
listen to the pronunciation of message
English - Turkish

Ondan bir iletim var. - I have a message from him.

Onun için bir ileti alabilir miyim? - May I take a message for him?


Bip sesini işittikten sonra mesajınızı bırakın. - Leave your message after hearing the beep.

Biz mesajın doğru olduğunu düşündük. - We thought that the message was true.


Hoop, mesajı yanlış haber grubuna gönderdim. - Oops, I posted the message to the wrong newsgroup.

Bugün geçmişten bir haber aldım. - I received a message from the past today.

{i} resmi bildiri
(Askeri) (TELECOMMUNICATIONS) MESAJ (TELEKOMÜNİKASYON): Bir telekomünikasyon sistemi ile, istenilen göndermenin belirli bir şekilde hazırlandığı açık veya kriptolaşmış dille ifade edilen kayıt edilmiş bilgi
(Askeri) MESAJ (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, SAVUNMA KURULU): Herhangi bir haberleşme vasıtasıyla iletilmesi mümkün olacak bir şekilde hazırlanan ve açık veya gizli bir dille özet olarak ifade edilen herhangi bir fikir veya düşünce
peygamberin halka bildirdiği haber
(Dilbilim) bildirge

Bir notunuz var mıydı? Yok, teşekkürler. - Shall I take a message? No, thank you.

Lütfen benim için not alın. - Please take a message for me.

message centre
(Askeri) haber merkezi
message from
(Bilgisayar) sunucusundan ileti
message block
mesaj bloğu
message control program
mesaj denetim programı
message format
mesaj biçimi
message handler
mesaj denetimcisi
message header
ileti başlığı
message number
mesaj numarası
message queue
ileti kuyruğu
message routing
mesaj yönlendirme
message source
mesaj kaynağı
message switching system
mesaj anahtarlama sistemi
message block
mesaj blogu
message blocks
mesaj blokları, ileti öbekleri
message board
mesaj panosu
message call
mesajı çağrı
message delivery system
mesaj iletim sistemi
message exchange
mesaj santrali, ileti aktaricisi
message relayed
mesaj aktarıldı
Message Dissemination Subsystem; mission design series
(Askeri) Mesaj Yayınlama Tali Sistemi; görev tasarım serisi
message authentication
(Askeri) HABER PAROLASI: Bir haberde bulunan ve önceden tespit edilmiş belirli unsurlardan istihraç edilen ve haber dahilindeki parola işareti (authenticator) vasıtasıyla bir haberin menşeini tespite yarayan emniyet tedbiri
message bag
(Askeri) HABER TORBASI: Uçaklardan haberlerin atılmasında kullanılan bez veya deri torba
message bar
İleti Çubuğu
message blocks
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mesaj blokları
message blocks
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ileti öbekleri
message book
(Askeri) HABER KAYIT DEFTERİ: Bir haber merkezi, telsiz istasyonu veya bunlara benzer bir yerden gönderilen haberleri kayda mahsus defter
message box
ileti kutusu
message center
(Askeri) Haber merkezi
message center
(Askeri) HABER MERKEZİ: Gelen haberlerin alınması, gönderilmek üzere hazırlanması, kabul ve tesliminden sorumlu bir muhabere merkezi. Ayrıca bakınız: "telecommunication center" ve "communication signal center"
message center chief
(Askeri) HABER MERKEZİ AMİRİ: Haber merkezinin kayıtlarını tutmak, resmi haberleri almak, alınan haberleri icap eden kanallardan geçirmek ve yerlerine teslim ettirmekle görevli uzman subay
message center number
(Askeri) HABER MERKEZİ NUMARASI: Bir haber merkezi tarafından, iç idare maksatlarıyla haberlere verilen numara
message center section
(Askeri) HABER MERKEZİ KISMI: Bak. "communication (s) center"
message class
(Bilgisayar) ileti sınıfı
message code
(Ticaret) mesaj kodu
message drop
(Askeri) HABER ATMA: Alçaktan uçan bir uçaktan bir haber torbasının, önceden tespit edilmiş bir noktaya veya haberin gönderileceği personel grubu üzerine atılması
message dropping ground
(Askeri) HABER ATMA YERİ: Arazi üzerinde uçakların haber attıkları açık saha
message error
(Bilgisayar) ileti hatası
message filter
(Bilgisayar) ileti süzgeci
message flag
(Bilgisayar) ileti bayrağı
message flags
(Bilgisayar) ileti bayrakları
message focus
(Dilbilim) ileti odaklılık
message font
(Bilgisayar) ileti yazı tipi
message form
(Askeri) HABER FORMU: Yazılı haberleri göndermek için kullanılan basılı haber kağıdı
message format
İleti Biçimi
message header
(Bilgisayar) ileti üstbilgisi
message header
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mesaj başlığı
message id
(Bilgisayar) ileti kimliği
message identification
(Askeri) mesaj tanımlama
message in use
(Bilgisayar) ileti kullanımda
message indicator
(Askeri) HABER GÖSTERGESİ: Kriptolu bir haber metninin, genel olarak, baş tarafına konulan ve bu haberde uygulanan anahtar değişkenleri düzenini tanıtan bir harf veya sayı grubu. Ayrıca bakınız: "indicator"
message instruction
(Askeri) mesaj talimatı
message keying element
(Askeri) HABER ANAHTAR ELEMANI: Belirli bir anahtarın her haberde değişen kısmı
message length
(Bilgisayar) ileti uzunluğu
message line
İleti satırı
message load plan
(Askeri) çağrı yükleme planı
message manager
İleti Yöneticisi
message number
(Askeri) haber numarası
message number
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ileti numarası
message only
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca ileti
message parts
(Askeri) HABER KISIMLARI; HABER BÖLÜMLERİ: Uzun bir haberin, bir gönderme güvenlik tedbiri olarak, müteahhit küçük haberlere bölünmesi. Haber bölümleri, dıştan, birbirlerinden tamamen ayrı haberler kanısı vermelidir
message parts
(Askeri) haber bölümleri
message parts
(Askeri) haber kısımları
message precedence
(Askeri) HABER İVEDİLİK DERECESİ: İvedilik derecesi işareti taşıyan bir haberin işleminde, diğer bütün ivedilik derecesi işareti taşıyan haberlere nazaran verilecek nisbi sırayı göstermek için kullanılan işaret. İvedilik derecesi işareti: (a) haberi gönderen için gönderilen makama teslimindeki sürati; (b) muhabere personeli için habere yapılacak işlem ve yerine teslimindeki nisbi sırayı; (c) haberi alan makam için haberin dikkate alınmasındaki nisbi sırayı gösterir. Ayrıca bakınız: "flash message", "immediate message", "priority message", "routine message"
message queue
(Bilgisayar) mesaj kuyruğu
message queue information store
(MQIS) Message Queue Bilgi Deposu
message recall
(Bilgisayar) ileti geri çekme
message reference number
(Askeri) HABER TANITMA NUMARASI: Haberlere verilen çeşitli tanıtma numara ve sembollerinden herhangi biri
message relay point
(Askeri) ARA HABER NOKTASI: Haberlerin gidecekleri yerlere sevk edilmek üzere toplandıkları yer
message resend
(Bilgisayar) iletiyi yeniden gönderme
message rules
(Bilgisayar) ileti kuralları
message serial number
(Askeri) HABER MERKEZİ SIRA NUMARASI: Çıkan haberlerin kontrol edilmesini, işlem görmesini ve dosyalanmasını kolaylaştırmak maksadıyla verilen numara
message sink
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ileti alıcısı
message slot
mesaj bölümü
message slot
mesaj kısmı
message slot
mesaj kismi / bölümü
message slot
mesaj kısmı / bölümü
message source
(Bilgisayar) ileti kaynağı
message switch
(Askeri) mesaj anahtarı
message switch rekeying variable
(Askeri) mesaj anahtarı yeniden anahtarlama değişkeni
message text format
(Askeri) mesaj metin formatı
message title
(Bilgisayar) ileti başlığı
message to me
(Bilgisayar) bana gelen ileti
message to observer; mission type order
(Askeri) gözetleyiciye haber; görev tür emri
message traffic
mesaj trafiği
message transfer agent
İleti Aktarım Ajanı
message tube
haber borusu
message type
(Bilgisayar) ileti türü
medical treatment facility; message text format
(Askeri) tıbbi tedavi tesisi; mesaj metin formatı
meta message
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) meta mesaj
meteorological message
(Askeri) METEOROLOJİ RAPORU: Hava şartlarına ait esasları gösteren rapor. Bu rapor, genel olarak, kod klişesi şeklinde olur. Buna "metro message" de denir
begin message on cover
(Bilgisayar) iletiye kapakta başla
broadcast message
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yayın iletisi
bulk message
(Bilgisayar) toplu mesaj
concerning message
ilgili yazı
conventional message traffic
olağan mesaj trafiği
diagnostic message
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tanılama iletisi
edit message
(Bilgisayar) ileti düzenle
edit message
(Bilgisayar) iletiyi düzenle
exception message
kuraldışı durum iletisi
ignore message
(Bilgisayar) iletiyi yoksay
import message
(Bilgisayar) alma iletisi
mail message
(Bilgisayar) posta iletisi
(Bilgisayar) ileti sistemi
news message
(Bilgisayar) haber iletisi
previous message
(Bilgisayar) önceki ileti
query message
(Bilgisayar) sorgu iletisi
queued message
(Bilgisayar) kuyruğa sokulmuş ileti
receive message
(Bilgisayar) ileti al
result message
(Bilgisayar) sonuç iletisi
routine message
(Askeri) adi mesaj
routine message
(Askeri) adi haber
secure message
(Bilgisayar) güvenli ileti
warning message
(Bilgisayar) uyarma iletisi
welcome message
(Bilgisayar) hoş geldiniz iletisi
carry a message
haber taşımak
cipher message
şifreli mesaj
commercial message
ticari mesaj
congratulatory message
kutlama mesajı
control message display
denetim mesajı göstericisi
diagnostic message
hata mesajı
error message
hata mesajı
exception message
kural dışı durum mesajı
pop up message
beliren mesaj
a message received and understood
bir mesaj aldım ve anladım
bounced message
(Bilgisayar) ulaşamadan dönen mesaj
compose message
mesaj oluşturmak
fox message
'fox' mesajı, tilki iletisi
get a message
bir ileti alıyorum
get the message
(deyim) Bir durumu, meseleyi, olayı mesajı anlamak; kavramak; çakmak
get the message/get the picture
argo anlamak, çakmak
give a message
bir mesaj vermek
instructive message
öğretici mesaj
interterminal message
interterminal mesajı
logon message
logon mesajı

Neden mesajlarıma cevap vermiyorsun? - Why don't you answer my messages?

Bu mesajların satır aralarını okumak gerekiyor. - These messages have to be read between the lines.

multiple address message
çok adresli mesaj
oral message
sözlü mesaj
query message
sorgu mesajı
start of message
mesaj başlangıcı, ileti başlangıcı
subliminal message
bilinçaltı mesajı
take message
mesajı almak
text message
Kısa mesaj
voice message
Sesli mesaj, ses mesajı
warning message
uyarı iletisi
welcome message
karşılama mesajı
Marine Security Guard; message
(Askeri) Deniz Güvenlik Muhafızı; mesaj
United States message text format
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler mesaj metin formatı
accompanying message
Eşlik Eden İleti
advance message center
(Askeri) İLERİ HABER MERKEZİ: Bir komutanlığın büyük kısmı ile cephe ve yanlardaki en uzak kısımları arasında haber alıp vermede kullanılan bir haber merkezi
alert message
Uyarı İletisi
bear a message
mesaj iletmek
book message
(Askeri) DAĞITIM PLANLI HABER: Birkaç yere birden gönderilen bir yazı. Bu yazının muhteviyatı; gönderilen yerler arasında bir koordinasyona ihtiyaç göstermez. Yazı, bu adreslere, ya sadece bilgi edinilmesi veya gereği için gönderilir; fakat, her iki maksat için, hiçbir zaman gönderilmez. Aynı metin için, gideceği yerleri gösteren ayrı ayrı başlıklar kullanılır
communications message processor
(Askeri) muhabere çağrı işlemcisi
daily mission request message
(Askeri) günlük vazife istek mesajı
defense message system; defense meteorological system; director of military supp
(Askeri) savunma mesaj sistemi; savunma meteoroloji sistemi; askeri destek başkanı
deferred message
(Askeri) gece ivedilik dereceli haber
delete message
(Bilgisayar) ileti sil
digital message device
(Askeri) dijital mesaj cihazı
dummy message
(Askeri) sahte mesaj
encrypt message
(Bilgisayar) ileti şifrele
end of message
(Askeri) mesaj sonu
expeditionary force message
(Askeri) YURTDIŞI SEFERİ KUVVET MESAJI: Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde bulunanlar ile denizaşırı ülke ve dış topraklarda bulunan ve denizaşırı komutanlıklardaki askeri daireler emrine verilmiş veya. bunlara tahsis edilmiş askeri personel ve Amerika Milli Kızıl Haçı personeli arasında haberleşmeyi kolaylaştırmak üzere kullanılan, belirli bir telsiz mesajı metni
field message book
(Askeri) HABER KAĞIDI BLOĞU: Sahrada gönderilecek haberlerin yazılması için boş sahifeleri olan küçük defter
flag message
(Bilgisayar) bayrak iletisi
flash message
(Askeri) harekat yıldırım haberi
flash message
(Askeri) HAREKAT YILDIRIM HABERİ, HAREKAT YILDIRIM MESAJI (DZ.): Düşmanla ilk temas haberlerine veya son derece acele harekat muharebe haberleri için kullanılan bir öncelik kategorisi. Ayrıca bakınız: "message precedence"
flash message
(Askeri) harekat yıldırım mesajı
general service (message)
(Askeri) genel hizmet (mesaj)
get the message
i'd like to send a message by fax
faks yoluyla mesaj göndermek istiyorum
invalid message
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz ileti
leave a message
mesaj bırakmak
mode and message selection system
(Askeri) mod ve mesaj seçim sistemi
next message
(Bilgisayar) sonraki ileti
pickup message
(Askeri) KAPKAÇ HABER: Alçaktan uçan bir uçağın arkasından yerde sürünen kancalı bir halat ile yerden alınan haber
popup message
beliren ileti
queued message
kuyruga sokulmus ileti
relay message
(Askeri) aktarmalı gönderilen haber
removal message
(Bilgisayar) kaldırma iletisi
sending message
(Bilgisayar) ileti gönderiliyor
setup message
(Bilgisayar) kur iletisi
signalling message
imlesim  (sinyallesme) iletisi
single shelter message switch
(Askeri) tek kabinli mesaj tablosu
specific message
Belirli İleti
standard nato data message
(Askeri) STANDART NATO BİLGİ MESAJI: İştirakçi milli ve/veya milletlerarası birlik veya tesisler tarafından bilgi alışverişi için kullanılan, şekil ve kodları STANAG'ta belirtilen NATO mesajları
status message
durum iletisi
swift message
hızlı mesaj
system notification message
(Askeri) sistem bildirim mesajı
timeout message
(Bilgisayar) zamanaşımı mesajı
urgent message
(Askeri) ivedi mesaj
veto message
(Bilgisayar) reddetme iletisi
weather message
(Askeri) hava durum raporu
wizard message
(Bilgisayar) sihirbaz iletisi
English - English
To bear as a message
To send a message or messages; to be capable of sending messages

The runaway computer program was messaging non-stop.

To send a message to; to transmit a message to, e.g. as text via a cell phone

I messaged her about the concert.

groceries, shopping
To send (something) as a message; usually refers to electronic messaging

Please message the final report by fax.

Any concept or information conveyed by the use of (usually written) symbols
{n} an errand, advice sent, account
A parcel of bytes passed from one process to another The OS attaches no special meaning to the content of a message -- the data in a message has meaning for the sender of the message and for its receiver, but for no one else Message passing not only allows processes to pass data to each other, but also provides a means of synchronizing the execution of several processes As they send, receive, and reply to messages, processes undergo various "changes of state" that affect when, and for how long, they may run
A message is a piece of information or a request that you send to someone or leave for them when you cannot speak to them directly. I got a message you were trying to reach me Would you like to leave a message?
Information conveyed in the sales presentation
Unit of transmitted information over the communication facilities An ASTERIX message is called a Data Block ; A communication sent from one location to another and comprising an integral number of fields
Any notice, word, or communication, written or verbal, sent from one person to another
An official communication from one house of the General Assembly to the other or from the Governor to the General Assembly
Whatever is conveyed or transmitted in a communicational exchange The message is one of the six dimensions or components of communication In any act of communication, an addresser conveys a message to an addressee In order for a message to be conveyed, there must be both a code and a channel (or contact) All messages occur in a context When a communicational exchange is directed toward the message itself, that exchange serves a poetic or aesthetic function
The basic unit of communication between cooperating applications that use the Kenamea Web Messaging Platform A message consists of a message header containing fields that specify the destination, type, TTL (time-to-live) and other attributes; and a body, also known as the message payload
a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled; "he sent a three-word message"
A data structure that is passed to a task by placing a pointer to the structure into a queue The queue is a doubly linked list that is known to the task Kernel functions are supplied to remove messages from the queue
Data together with meta-information indicating how it is to be routed and handled An example of a message is a SOAP message or transport-level message
A command to an object to perform an operation or to modify itself, or an inquiry into some aspect of the object In Quintus Objects, a message is either a get message, a put message or a send message The syntax for sending a message to an object is
what a communication that is about something is about send a message; "There is no messaging service at this company"
If you message someone, you send them a message electronically using a computer or another device such as a mobile phone. People who message a lot feel unpopular if they don't get many back She messaged him saying she wished they were together
{i} communication transmitted through a messenger, intimation; official speech or communication, announcement, notice; inspired words of a prophet or spiritual teacher; main point or moral meaning of a work (movie, picture, book, etc.)
Any thought, idea, or information, whether expressed in plain or in secret language, prepared in a form suitable for transmission by any means of communication
A collection of data that is ordered according to the rules of a given protocol suite, such that it is intelligible to the sending and receiving software [San Diego State University]
Recorded information that is expressed in plain or encrypted language and is prepared in a format used for that intended transmission by some sort of telecommunications system It can be in the form of an email, a greeting card, or posting to a newsgroup or forum Messages can be posted to a bulletin, or a discussion board Messages can also be sent through chat programs, such as Windows Messenger Instant messaging someone is simply a way to talk to people over the Internet Basically, it lets two people type in whatever they want, and then they click on the send button to put the message through to the other person It comes in handy for talking to people across country, or even from different countries, since the service is free They can be sent through greeting cards, or any other form of dialog that can be transmitted electronically
A message is a communication sent via E-mail or news
In NonStop™ CORBA, a body of data intended for interprocess transfer by an event handler A message object consists of a list of pointers to message data (MD) segments, which contain the actual data The NonStop™ CORBA message object includes methods that applications can use to manipulate a message In general object technology, information passed from one object to another: a method invocation results in a message to the target object, and the reply results in a message from the target object to the client Physical movement of data does not necessarily occur
A communication from one object (the sender) to another (the receiver) requesting it perform a named action as specified by the selector, parameterised with a specified set of arguments The result of the method execution (an object in itself) is answered (returned) to the sender
A data structure that conveys control information or application information A message consists of a length field (MSG_LENGTH), a message body (the part conveying the information), and a CRC
A data structure which the server uses to communicate with a client It contains an opcode specifying the service request and a message argument array that is used when reading from and writing to the client
send a message to; "She messaged the committee"
Hence, specifically, an official communication, not made in person, but delivered by a messenger; as, the President's message
The message that someone is trying to communicate, for example in a book or play, is the idea or point that they are trying to communicate. The report's message was unequivocal I think they got the message that this is wrong
—The basic unit of communication containing the data to be transmitted between the client and server
A digital representation of information; a computer-based record A subset of RECORD (Cf , RECORD)
send a message; "There is no messaging service at this company"
In the Java Message Service, an asynchronous request, report, or event that is created, sent, and consumed by an enterprise application, not by a human It contains vital information needed to coordinate enterprise applications, in the form of precisely formatted data that describes specific business actions
send as a message; "She messaged the final report by fax"
SCSI Messages are used to allow initiator and target to communicate while processing a SCSI task SCSI messages are used during the command transfer to negotiate the fast and wide transfer options for the data transfer An initiator can use a message to abort a command currently executed A target can use a message to notify the initiator of a parity error
what a communication that is about something is about
A messenger
To transmit a message, e.g. as text via a cell phone
Information sent from one entity to another on the network A single message may be divided into several packets for delivery to the destination and then reassembled by the receiving host
1 The information sent by one source to another, usually short and transmitted by words, signals, or other means 2 An arbitrary amount of information whose beginning and end are defined or implied
a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled; "he sent a three-word message" what a communication that is about something is about send a message; "There is no messaging service at this company" send as a message; "She messaged the final report by fax" send a message to; "She messaged the committee
send a message to; "She messaged the committee
A unit of data sent by one task or thread that is guaranteed to be delivered atomically to another task or thread In Mach, a message consists of a header and a variable-length body Some system services are invoked by passing a message from a thread to the Mach port representing the task that provides the desired service
the most common form of official communication between the houses
message board
a system in which users may send, read and reply to public messages; an electronic bulletin board or forum
message board
a board on which messages may be posted, especially one in a public space
message broker
An intermediary program that translates a message from the formal messaging protocol of the sender to the formal messaging protocol of the receiver in a telecommunication network where programs communicate by exchanging formally-defined messages
message in a bottle
A message written on a scrap of paper, rolled-up and put in an empty bottle and set adrift on the ocean; traditionally, a method used by castaways to advertise their distress to the outside world
message stick
A piece of wood, etched with angular lines and dots, traditionally used by Australian aboriginals to communicate messages between different clans and language groups
Message Application Programming Interface
Microsoft Windows program interface that enables different e-mail applications on different platforms to exchange messages, MAPI (Computers)
Message Of The Day
(Internet) opening message that appears on entrance to a site and provides information or advice to a user
Message Transfer Agent
software responsible for transferring email messages, MTA (Computers)
message board
a place on a website where you can read or leave messages = electronic bulletin board
message board
bulletin board; electronic message area on the Internet where users transfer messages and announcements or participate in discussion groups (Computers)
message filter
(Ticaret) A function in planning systems that suppresses the generation of an exception message based on a date, quantity, dollar or other parameter in order to reduce the overall message volume and focus on those with higher severity levels. For example, the filter might indicate that unless a production order needs to be rescheduled in by at least three days, the message is not generated
message machine
answering machine, machine which records messages from callers
message of sympathy
message that expresses shared sorrow
message pad
a pad of paper on which messages can be written
message play
Any play which its director describes as "worthwhile," "a challenge to actors and audience alike," or "designed to make the audience think " Critics will be impressed both by the daring material and the roomy accommodations, since they're likely to have the house all to themselves
message queue
place in the memory which stores messages which are transferred between applications
message stick
A stick, carved with lines and dots, used, esp
message stick
by Australian aborigines, to convey information
message switching
(Computers) method of communication in which a message is sent between different channels along the path to its destination (in accordance with the network load)
message thread
list of messages in a newsgroup which is arranged in chronological order
I approve this message
An often-mocked mandatory message in political advertisements affirming that the candidate for whom the spot is made was involved with and approved the spot. Origins in the practice of using ads which were dubious and unclear about whether the organization that paid for them had direct ties to the candidate. Spots not approved by the candidate must disavow connections to the candidate
address message
a message sent in the forward direction that contains (a) address information, (b) the signaling information required to route and connect a call to the called line, (c) service-class information, (d) information relating to user and network facilities, and (e) call-originator identity or call-receiver identity (Accredited Standards Committee on Telecommunications, T1)
carried the message to Garcia
Simple past tense and past participle of carry the message to Garcia
carries the message to Garcia
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carry the message to Garcia
carry the message to Garcia
To perform a requisite task despite obstacles

determined to always carry the message to Garcia, irrespective of adverse conditions and circumstances.

carry the message to Garcia
To perform a requisite task without having been informed specifically by what method to do so

And leaders will emerge. Men who can take the initiative, carry the message to Garcia. That's what I want..

carrying the message to Garcia
Present participle of carry the message to Garcia
deliver the message to Garcia
Alternative form of carry the message to Garcia

heaves in a deep breath, gathers himself as though he's crossed a continent to deliver the message to Garcia.

delivered the message to Garcia
Simple past tense and past participle of deliver the message to Garcia
delivering the message to Garcia
Present participle of deliver the message to Garcia
delivers the message to Garcia
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deliver the message to Garcia
error message
A message displayed when an unexpected condition occurs, usually on a computer or device
instant message
To convey a message via an instant messaging program
instant message
A message conveyed through an instant messaging program
plural form of message
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of message
mixed message
Any communication that is contradictory, inconsistent, or unclear, especially in its motive or intent

Don't you think it's sending a mixed message for the magazine to put Lose Five Pounds in A Month right next to Ten Easy Desserts?.

publicly stating or supporting a policy counter to the official party policy
on message
Alternative spelling of on-message
on message
On an errand

And whan she came bifore kynge Arthur, she told from whome she came, and how she was sent on message vnto hym for these causes.

Publicly reiterating and supporting the official party policy; conforming to the party's agreed policies
picture message
An image that is transmitted electronically, especially between mobile phones
picture message
An image used to convey an idea or concept
short message service
the system for transmitting text messages on mobile phones
subliminal message
A signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception
text message
A brief electronic message sent between mobile phones, containing text composed by the sender, usually input via a lettering system on a cell phone's numeric keypad, the content of which is often abbreviated like shorthand by leaving out vowels or using phonetic spellings
text message
To engage in the activity of sending and receiving text messages

She's been text messaging all afternoon.

text message
To send as a text message

Just text message me the information.

text message
To transmit a text message to

I told him to text message you when he's finished.

get the message
(deyim) UNDERSTAND, get the point, comprehend; catch on, latch on, get the picture
E-mail Message
{i} electronic mail message, computerized mail message, letter sent through the Internet, EMSG
Instant Message
message that is transferred quickly between users (Internet)
Internet Control Message Protocol
protocol used to send control messages and error messages during the transmission of IP-type data packets, ICMP
Internet Message Access Protocol
protocol used to transfer electronic mail on the Internet, IMAP
can I take a message?
would you like me to convey a message? (question asked on the telephone when the requested person is not available to talk)
convey a message
send a message
error message
printed message informing the user of an error which has occurred
exception message
(Ticaret) A system-generated notification of an order, inventory or other condition that violates defined parameters and requires a response. Messages include indications for past due, cancellation, order quantity changes, order date changes, inventory below safety stock level, and many other conditions. Systems that use auto-rescheduling use exception messages to initiate automatic action, without manual review and intervention by a planner
got the message
understood the point
hidden message
concealed meaning
mail message
email letter, message which was sent by electronic mail
past of message
plural of message
describes any Error, Warning, or Notes that may be issued during playback
Messages -- strings of text -- are generated throughout the YGOR programs to describe all types of expected and unexpected events All messages from all YGOR programs are sent via ethernet to a single program (currently messageMux) Every message has associated with it a severity level as well as what device produced the error, when the error occurred and when it was cleared
Your phone is capable of receiving both text and voice messages You should be notified whenever you receive a new message by an envelope icon on your phone's screen By going to your Inbox, you can view your new text messages If you have received a voice message, you will still be notified in your Inbox, with a message that instructs you to call your voicemail, and the phone number of the individual that left you a voice message
the single communication event that you complete by adding (typing, linking) your individual thoughts to any conferences in The Junction (sometimes referred to as posts)
Agreed words or statements that a client wants to convey to third parties, such as the media or shareholders
Every object, character, and room on the MOO has messages These messages contain the physical description, the automatic responses to things which happen, and so on Messages are the blocks of information which are saved and stored by the MOO database, thus assuring that if you spend two hourse setting up your brand-new garden room today, it will still be there tomorrow
In BT Openworld WebMail, we refer to emails as messages So when you write a message, it's just the same as writing an email
third-person singular of message
The net effect of MIDI-computing is sound: melodies, harmonies, rhythms But the MIDI message (the MIDI event) itself is not a sound Transmitted are digital commands--about 1,000 events per second
Something an organization wants to communicate to an audience about itself For example, "Our company cares about the environment," might be the message behind the announcement of a new recycling program
Messaging is the sending of written or spoken messages using a computer or another electronic device such as a mobile phone. Messaging allows real-time communication by keyboard with up to five people at any one time. the system or process of sending messages using electronic equipment
the sending and processing of e-mail by computer
(gerund) A generic term encompassing several modes and methods of online communication between people (as opposed to machines) asynchronous messaging technologies include electronic mail, newsgroup postings, and message boards Synchronous messaging technologies include chat and internet telephony
{i} transmitting of messages electronically (using a telephone or computer, also on the Internet)
Voice & Video IRC Clients Chat Hosting
Synonymous with text paging, "texting," e-mail or short messages, received on alphanumeric pagers and two-way wireless devices
In a network, the messaging feature is a software tool that enables information distribution according to more or less complex processes Messaging defines the conditioning mode of messages, the distribution mode, the priority and security level, and the process of information acknowledgment by addressee
Data and voice communications that include e-mail, information services, sound bytes and pager messages Messaging usually refers to short text messages, although they may include graphics and web files
The use of electronic mail (e-mail), voice mail, fax, electronic data interchange (EDI), and other messaging technologies for secure global electronic commerce
present participle of message
Using various products, services and technologies to transfer messages from one person to another, or from one device to another such as traditional numeric or alphanumeric paging, e-mail or short messages (SMS) delivered to wireless devices Back to the top
Synonymous with text paging, e-mail or short messages received on alphanumeric pagers and other wireless devices
If a politician is off-message, they say something that does not follow the official policy of their party. a politician who is off-message says things that are different from the ideas of the political party they belong to   on-message
{s} that goes in a different direction than the planned message, not following the official policy of a political party
run message
rush to deliver a message, deliver a message quickly
short message system
A short message system is a way of sending short written messages from one mobile phone to another. The abbreviation SMS is also used
subliminal message
message conveyed to the unconscious that a person is unaware of