metal printing plate created by means of electrolysis

listen to the pronunciation of metal printing plate created by means of electrolysis
English - English
{i} electrotype
metal printing plate created by means of electrolysis


    metal print·ing Plate cre·a·ted by means of e·lec·tro·ly·sis

    Turkish pronunciation

    metıl prîntîng pleyt krieytıd bay minz ıv îlekträlısıs


    /ˈmetəl ˈprəntəɴɢ ˈplāt krēˈātəd ˈbī ˈmēnz əv əˌlekˈträləsəs/ /ˈmɛtəl ˈprɪntɪŋ ˈpleɪt kriːˈeɪtəd ˈbaɪ ˈmiːnz əv ɪˌlɛkˈtrɑːləsəs/