mide ağzına ait, cardiacus

listen to the pronunciation of mide ağzına ait, cardiacus
Turkish - English
(Tıp) cardiac
Pertaining to the heart
Pertaining to the cardia
{a} cordial, strengthening, cheering
of or referring to the heart
having an effect on the heart
Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach; cordial; stimulant
of or relating to the heart; "cardiac arrest
Pertains to the heart
heart tonic, or restorative
Cardiac means of, relating to, situated near, or acting on the heart
Agents which have an effect on the heart
Coming from Latin meaning related to the heart
Pertaining to, resembling, or hear the heart; as, the cardiac arteries; the cardiac, or left, end of the stomach
Cardiac means relating to the heart. The king was suffering from cardiac weakness. relating to the heart (cardiacus, from , from kardia; CARDIO-)
Having to do with, or referring to, the heart
of or relating to the heart; "cardiac arrest"
Having to do with the heart
mide ağzına ait, cardiacus