(Askeri) MUHTIRA, NOTA, ANDIÇ: 1. MUHTIRA: Ast karargahların; verdikleri talimat, tavsiye veya bilgi için kullandıkları mutat direktif. Genel emir, mektup, sirküler veya talimatlar vasıtasıyla bu işin yapılması uygun görülmediği taktirde, muhtıra kullanılır. 2. MUHTIRA: Resmi işlerle uğraşan fertler arasında kullanılan yazılı muhabere
A Memorandum title is a nonnegotiable title issued when you bring a vehicle from out-of-state, have a lien on the vehicle and your lienholder has possession of your out-of-state title A Memorandum title is not valid unless accompanied by the previous out-of-state title
Sometimes also referred to as a "Bidder Acknowledgment" or "Broker Acknowledgment", the memorandum is signed by those parties either on the auction floor or in the contract room
Sometimes also referred to as a "Bidder Acknowledgment," or "Broker Acknowledgment," the memorandum is signed by those parties either on the auction floor or in the contract room
A brief or informal note in writing of some transaction, or an outline of an intended instrument; an instrument drawn up in a brief and compendious form
A written communication much like a letter but having no salutation or complimentary ending Usually used within or between offices of the same organization
1 An informal discussion of the merits of a matter pending in a lawyer's office usually written by a law clerk or junior associate for a senior associate partner Also called an Office memorandum
A memorandum is a written report that is prepared for a person or committee in order to provide them with information about a particular matter. The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights
OF TRUST A document, usually recorded, which shows that a trust has been created, names the TRUSTEES and successor trustees, and states their powers, and lists the property subject to the trust It is sometimes called a Certificate of Trust