meeting place on base that is restricted to military officers

listen to the pronunciation of meeting place on base that is restricted to military officers
English - English
officers' club
meeting place on base that is restricted to military officers


    meet·ing place on base that I·s re·stric·ted to mi·li·ta·ry officers

    Turkish pronunciation

    mitîng pleys ôn beys dhıt îz ristrîktıd tı mîlıteri ôfısırz


    /ˈmētəɴɢ ˈplās ˈôn ˈbās ᴛʜət əz rēˈstrəktəd tə ˈmələˌterē ˈôfəsərz/ /ˈmiːtɪŋ ˈpleɪs ˈɔːn ˈbeɪs ðət ɪz riːˈstrɪktəd tə ˈmɪləˌtɛriː ˈɔːfəsɜrz/