
listen to the pronunciation of metric
English - Turkish
şiir vezinli
metreye ait

Tom, inatçı olmasına rağmen, büyük fıçı ölçü birimi yerine, mantıklı olan metrik sistemi değiştirmeyi reddediyordu. - Tom, stubborn as he was, refused to change to the sensible metric system, preferring to measure volume in hogsheads instead.

ABD neden metrik sisteme geçmiyor? - Why doesn't the U.S. switch to the metric system?

{s} metre sistemine göre
{s} vezne ait
metre sistemini kullanan
(Bilgisayar) ölçü

Tom, inatçı olmasına rağmen, büyük fıçı ölçü birimi yerine, mantıklı olan metrik sistemi değiştirmeyi reddediyordu. - Tom, stubborn as he was, refused to change to the sensible metric system, preferring to measure volume in hogsheads instead.

metre ile ilgili
metric space
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) ölçevli uzay
metric count
metrik numara
metric expression
metrik ifade
metric geometry
metrik geometri
metric hundredweight
elli kilo
metric hundredweight
metric screw thread
metrik vida dişi
metric space
metrik uzay
metric system
metre jüyesi
metric system
metrik sistem

Metrik sisteme dönmeye üreticileri tarafından karşı çıkıldı. - Conversion to the metric system was opposed by tool manufacturers.

Tom, inatçı olmasına rağmen, büyük fıçı ölçü birimi yerine, mantıklı olan metrik sistemi değiştirmeyi reddediyordu. - Tom, stubborn as he was, refused to change to the sensible metric system, preferring to measure volume in hogsheads instead.

metric ton
metrik ton
metric topology
metrik topoloji
metric uniformity
metrik düzgünlük
metric unit
ölçü birimi
metric linear unit
metrik doğrusal birim
metric tonnes
metrik ton
metric weight unit
metrik ağırlık birimi
metric fasteners
metrik bağlama elemenları
metric graduation
metrik taksimat
metric hundredweight
elli kiloluk tartı
metric prefixes
metrik ontakilar
metric size
(Otomotiv) metrik ölçü
metric studs
(Mekanik) metrik saplamalar
metric system
ondalık sistem
metric tensor
(Matematik) metrik tansör
metric tensor
(Matematik) temel gerey
metric thread
metrik vida dişi
metric thread
metrik vidalı
metric ton
metric ton
bin kilo
metric ton
(Askeri) METRİK TON: Bak. "ton"
metric topology
(Matematik) ölçev ilingesi
metric topology
(Matematik) metrik topolojisi
metric uniformity
(Matematik) metrik düzgünlüğü
metric uniformity
(Matematik) ölçev düzgünlüğü
metric wave
metrelik dalga
metric wave
metrik dalga
metric system
metre dizgesi
metric system
ölçü sistemi
compatible metric
bağdaşık metrik
complete metric space
tam metrik uzay
discrete metric
ayrık metrik
infimum metric
ebas metriği
metre sistemine göre
infimum metric
ebas metrigi
kosukbilim, ölçübilim
compatible metric
(Matematik) bağdaşık ölçev
complete metric space
(Matematik) eksiksiz ölçevli uzay
complete metric space
(Matematik) tammetrik uzay
difference metric
fark olcevi
discrete metric
(Matematik) ayırtık ölçev
go metric
metre sistemi uygulamak
go metric
metrik sistem kullanmak
isometric metric spaces
(Matematik) eşmetrel uzaylar
ölçülü şekilde
quality metric
nitelik olcevi
stub metric
(Bilgisayar) saplama ölçütü
the metric system
metre sistemi, metrik sistem
English - English
of or relating to the metric system of measurement
of or relating to the meter of a piece of music
To measure or analyse statistical data concerning the quality or effectiveness of a process

customer satisfaction was metricked by the marketing department.

Of or relating to distance
A measure for something; a means of deriving a quantitative measurement or approximation for otherwise qualitative phenomena (especially used in Software Engineering)
A measurement of the "distance" between two points in some metric space: it is a real-valued function d(x,y) between points x and y satisfying the following properties: (1) "positive definiteness": d(x,y) \ge 0 and d(x,y) = 0 \mbox{ iff } x=y , (2) "symmetry": d(x,y) = d(y,x) , and (3) "triangle inequality": d(x,y) \le d(x,z) + d(z,y)
relating to measurement
A function, d, on pairs from a set S such that for each x, y, z in S: d(x, y) >= 0; d(x, y) = 0 <==> x=y; d(x, y) + d(y, z) >= d(x, z) The function is also called a distance; the pair (S, d) is a metric space Condition (3) is called the Triangle inequality A space is metrizable if a metric can be defined A metric is induced by a norm (when it exists): d(x, y)=||x - y|| See Hausdorff metric
A specific performance measure that is monitored on a regular basis to evaluate success and refine plans
a decimal unit of measurement of the metric system (based on meters and kilograms and seconds); "convert all the measurements to metric units"; "it is easier to work in metric"
The metric is a set of 10 functions that can be thought of as entries in a symmetric matrix: Physically, the metric determines the distance between (infinitesimally) nearby points All information concerning the geometry of the spacetime is contained in the metric, and it is therefore the metric that is the dynamical variable in General Relativity
A measurement, taken over a period of time, that communicates vital information about a process or activity A metric should drive appropriate leadership or management action Physically, a metric package consists of an operational definition, measurement over time, and presentation
A measurement of the distance between two points in some metric space; e.g. the Euclidean metric (sqrt(x² + y² + z²) in 3 dimensions)
a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic
A random variable x representing a quantitative measure accumulated over a period
{s} of the metric system, pertaining to the meter; of or pertaining to distance; composed in meter or verse (in poetry)
A metric is a combination of two measurements, such as miles per hour An example of a metric is the defect removal rate That is the number of defects found by the testing process in the product over the number of defects found during the life-cycle of the product
based on the meter as a standard of measurement; "the metric system"; "metrical equivalents"
A system of measurement that will be accepted only after forty years of wandering in the desert
A metric is an attribute of an architectural component that may be defined during the configuration of the architectural component, can be measured during the use of this architecture component, and whose value may be evaluated
Of or pertaining to the meter as a standard of measurement; of or pertaining to the decimal system of measurement of which a meter is the unit; as, the metric system; a metric measurement
the rhythmic arrangement of syllables
A standard for measurement
Anything used in measurement In this case, metrics are biological attributes that measure some aspect of environmental condition, or that measure human influence on the environment A useful metric is easy to measure and interpret
Relating to measurement; involving, or proceeding by, measurement
Any standardized measurement used for comparison purposes Online advertising metrics include Click-Thru Ratio and Unique Page Views
A biological attribute, some feature or characteristic of the biotic assemblage, that reflects ambient conditions, especially the influence of human actions on these conditions (ITFM; Technical Appendix G)
a measure for something; a means of deriving a quantitative measurement or approximation for otherwise qualitative phenomena (esp. used in Software Engineering)
A standard of measurement    The term is most often used to identify  things that will be measured rather than the measurement process or the individual readings or points   Some examples of metric might be:   lines of code, number of phone calls, number of resignations, or number of tests
An agreed upon quantitative measure of performance
A measure used to indicate progress or achievement
Metric means relating to the metric system. Converting metric measurements to U.S. equivalents is easy
A set of data is associated with every question in order to answer it in a quantitative way The data can be objective or subjective
International measuring system based on the meter (39 37 inches) as the unit of length Metric bicycle parts and dimensions are usually given in millimeters (mm) (1/1000 meter) or centimeters (cm) 1/100 meter Most wrenches used on bicycles have sizes in millimeters The most common sizes are 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 17mm, 32mm and 36mm; also, Allen wrenches in 4mm, 5mm, 6mm and 8mm Less common are 7mm, 11mm, 12mm 16mm and 19mm, 30mm, 40mm and Allen sizes 2mm, 2 5mm, 3mm, 7mm and 10mm Metric threading is used on most bicycles I have developed a color-coding system for quickly determining the size of a Metric wrench This is explained in my article on Color Coding Your Tools
A measure of the extent or degree to which a product possesses and exhibits a certain quality, property, or attribute
A calculated term or enumeration representing some aspect of biological assemblage, function, or other measurable aspect and is a characteristic of the biota that changes in some predictable way with increased human influence A multimetric approach involves combinations of metrics to provide an integrative assessment of the status of aquatic resources
a function of a topological space that gives, for any two points in the space, a value equal to the distance between them
A distance function on some space or set; an assignment of distance to every unordered pair of points that satisfies the triangle inequality
A metric is a measure of one factor of a company's performance They are used by upper management to monitor the overall performance of the company and by others in the company to develop KPIs that are consistent with those metrics Typical examples are Rate of Annual Revenue Growth, Revenue per Employee, SG&A as a % of Sales, Return on Assets, and Return on Equity Metrics can be impacted by management's decisions on the allocation of resources and the organization of the company In addition, metrics are affected by the design of business processes and the individual actions of employees using these same processes to meet the needs of customers
A metric is something that can be measured Metrics are used to better define what is meant by more abstract or general statements For example, the program outcomes are the metrics for the program objectives since the outcomes better define what is intended by the objective and are measurable
A number used to indicate the cost of a route in the IP routing table to enable the selection of the best route among possible multiple routes to the same destination
based on the meter as a standard of measurement; "the metric system"; "metrical equivalents
Measurable element of a service, process or function The real value of metrics is seen in their change over time Reliance on a single metric is not advised, especially if it has the potential to affect User behaviour in an undesirable way
metric carat
A unit of weight, 0.2 grams, used for gemstones, etc
metric feet
plural form of metric foot
metric foot
A unit of length (30 cm) used to sell wood in the United Kingdom
metric level
The pulses in a metric structure
metric levels
plural form of metric level
metric mile
A distance in international athletics (particularly track), the 1500 meter race, being about a mile (~1609 meters)
metric mile
In high school track, 4 laps of the standard 400 meter track, 1600 meters
metric pound
Usually an informal term for half of a kilogram or 500 grams
metric pounds
plural form of metric pound
metric space
Any space whose elements are points, and between any two of which a non-negative real number can be defined as the distance between the points; an example is Euclidean space
metric spaces
plural form of metric space
metric structure
regular rhythmic components of a song, including its metre and tempo DeLone et. al. (Eds.) (1975). Aspects of Twentieth-Century Music. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0130493465
metric structures
plural form of metric structure
metric system
The modern version of that system, Systeme Internationale d'Unites (International System of Units), or SI system of measurements that is based on the base units of the meter/metre, the kilogram, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole, and the candela

see Appendix on SI Units.

metric system
The system of measurements developed in France in the 1790s and now used worldwide
metric ton
A tonne, a unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms
metric tons
plural form of metric ton
Attributive form of metric system

metric-system proponent.

metric capacity unit
a capacity unit defined in metric terms
metric function
a function of a topological space that gives, for any two points in the space, a value equal to the distance between them
metric linear unit
a linear unit of distance in metric terms
metric mile
The 1,500-meter run in track and field
metric scale
metric system, measurement system based on the meter as the primary unit of length
metric space
a set of points such that for every pair of points there is a nonnegative real number called their distance that is symmetric and satisfies the triangle inequality
metric space
In mathematics, a set of objects equipped with a concept of distance. The objects can be thought of as points in space, with the distance between points given by a distance formula, such that: (1) the distance from point A to point B is zero if and only if A and B are identical, (2) the distance from A to B is the same as from B to A, and (3) the distance from A to B plus that from B to C is greater than or equal to the distance from A to C (the triangle inequality). Two-and three-dimensional Euclidean spaces are metric spaces, as are inner product spaces, vector spaces, and certain topological spaces (see topology)
metric system
decimal system of weights and measures in which the meter is the basic unit of length and the kilogram is the basic unit of weight
metric system
See Metric, a
metric system
The metric system is the system of measurement that uses metres, grams, and litres. A decimal system of units based on the meter as a unit length, the kilogram as a unit mass, and the second as a unit time. See table at measurement. the metric system the system of weights and measures that is based on the kilogram and the metre. International decimal system of weights and measures, based on the metre (m) for length and the kilogram (kg) for mass, originally adopted in France in 1795. All other metric units were derived from the metre, including the gram (g) for weight (1 cc of water at its maximum density) and the litre (l, or L) for capacity (0.001 cu m). In the 20th century, the metric system became the basis for the International System of Units, which is now used officially almost worldwide
metric system
a decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter and the kilogram and the second
metric ton
A unit of mass and weight equal to 1,000 kilograms, or 2,204 6 pounds
metric ton
6 pounds avoirdupois
metric ton
A weight of 1,000 kilograms, or 2,204
metric ton
1,000 kilograms 2,204 6 pounds or 1 102 short tons
metric ton
tonne, unit equal to 1000 kilograms
metric ton
A unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms or about 2205 pounds
metric ton
Common international measurement for the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions A metric ton is equal to 2205 lbs or 1 1 short tons
metric ton
Equivalent to 1,000 kilograms or 2,205 lbs
metric ton
a unit of mass and weight equal to 1000 kilograms or 2,205 pounds
metric ton
A unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms, or 2,204 6 pounds
metric ton
1,814 pounds (2,000 pounds multiplied by 0 907)
metric ton
a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms
metric ton
2,204 6 pounds Back to the top
metric ton
Usually abbreviated mt or MT, a metric ton is 2,204 62 pounds, compared to a short ton of 2,000 pounds Generally, international agricultural trade data are cited in metric tons
metric ton
A metric ton is 1,000 kilograms. The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year. A unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms (2,205 pounds). a unit for measuring weight, equal to 1000 kilograms
metric ton
(or tonne) 1000 kilograms 1 metric ton = 2,204 62 lb = 1 023 short tons
metric unit
a decimal unit of measurement of the metric system (based on meters and kilograms and seconds); "convert all the measurements to metric units"; "it is easier to work in metric
metric weight unit
a decimal unit of weight based on the gram
Forming adjectives corresponding to nouns in -meter
Of, or related to measurement
Alcubierre metric
A type of spacetime metric. See warp bubble
Euclidean metric
In the space \mathbb{R}^n, the metric d(\vec x, \vec y) = \sqrt{(x_1 - y_1)^2 + (x_2 - y_2)^2 + ... + (x_n - y_n)^2} where \vec x = (x_1, ..., x_n) and \vec y = (y_1, ..., y_n)
Hausdorff metric
In the abstract metric space of all compact subsets of \mathbb{R}^n, given a pair of compact sets A and B, the Hausdorff metric is h(A,B) = \mbox{max} \{\rho(A,B), \rho(B,A)\} where \rho(A,B) = \sup_{a\in A} \inf_{b\in B} \, d(a,b) , where d is the Euclidean metric in \mathbb{R}^n

h(A,B) = 0 iff A = B.

discrete metric
a metric d such that for any pair of points x and y, d(x,y) = 0 if x = y and d(x,y) = 1 if x \ne y
plural form of metric
the study of metrical verse; prosody
performance metric
A measurement of performance, often financial performance, either against peers or against a predetermined target
uniform metric
The metric \rho(f,g) = \sup_{x\in X} \{f(x) - g(x)\} where f and g are functions on X
in a metrical manner; according to meter (in poetry or music)
with regard to meter; "metrically, these poems are matched
In a metrical manner
Means by which software engineers measure and predict aspects of processes, resources, and products that are relevant to the software engineering activity
Methods and measures for indicating the magnitude or value of something
Methods that a company has come up with to measure something, like effectiveness of a training program, IT productivity, customer satisfaction (Concept)
(Ticaret) A standard or basis of measurement, such as cost, size, volume, etc
are measures posessing metric properties which express the degree or strength of a quality factor Metrics are obtained by an objective measurement method Their scale of measurement is known, they posess scale metric properties, known maxima, minima and reference values, their reliability and validity are known Metrics are interpreted according to the context in which they were measured Metrics allow comparisons between applications, as well as between alternative versions of a single developing application, and comparisons with reference values Conformance to standards and minimal requirements can be tested with metrics Some metrics tell about the performance of the user applying an application to his work (e g efficiency of use, learning effort, errors) Other metrics predict quality of use factors on the basis of a user interface specification, prototype, or fully functional product, and an underlying user model
{i} theory of metrical composition (Poetry, Music); particular metrical characteristics of a work; science of measurement (Mathematics)
Often used interchangeably with measurements However, it is helpful to separate these definitions Metrics are the various parameters or ways of looking at a process that is to be measured Metrics define what is to be measured Some metrics are specialized, so they can't be directly benchmarked or interpreted outside a mission-specific business unit Other measures will be generic, and they can be aggregated across business units, e g cycle time, customer satisfaction, and financial results
A prescribed set of measurements to track product development and allow a firm to measure the impact of process improvements over time These measures generally vary by firm, but may include measures characterizing both aspects of the process, such as time to market, and duration of particular process stages, as well as outcomes from product development such as the number of products commercialized per year and percentage of sales due to new products
A metric is a measure Webster defines measure as "The act or process of determining extent, dimensions, etc ; especially as determined by a standard " The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is a standards setting body, define measure as "A quantitative assessment of the degree to which a software product or process possesses a given attribute "
plural of metric
Measures used to indicate progress or achievement
are measurements taken over time that monitor, assess, and communicate vital information about the results of a program or activity Metrics are generally quantitative, but can be qualitative
pre-defined measures of performance calculable by comparison of system output with human-generated answer keys
the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
Numbers used as a measurement for standard of quality for comparing different items or time periods Visits, Unique Hosts, Goals, and Value are all fields that might be used as a metric



    Turkish pronunciation





    /ˈmetrək/ /ˈmɛtrɪk/


    () From French métrique (1864) New Latin metricus (“pertaining to the system based on the meter”) metrum (“a meter”); see meter.

    Common Collocations

    metric ton, metric system