
listen to the pronunciation of metrelik
Turkish - English
of or relating to the metric system of measurement
of or relating to the meter of a piece of music
To measure or analyse statistical data concerning the quality or effectiveness of a process

customer satisfaction was metricked by the marketing department.

A function, d, on pairs from a set S such that for each x, y, z in S: d(x, y) >= 0; d(x, y) = 0 <==> x=y; d(x, y) + d(y, z) >= d(x, z) The function is also called a distance; the pair (S, d) is a metric space Condition (3) is called the Triangle inequality A space is metrizable if a metric can be defined A metric is induced by a norm (when it exists): d(x, y)=||x - y|| See Hausdorff metric
A specific performance measure that is monitored on a regular basis to evaluate success and refine plans
a decimal unit of measurement of the metric system (based on meters and kilograms and seconds); "convert all the measurements to metric units"; "it is easier to work in metric"
The metric is a set of 10 functions that can be thought of as entries in a symmetric matrix: Physically, the metric determines the distance between (infinitesimally) nearby points All information concerning the geometry of the spacetime is contained in the metric, and it is therefore the metric that is the dynamical variable in General Relativity
A measurement, taken over a period of time, that communicates vital information about a process or activity A metric should drive appropriate leadership or management action Physically, a metric package consists of an operational definition, measurement over time, and presentation
A measurement of the distance between two points in some metric space; e.g. the Euclidean metric (sqrt(x² + y² + z²) in 3 dimensions)
a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic
A random variable x representing a quantitative measure accumulated over a period
{s} of the metric system, pertaining to the meter; of or pertaining to distance; composed in meter or verse (in poetry)
A metric is a combination of two measurements, such as miles per hour An example of a metric is the defect removal rate That is the number of defects found by the testing process in the product over the number of defects found during the life-cycle of the product
based on the meter as a standard of measurement; "the metric system"; "metrical equivalents"
A system of measurement that will be accepted only after forty years of wandering in the desert
A metric is an attribute of an architectural component that may be defined during the configuration of the architectural component, can be measured during the use of this architecture component, and whose value may be evaluated
Of or pertaining to the meter as a standard of measurement; of or pertaining to the decimal system of measurement of which a meter is the unit; as, the metric system; a metric measurement
the rhythmic arrangement of syllables
A standard for measurement
{i} meter

The pond is 3 meters deep. - Gölet üç metre derinliğindedir.

This rope is 200 yen a meter. - Bu ipin bir metresi 200 yen.

beş metrelik uzunluk
beş metrelik uzunluk ölçüsü
metre, meter
metre [Brit.]
meter, Brit. metre
folding rule
English - English

Definition of metrelik in English English dictionary

The basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI: Système International d'Unités). It is equal to 39+47⁄127 (approximately 39.37) imperial inches

The 12-metre yachts ... can be sailed efficiently with four paid hands.

To put into metrical form
The rhythm or measure in verse and musical composition
Alternative spelling of meter
the basic unit of length adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites (approximately 1 094 yards)
The groupings in which a succession of rhythmic pulses or beats is organized; in standard notation, indicated by a time signature at the beginning of a work
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal time
The basic unit of length in the metric system of measurement A metre is equal to approximately 3 28 feet or 1 09 yards
poetical measure, depending on number, quantity, and accent of syllables; rhythm; measure; verse; also, any specific rhythmical arrangements; as, the Horatian meters; a dactylic meter
Recurring patterns of accented and unaccented beats that produce a rhythmic grouping
See Metric system, under Metric
37 English inches, the standard of linear measure in the metric system of weights and measures
me·tre metres in AM, use meter
A poem
The basic unit for measuring length in the International System of Units (SI) This system is Canada's official system of measurement
{i} (British spelling for meter) basic unit of length in the metric system, one hundred centimeters, 39.37 inches; definite measurement; poetic measure; rhythm (in music); instrument that automatically measures quantities of substances (gas, water, or electricity)
In the study of poetry, metre is the regular and rhythmic arrangement of syllables according to particular patterns. They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre All of the poems are written in traditional metres and rhyme schemes. In poetry, the rhythmic pattern of a poetic line. Various principles have been devised to organize poetic lines into rhythmic units. Quantitative verse, the metre of Classical Greek and Latin poetry, measures the length of time required to pronounce syllables, regardless of their stress; combinations of long and short syllables form the basic rhythmic units. Syllabic verse is most common in languages that are not strongly accented, such as French or Japanese; it is based on a fixed number of syllables within a line. Accentual verse occurs in strongly stressed languages, such as the Germanic; only stressed syllables within a line are counted. Accentual-syllabic verse is the usual form in English poetry; it combines syllable counting and stress counting. The most common English metre, iambic pentameter, is a line of 10 syllables, or 5 iambic feet; each foot contains an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Free verse does not follow regular metrical patterns. See also prosody. Basic unit of length in the metric system and the International System of Units. In 1983 the General Conference on Weights and Measures decided that the accepted value for the speed of light would be exactly 299,792,458 metres per second, so the metre is now defined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 second. One metre is equal to about 39.37 in. in the U.S. Customary System
A metre is a metric unit of length equal to 100 centimetres. Chris Boardman won the Olympic 4,000 metres pursuit The tunnel is 10 metres wide and 600 metres long
The pattern of groups of syllables (long and short, stressed and unstressed) in which poetry is usually written (It is beyond the scope of this glossary to explain this term in any great detail - I recommend that you look it up in a dictionary of literary terms or a specialised book on poetry )
the pattern of pulse units in music
A measure of length, equal to 39
The basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI: Système International dUnités). It is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. It is equal to (approximately 39.37) imperial inches
It was intended to be, and is very nearly, the ten millionth part of the distance from the equator to the north pole, as ascertained by actual measurement of an arc of a meridian
(prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
Regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables Each until of rhythm is known as a foot The 4 standard feet are Iambic (light then stressed), Anapaestic (two light, one stressed), Trochaic (stressed then light) and Dactylic (one stressed, two light) Metric lines are named as to the number of feet in contains: 1 = Monometer; 2 = Dimeter ; 3 = Trimeter; 4 = Tetrameter; 5 = Pentameter; 6 = Hexameter/Alexandrine; 7 = Heptameter; 8 = Octameter
a system of measuring the rhythms of a poem, according to stressed and unstressed syllables (see also scansion) [top]
the rhythm of verse, reduceable to one of four kinds, accentual, syllabic, accentual-syllabic, and quantitative Also sometimes called `number(s) ' Falling metre: trochees and dactyls, i e , a stressed syllable followed by one or two unstressed syllables Rising metre: iambs and anapests, i e , one or two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one
The fundamental unit of length in the metric system
Rhythmical arrangement of syllables or words into verses, stanzas, strophes, etc
The SI fundamental unit of length, equal to 1 093 yards (Meter in US )
Turkish - Turkish
Uzunluğu herhangi bir metre olan
Yer meridyen dairesinin kırk milyonda biri olarak kabul edilen, temel uzunluk ölçüsü birimi: "İskenderun körfezine sekiz yüz metre yukarıdan bakıyordum."- R. H. Karay
ışığın havasız ortamda 1/299.792.458 saniyede aldığı yola eşit temel ölçü birimi
Herhangi bir metre uzunluğunda olan
Uzunluk ölçmeye yarayan alet
Yer meridyen dairesinin kırk milyonda biri olarak kabul edilen, temel uzunluk ölçüsü birimi (kısaltması m)
Genellikle desimetre, santimetre, milimetrelere bölünmüş, bir metre uzunluğundaki ölçü aracı
English - Turkish

Definition of metrelik in English Turkish dictionary

birim uzunluk
i., f., İng., bak. meter