mide barsak hastalıkları bilgisi, gastorenteroloji

listen to the pronunciation of mide barsak hastalıkları bilgisi, gastorenteroloji
Turkish - English
(Tıp) gastroenterology
- Diagnosis and treatment of the digestive system, involving the stomach, liver, gallbladder and related organs
The study of the digestive system, from mouth to anus. May also include the study of accessory organs: pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts
A branch of medicine specialising in diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines, oesophagus etc
The field of medicine that focuses on the function and disorders of the GI system, which includes the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, intestines, and liver
A branch of medicine specialising in diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines and oesophagus etc
The study of the stomach, intestines and liver and their diseases
medical specialty that deals with the digestive system
gas tro en ter ol o gy n [ISV] (ca 1904): a branch of medicine concerned with the structure, functions, diseases, and pathology of the stomach and intestines
the medical specialty concerned with the function and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach, intestines, and associated organs top
the branch of medicine that studies the gastrointestinal tract and its diseases
The study of the diseases of the stomach and intestines Some examples are colitis, Crohn's Disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and ulcers
Medical specialty dealing with digestion and the digestive system. In the 17th century Jan Baptista van Helmont conducted the first scientific studies in the field; William Beaumont published his own observations in 1833. Lavage (washing out the stomach) and endoscopy were developed in the 19th century, and endoscopy and X rays with a contrast medium were first used to visualize the stomach and digestive organs in the 1890s. Gastroenterologists diagnose and treat disorders of the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas, including ulcers, tumours, inflammatory diseases (including ulcerative colitis and ileitis), and rectal disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases of the digestive system, including the liver, stomach and intestines
Disorders of the digestive system such as in the stomach, intestine, esophagus, liver and gall bladder are diagnosed and treated within this medical specialty
{i} study of the digestive system and its diseases
A sub-specialty of Internal Medicine which deals with the treatment of disorders of the digestive system
study of the stomach and bowel
mide barsak hastalıkları bilgisi, gastorenteroloji