member of muslim people who inhabit the region of kurdistan

listen to the pronunciation of member of muslim people who inhabit the region of kurdistan
English - Turkish

Definition of member of muslim people who inhabit the region of kurdistan in English Turkish dictionary

(isim) Kürt
{i} Kürt

Kürt dilini seviyorum. - I like the Kurdish language.

Kürtçe konuşuyor musun? - Do you speak Kurdish?

English - English
{i} Kurd
member of muslim people who inhabit the region of kurdistan


    Mem·ber of Mus·lim peo·ple who in·hab·it the re·gion of Kur·di·stan

    Turkish pronunciation

    membır ıv mʌzlım pipıl hu înhäbıt dhi ricın ıv kırdîstän


    /ˈmembər əv ˈməzləm ˈpēpəl ˈho͞o ənˈhabət ᴛʜē ˈrēʤən əv ˈkərdəˌstan/ /ˈmɛmbɜr əv ˈmʌzləm ˈpiːpəl ˈhuː ɪnˈhæbət ðiː ˈriːʤən əv ˈkɜrdɪˌstæn/