling to another country. Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic mission to North America the most crucial stage of his latest peace mission
a concise, inspirational statement of purpose, including fundamental values and beliefs, that reflects the unique nature of an organization A mission statement is built from an understanding of an organization's products, services, customers, markets, values, and strengths
the organized work of a religious missionary
(Throughout the first fifty years of the BGEA's history, almost always referred to as "crusade ") A series of mass evangelism meetings and complementary events, featuring a BGEA evangelist, musicians, and special guests The focus of each meeting is an evangelistic message concluded by a challenge to make a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ The goal of the mission is to mobilize the Christian community to join with the evangelist in proclaiming the Christian Gospel, thus proclaiming Christ and strengthening local congregations
"To Care for the Land and Serve the People" As set forth in law, the mission is to achieve quality land management under the sustainable multiple-use management concept to meet the diverse needs of people
A mission is a group of people who have been sent to a foreign country to carry out an official task. a senior member of a diplomatic mission. = delegation
A sponsorºs stated purpose, which is designed to address a specified set of problems Almost all federal research agencies are designated as mission agencies
That with which a messenger or agent is charged; an errand; business or duty on which one is sent; a commission
Mission Hill
a neighborhood located in Boston, MA
Mission Indian
A Native American who lived in any one of the Catholic Missions of Alta California

Prior to the American conquest of California 1846-1848, some of the secularized Mission Indian families obtained formal Mexican land grants.

Mission Indian
A Native American who lived in one of the Catholic Missions in Southern California

What are to-day known as the Mission Indians are those Shoshonean and Yuman peoples who occupy the portion of southern California which lies between the principal mountain ranges and the sea.

Mission Indians
plural form of Mission Indian
mission impossible
An extremely difficult, if not impossible, task to achieve
mission kill
An attack or damage inflicted by a weapon that does not destroy a military vehicle but results in it taking no further part in its intended mission
mission mix
bulk stamps which include duplication accumulated by missions and charities, then sold to the collecting trade
mission mixture
bulk stamps which include duplication accumulated by missions and charities, then sold to the collecting trade
mission statement
a declaration of the overall goal or purpose of an organization
mission statements
plural form of mission statement
Mission style
or Spanish Mission style Style of the missions established by Spanish Franciscans in Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and especially California (1769-1823). Their portals were often handsomely ornate, but the overall impression is one of simple geometric volumes of white stucco complemented by sharply incised windows and simplified interior details. Mission style also commonly refers to a style largely created in the early 20th century by Gustav Stickley, who marketed a line of plain, heavy oak furnishings inspired by those of the Spanish missions, as well as a series of house designs to suit modest incomes
mission bells
herb of northwestern America having green-and-purple bell-shaped flowers herb of southwestern United States having dark purple bell-shaped flowers mottled with green
mission control
Mission control is the group of people on Earth who are in charge of a flight by a spacecraft, or the place where these people work. the people on earth who communicate with and guide a spacecraft
mission creep
a series of gradual changes in the aim of a group of people, with the result that they do something different from what they planned to do at the beginning
mission impossible
mission that is impossible to accomplish
mission impossible
an extremely dangerous or difficult mission
mission perseverance
concentrating on the goal, keeping one's mind on the task
mission statement
Defines the business that the organisation is in or should be in against the values and expectations of the stakeholders
mission statement
A philosophical or value statement that seeks to respond to the "why" of the organization's existence, its basic reason for being Mission statement is not defined in expressions of goals or objectives, rather it reflects a realistic but farsighted determination of who the organization is, who it serves, what it does, and what it can accomplish Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability, Governance, Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Communications and Marketing, Operations Management and Leadership, Advocacy, Technology
mission statement
(p 208) An outline of the fundamental purposes of an organization
mission statement
Each citizen action group in the game had a mission statement that defined its political beliefs One page of the game, the Mission Statements Index, lets you read the statements of the different groups To go there, click here
mission statement
The broadest possible statement of the organization's purposes, goals, values and functions It describes the underlying design, aim or thrust of an organization It contains the basic purpose or philosophy of the organization
mission statement
– A declaration of an organization’s purpose; its raison d'être
mission statement
a written declaration of the department's primary purpose A mission statement usually begins by identifying the department's primary stakeholders It also describes how the department plans to serve its stakeholders and specifies the broader principles by which the department will conduct itself
mission statement
A statement that captures an organization's purpose, customer orientation and business philosophy
mission statement
a formal statement that focuses on the major objectives, values a company holds and is aiming for
mission statement
Describes a group's statement of purpose It describes what it is going to do and why It describes the special task and the motivation of participants A mission statement should describe what will be accomplished and why It is typically concise, such as one sentence It is typically outcome-oriented, stating a broad goal or goals that will be achieved It is typically inclusive of the kinds of strategies and community sectors that will be used to reach each goal It should be sufficiently general and flexible to adapt to changing times, communities, needs, and membership
mission statement
our "reason for being" (a declaration of value added)
mission statement
The Mission Statement of BYU-Idaho consists of four major points: 1 Build testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage living its principles 2 Provide a quality education for students of diverse interests and abilities 3 Prepare students for lifelong learning, for employment, and for their roles as citizens and parents 4 Maintain a wholesome academic, cultural, social and spiritual environment
mission statement
A company's or organization's mission statement is a document which states what they aim to achieve and the kind of service they intend to provide
mission statement
A long term commitment to a type of business and a place in the market It describes the scope of the firm, and the dominant emphasis and values, based on the firm's history, current management preferences, environmental factors, company resources, and distinctive competencies
mission statement
Answers the questions "Why?" and "Why do we exist?" States the purpose of the organization; defines the chief function; justifies existence and identifies the customer (those who are served) It is outcomes driven and articulates those outcomes; is broad, idealistic and philosophical; is determined through community needs assessment/analysis The mission statement is broad enough that it need not change unless the community environment changes
mission statement
An organization’s statement of how it will achieve its purpose in the environment in which it conducts its business
mission statement
A statement of the role, or purpose, by which an organization intends to serve its stakeholders Describes what the organization does (current capabilities), who it serves (stakeholders), and what makes the organization unique (justification for existence) Mission statements always exist at the top level of an organization, but may also be set for different organizational levels or components [also see Stakeholder and Vision Statement]
mission statement
A formal, written summary of the Help Desk or Customer Support Center's business purpose and reasons for existing See vision
mission statement
A general statement of the type of organization, agency, or other body, its main purpose, and its values Often called "statement of purpose " Some organizations also state the values that guide their work
mission statement
A mission statement is simply an organisation's reason for existing
mission statement
A general statement of a vision in word form It is important to have a rich representation of the vision in all the senses Then the mission statement can be written in language which allows all parties to it to derive meaning from it, yet be precise enough to guide them towards achieving it It is a general statement of intent, normally restricted to five or six lines of type
mission statement
A description of the intended purpose and future course of an organization as a whole or of a specific work group within the larger environment A mission statement should always conform to the key goals and values of the organization's/work group's stakeholders
mission statement
what we want to do and why we are here Often the product of STRATEGIC planning
mission statement
A statement that makes it clear what business a company is in (5)
mission statement
The NFESC Antiterrorism/Force Protection Team is committed to providing the Federal engineering, security, and law enforcement communities with innovative antiterrorism and force protection concepts, designs, and services in a timely manner We will accomplish this by earning the trust and loyalty of the community being served and by achieving the highest levels of customer satisfaction Vision StatementYear after year, we will be recognized as a world leader in antiterrorism and force protection-identifying potential vulnerabilities and countering all threats to Federal assets worldwide
mission statement
A statement of the project, as defined by the Executive sponsor, the expectations of the stakeholders, and the organization's business objectives All project responsibiities must align with the mission statement, and as such, becomes the criteria by which the project success is determined See Executive goal
American Muslim Mission
A Black Muslim organization allied to the Nation of Islam
diplomatic mission
A group of people (including diplomats) from one nation present in another as authorized representatives of the first
fire mission
A communication between the fire direction center (FDC) and an observer to direct artillery on a target
rescue mission
A mission, operation to reach and rescue people in urgent need, as after a disaster
rescue mission
A religious mission set up (usually in poor city quarters) to rescue human 'derelicts' from a wasted life of sin, the final aim being conversion
space mission
A journey, by a manned or unmanned vehicle, into space for a specific reason (normally to gather scientific data)
your mission, should you choose to accept it
Your mission or task; what you must do

We recently heard about a particularly daring espionage coup. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to listen to our panelists as they describe a tactic that even Matt Helm had never thought of.

diplomatic mission
A diplomatic mission is a group of people from one state or an international inter-governmental organisation (such as the United Nations) present in another state to represent the sending state/organisation in the receiving state. In practice, a diplomatic mission usually denotes the permanent mission, namely the office of a country's diplomatic representatives in the capital city of another country. As well as being a diplomatic mission to the country in which it is situated, it may also be a non-resident permanent mission to one or more other countries. There are thus resident and non-resident embassies
manned mission
launching a human into orbit or to astronomical destinations, such as planetary bodies or other star systems
Brand Mission
(Reklam) See Brand Platform
Congregation of the Mission
{i} Vincentians, Lazarists, Lazarites, community of Roman Catholic priests and brothers founded by St. Vincent de Paul in 1625
Entebbe Rescue Mission
Israeli military raid carried out in 1976 to rescue Jewish and Israeli hostages that were being held by terrorists in an airplane on the Ugandan airfield at Entebbe (the raid was lead by Yonathan Netanyahu, who died in the operation)
accomplished the mission
completed the task, finished the job, finished the assignment
bombing mission
bombing sortie made by an airplane
combat mission
a mission to capture or defend something
diplomatic mission
a mission serving diplomatic ends
fulfilled his mission
carried out his duty, performed his task, achieved his objective
goodwill mission
service performed to improve relations, delegation sent to arouse friendly feelings (as in between countries)
the plans of committed believers to accomplish the mission of God" (Van Rheenen 1996b, 20)
We believe that Jesus Christ taught us to teach the world His truths Our young men and often our young women prepare for their turn to serve the Lord on a mission Many older couples also choose to go on a mission and teach others about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ
plural of mission
Francis Xavier, Therese of Lisieux
search and destroy mission
an operation developed for United States troops in Vietnam; troops would move through a designated area destroying troops as they found them
search and rescue mission
a rescue mission to search for survivors and to rescue them
search mission
a mission to discover something
suicide mission
killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself; usually accomplished with a bomb