
listen to the pronunciation of mechanical
English - Turkish
(Tıp) mekanikal
(Ticaret) makine ile ilgili

Mekanik cihazlar, elektronik olanlara göre daha güvenilirdir. - Mechanical devices are more reliable than electronic ones.

O sadece mekanik bir sorun. - It's just a mechanical problem.

makineyle ilgili
el sanatlarına ait
(Tıp) Hareket kanunlarına ait veya bunlara tabi
makina veya aletle yapılmış
makinaya veya alete ait
makina gibi
mechanical drawing teknik resim
mechanical efficiency makinada kullanılan güçle verim ar
mechanical advantage mekanik verim
{s} makineye ait
{s} makine ile yapılan
mechanical translation
(Dilbilim) bilgisayar çevirisi
mechanical ventilation
mekanik havalandırma
mechanical advantage
kuvvet kazancı
mechanical advantage
mekanik avantaj
mechanical betraviour
mekanik davranış
mechanical brake
mekanik fren
mechanical deformation process
mekanik deformasyon işlemi
mechanical device
mekanik araç
mechanical digestion
mekanik sindirim
mechanical drawing
mekanik çizim
mechanical drawing
makine resmi çizme
mechanical drawing
teknik çizim
mechanical duster
mekanik tozlayıcı
mechanical dusting
mekanik tozlama
mechanical efficiency
güç verimi
mechanical energy
mekanik enerji
mechanical engineer
makine mühendisi
mechanical engineering
makina mühendisliği
mechanical engineering
makine mühendisliği
mechanical equivalent of heat
ısının iş olarak eşdeğeri
mechanical equivalent of light
ışığın mekanik eşdeğeri
mechanical filter
mekanik filtre
mechanical force
mekanik kuvvet
mechanical governor
mekanik regülatör
mechanical grazing
mekanik otlatma
mechanical impedance
mekanik empedans
mechanical jack
mekanik kriko
mechanical lifting
makine ile sökme
mechanical line
mekanik hat
mechanical man
mechanical mining
mekanik kazı
mechanical piano
mekanik piyano
mechanical power
mekanik güç
mechanical property
mekanik özellik
mechanical scanning
mekanik tarama
mechanical shovel
mekanik kürek
mechanical street sweeper
sokak süpürme aracı
mechanical weathering
fiziksel aşınma
mechanical weathering
mekanik aşınma
mechanical weeding
zararlı otları makineyle temizleme
mechanical work
mekanik iş
mechanical behaviour
mekanik davranış
mechanical engineer msc
makina yüksek mühendisi
mechanical equilibrium
mekanik denge
mechanical equivalent
mekanik eşdeğer
mechanical guidance
mekanik rehberlik
mechanical pencil
mekanik kurşun kalem
mechanical translation
mekanik tercüme, bilgisayar çevirisi
mechanical action
mekanik tesir
mechanical analyses
mekanik analiz
mechanical analysis
mekaniksel analiz
mechanical analysis
(Askeri) mekanik analiz
mechanical aptitude test
(Askeri) MEKANİK KABİLİYET TESTİ: Askerlerin sınıflara ayrılışları esnasında, celp ve sevk merkezlerinde (reception center) yapılan test. Bu testten maksat, her erin, makina sahasındaki kabiliyetini tespit etmektir
mechanical bending
mekanik eğme
mechanical bond
mekanik aderans
mechanical border
(Askeri) mekanik sınır
mechanical border
(Askeri) MEKANİK SINIR: Atmosferde hava mukavemeti ve sürtünmesinin azaldığı tabaka (120 milden 140 mile kadar olan irtifa). Ayrıca bakınız: (effective atmosphere)
mechanical brakes
(Otomotiv) mekanik park freni
mechanical braking
(Bilgisayar) mekanik frenleme
mechanical breakdown
mekanik arıza
mechanical caliper
mekanik kumpas
mechanical chattering
(Otomotiv) mekanik gürültüler
mechanical collection
(Çevre) mekanik toplama
mechanical compaction
mekanik sıkıştırma
mechanical components
mekanik bileşenler
mechanical control
mekanik kumanda
mechanical cut
(Tekstil) mekanik kesim
mechanical damage
(Nükleer Bilimler) mekanik hasar
mechanical defects
mekanik problemleri
mechanical device
mekanik aygıt
mechanical device
(Otomotiv) mekanik ünite
mechanical draftsman
makine ressamı
mechanical drawing
teknik resim
mechanical drill
(Dilbilim) biçim alıştırması
mechanical efficiency
(Otomotiv,Teknik) mekanik verim
mechanical efficiency
mekanik randıman
mechanical engineer
makine mühendisi. mechanical engineering makine mühendisliği
mechanical engineer msc
makine yüksek mühendisi
mechanical filter
(Askeri) MEKANİK SÜZGEÇ: Özel malzeme ile yapılan ve çeşitli tahriş edici gaz ve sis maddelerinin, gayet küçük katı ve sıvı zerreciklerini süzen bir gaz maskesi süzgeci veya sığınak gaz süzgecinin parçası. Ayrıca bakınız: "filter element"
mechanical filtration
(Denizbilim) mekanik filtrasyon
mechanical fittings
mekanik ekleme elemanları
mechanical float
mekanik mastar
mechanical float
mekanik finişer
mechanical floor
tesisat katı
mechanical floor
servis katı
mechanical fuel pumps
(Otomotiv) mekanik yakıt pompaları
mechanical governar
(Otomotiv) mekanik regülatör
mechanical governor
(Otomotiv) mekanik guvernör regülatör
mechanical hand tools
mekanik el aygıtları
mechanical harm
(Tıp) mekanik zedelenme
mechanical heart
(Tıp) mekanik kalp
mechanical hysteresis
(Tıp) mekanik isteri
mechanical integrity
(Nükleer Bilimler) mekanik bütünlük
mechanical jacks
mekanik krikolar
mechanical jamming
(Askeri) MEKANİK KARIŞTIRMA: Diğer bir istasyon tarafından alınan sinyalleri karıştırmak için, hail levha (window) veya köşeli reflektör gibi bir tertibatla bir çok sahte hedeflerin meydana getirilmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "jamming"
mechanical lapping
mekanik lepleme
mechanical load
mekanik yük
mechanical locking type
(Otomotiv) mekanik kilitlemeli tip
mechanical lubricator
yağ tulumbası
mechanical mine planter
(Askeri) mekanik mayın döşeyici
mechanical model
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mekanik model
mechanical noise
(Askeri) MEKANİK GÜRÜLTÜ: Bir dinlenme cihazının çalışmasında, yapısı icabı, meydana gelen gürültü
mechanical operations
mekanik işler
mechanical operator
mekanik çalıştırıcı
mechanical parts
mekanik aksamlar
mechanical pencil
versatil kalem
mechanical pick
makineli kırıcı
mechanical pick
mekanik kırıcı
mechanical pilot
(Askeri) MEKANİK PİLOT: Bak. "automatic pilot"
mechanical plastering
makineli sıvacılık
mechanical polishing
mekanik cilalama
mechanical project
mekanik proje
mechanical pulp
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) mekanik hamur
mechanical pulpwood
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) mekaniksel odun hamuru
mechanical puppet
(Tiyatro) makineli kukla
mechanical purification
mekanik temizleme
mechanical rendering
mekanik sıva
mechanical rendering
pompaj sıvası
mechanical sampler
mekanik örnek alıcı
mechanical saw
mekanik testere
mechanical seismograph
(Çevre) mekanik sismograf
mechanical shaker
mekanik çalkalayıcı
mechanical shock
mekanik şok
mechanical sieving
mekanik eleme
mechanical smoke generator
(Askeri) MEKANİK SİS CİHAZI: Geniş sahaları perdelemek maksadıyla, sis yağı ve sudan mürekkep bir karışımı, beyaz bir buhar ve sis halinde yayan cihaz
mechanical solidarity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mekanik dayanışma
mechanical sorting and tabulating equipment
(Askeri) MEKANİK AYIRMA VE SIRALAMA CİHAZI: Bak. "machine record unit"
mechanical spring
(Otomotiv) mekanik yay
mechanical stabilization
mekanik stabilizasyon
mechanical steam trap
şamandralı buhar kapanı
mechanical stoker
mekanik besleyici
mechanical stoker
otomatik ateşçi
mechanical stres
mekanik basınç
mechanical sweep
(Askeri) mekanik tarama
mechanical sweep
(Askeri) MEKANİK TARAMA: Deniz mayın harbinde, mayına veya uzantılarına fiziksel olarak temas etmek amacıyla kullanılan herhangi bir tarama
mechanical switching device
mekanik anahtar
mechanical technician
mekanik teknisyeni
mechanical time fuze
(Askeri) mekanik ihtiraklı tapa
mechanical time fuze
(Askeri) MEKANİK İHTİRAKLİ TAPA: Tapanın patlayacağı zamanı kontrol eden saat mekanizmasına benzer bir tertibatla teçhiz edilmiş tapa. Ayrıca bakınız: "fuze"
mechanical tooling
mekanik çizgileme
mechanical training
(Askeri) MEKANİK EĞİTİM: Alet ve makinaların kullanılması ve silahların çalışma esasları konularında yapılan eğitim. MILITARY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT AID TRAINEES: ASKERİ YARDIM PROGRAMI BAĞIŞ YARDIMI EĞİTİM PERSONELİ: Askeri yardım programı eğitiminin bağış yardımı kısmında eğitim gören yabancı millet mensupları. MILITARY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SUPPORTED THIRD COUNTRY TRAINING: ASKERİ YARDIM PROGRAMI İLE DESTEKLENMİŞ YARDIM DIŞI MEMLEKET EĞİTİMİ: Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Anayurdu ve Amerikan murakabesi dışında, programa dahil bulunmayan bir memlekette sağlanan eğitim. Bu eğitim; normal öğrenci yolluk ve yevmiyelerinin karşılanmasında Amerikan yardımından faydalanır
mechanical training
(Askeri) mekanik eğitim
mechanical trowel
mekanik mala
mechanical trowel
mekanik mastar
mechanical vacuum pump line valve
(Nükleer Bilimler) mekanik vakum pompası hattı vanası
mechanical ventilators
(Tıp) mekanik ventilatörler
mechanical weathering
fiziksel bozunma
mechanical weathering
mekanik ayrışma
mechanical zero
mekanik sifir
mechanical engineer
makina mühendisi
makine gibi
make mechanical
mekanik olarak
thermo mechanical
termo mekanik
combination of mechanical
mekanik dişli oranları
driving in mechanical gear
mekanik dişli hareketi
lubrication mechanical
mekanik yağlama
(zarf) mekanik olarak
z. mekanik olarak
play mechanical
(Askeri) MEKANİK OYNAKLIK: Belirli sınırlar dahilinde veya haricinde serbestçe hareket etmek veya işlemek
English - English
Using mechanics (the design and construction of machines): being a machine

mechanical arm.

As if performed by a machine: lifeless or mindless

a mechanical reply to a question.

Related to mechanics (the design and construction of machines)

mechanical dictionary.

Acting as if one were a machine: lifeless or mindless

the pianist was too mechanical.

Related to mechanics (the branch of physics that deals with forces acting on mass)

mechanical engineering.

Done by machine

mechanical task.

Handy with machines

Why don't you ask Joe to fix it? He's very mechanical.

{a} done by mechanics or art
If you describe someone's action as mechanical, you mean that they do it automatically, without thinking about it. It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition + mechanically me·chani·cal·ly He nodded mechanically, his eyes fixed on the girl. adj. mechanical efficiency mechanical advantage mechanical energy mechanical engineering mechanical system
Postcards that have moving parts It may be simple as a die cut top revealing a different idea of the previous image when opened It could be as complicated as pulling a tab for a curtain to move and totally change pictures Some mechanicals have wheels that change the faces on a body or dates on a calendar
Done as if by a machine; uninfluenced by will or emotion; proceeding automatically, or by habit, without special intention or reflection; as, mechanical singing; mechanical verses; mechanical service
Related to mechanics, done by machine
A mechanical device has parts that move when it is working, often using power from an engine or from electricity. a small mechanical device that taps out the numbers. the oldest working mechanical clock in the world + mechanically me·chani·cal·ly The air was circulated mechanically
Describes a movement with a balance wheel
A paste up of all design elements and type proofs in position for photochemical reproduction
The actual artwork sent to the printer or trade bureau is referred to as a mechanical However, common usage goes further in specifying a mechanical as a board or base layer onto which camera ready artwork has been mounted A second layer, often a clear sheet of plastic, contains the photographs and or transparencies mounted in position A sheet of tracing or other semitransparent paper is often attached and includes special information or instructions (e g , make this type blue, or this logo red)
as, mechanical principles; a mechanical theory; mechanical deposits
using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices; "a mechanical process"; "his smile was very mechanical"; "a mechanical toy"
See the 2d Note under Geometric
relating to or concerned with machinery or tools; "mechanical arts"; "mechanical design"; "mechanical skills"
A mechanical is an item usually made from brass that moves by means of a spring The term is loosely applied to any item that has moving parts
relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics; "a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance"; "the mechanical pressure of a strong wind"
camera-ready art work
A mechanic
In traditional publishing, one or more artboards with type galleys, line art, "for-position-only" photostats, and tissue overlays to indicate color In electronic publishing, the final camera-ready page with position-only stats keyed to flat art to be stripped in by the printer
relating to machines
{s} of or relating to machinery; automatic, executed by means of machine; boring, monotonous; understanding machines
A finished layout that is photographed for offset printing
camera ready artwork that includes text, photos, illustrations, and so forth
relating to or concerned with machinery or tools; "mechanical arts"; "mechanical design"; "mechanical skills
Obtained by trial, by measurements, etc
Camera-ready copy (usually for a cover or dust jacket) showing exact placement of every element, and carrying actual or simulated type and artwork to top
lacking thought or feeling using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices; "a mechanical process"; "his smile was very mechanical"; "a mechanical toy"
Of or pertaining to a machine or to machinery or tools; made or formed by a machine or with tools; as, mechanical precision; mechanical products
A term used for a camera-ready paste up of artwork This includes type, photos, line art, etc ; all on one piece of artboard
The reference for the material used for making a printing plate Frequently film-based
If you describe a person as mechanical, you mean they are naturally good at understanding how machines work. He was a very mechanical person, who knew a lot about sound + mechanically me·chani·cal·ly I'm not mechanically minded
this is final art in which all of the necessary pieces are put in place or position in the exact size and place desired
Camera-ready assembly of type, graphic and other copy complete with instructions to the printer A hard mechanical consists of paper and/or acetate, is made using paste-up techniques, and may also be called an artboard, board or paste-up A soft mechanical, also called an electronic mechanical, exists as a file of type and other images assembled using a computer
Pertaining to, governed by, or in accordance with, mechanics, or the laws of motion; pertaining to the quantitative relations of force and matter, as distinguished from mental, vital, chemical, etc
Pertaining to the positions and motions of atoms, as defined by the positions of their nuclei; see °electronic A purely mechanical device can be described in terms of atomic positions and motions without reference to electronic properties, save through their effect on the °potential energy function
Camera-ready artwork that includes text, photos, illustrations, and so forth A mechanical can be in the form of an artboard, a digital printout, or a digital file ready for high-resolution output
lacking thought or feeling
- a term for a camera-ready paste-up of artwork It includes type, photos, line art, etc , all on one piece of artboard
Postcards that have moving parts It may be a simple as a die cut top revealing a different idea of the previous image when opened It could as complicated as pulling a tab for a curtain to move and totally change pictures Some mechanicals have wheels that change the faces on a body or dates on a calendar
A term for a camera-ready paste-up of artwork It includes type, photos, line art, etc , all on one piece of artboard
Complete pages, with text, line art and crop marks in position, ready to be photographed or output to film
Made and operated by interaction of forces without a directing intelligence; as, a mechanical universe
a paper made from mechanically treated woodpulp which has a limited life and tends to discolor with time; originally used only for paperbacks and other titles of ephemeral value but nowadays mechanical pulp is used in variable proportions in the furnish of many books papers More explicitly called 'groundwood' in the US
Camera ready art all contained on one board
Used mostly in offset, a term for a camera ready pasteup of artwork It includes type, line art, etc all on one piece of artboard
Mechanical means relating to machines and engines and the way they work. mechanical engineering The train had stopped due to a mechanical problem. + mechanically me·chani·cal·ly The car was mechanically sound, he decided
Something that is, or works like a machine
approximate; empirical
mechanical advantage
the ratio of the output force produced by a machine (especially a simple machine) to the applied input force
mechanical digestion
The breaking of food into digestible chunks, normally using the teeth
mechanical energy
The sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of a body or system
mechanical engineering
The subfield of engineering concerned with designing and building machines and mechanical systems
mechanical lithosphere
a mechanical analogue of the seismic lithosphere, used to simulate the flexural deformations of the Earth
mechanical pencil
A device, roughly the shape of a pen, into which long thin piece of pencil lead can be placed. A button can then be used to adjust how much of the pencil lead extends beyond the tip of the mechanical pencil, so one can adjust it as the pencil lead wears off through usage. Mechanical pencils usually also have a small eraser at the end opposite the tip
mechanical pencils
plural form of mechanical pencil
mechanical equilibrium
A system is in mechanical equilibrium when the sum of the forces, and torque, on each particle of the system is zero
mechanical pencil
A mechanical pencil, lead pencil or clicky pencil (usually called a propelling pencil in British English; other names include clutch pencil, or Pacer after a Papermate model, a genericized trademark) is a pencil containing an internal mechanism which pushes ("propels") the thin graphite lead through the tip. Like standard pencils, there are also mechanical pencils which have a rubber eraser on the end. Mechanical pencils provide lines of consistent thickness, well suited for technical applications such as drafting and writing
mechanical advantage
the ratio of the force exerted by a machine to the force applied to it
mechanical advantage
The ratio of the output force produced by a machine to the applied input force. Force-amplifying effectiveness of a simple machine (lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, or screw). The theoretical mechanical advantage of a system is the ratio of the force that performs the useful work to the force applied, assuming there is no friction in the system. In practice, the actual mechanical advantage will be less than the theoretical value by an amount determined by the amount of friction
mechanical carpenter's shop
workshop containing machines for woodworking
mechanical device
mechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principles
mechanical drawing
scale drawing of a machine or architectural plan etc
mechanical energy
energy in a mechanical form
mechanical energy
Sum of a system's kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). Mechanical energy is constant in a system that experiences no dissipative forces such as friction or air resistance. For example, a swinging pendulum that experiences only gravitation has greatest KE and least PE at the lowest point on the path of its swing, where its speed is greatest and its height least. It has least KE and greatest PE at the extremities of its swing, where its speed is zero and its height is greatest. As it moves, energy is continuously passing back and forth between the two forms. Neglecting friction and air resistance, the pendulum's mechanical energy is constant
mechanical engineer
person skilled in mechanical engineering, one who is trained in the design and use of machinery
mechanical engineer
a person trained to design and construct machines
mechanical engineering
The branch of engineering that encompasses the generation and application of heat and mechanical power and the design, production, and use of machines and tools.mechanical engineer n. the study of the design and production of machines and tools engineer. Branch of engineering concerned with the design, manufacture, installation, and operation of engines, machines, and manufacturing processes. Mechanical engineering involves application of the principles of dynamics, control, thermodynamics and heat transfer, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, materials science, electronics, and mathematics. It is concerned with machine tools, motor vehicles, textile machinery, packaging machines, printing machinery, metalworking machines, welding, air conditioning, refrigerators, agricultural machinery, and many other machines and processes essential to an industrial economy
mechanical engineering
the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of machinery
mechanical engineering
branch of engineering that deals with the design and use of machinery
mechanical engineering equipment
tools and accessories needed in the profession of mechanical engineering
mechanical locksmith's workshop
location where a locksmith works with machines and performs his work
mechanical loom
weaving machine
mechanical mixture
mixture of substances in a way that each maintains its individual characteristics
mechanical mixture
a mixture whose components can be separated by mechanical means
mechanical pencil
pencil with replaceable lead that can be extended mechanically (invented by Tokuji Hayakawa in 1915)
mechanical pencil
a pencil made of metal or plastic, with a thin piece of lead (=the part that you write with) inside British Equivalent: propelling pencil
mechanical phenomenon
a physical phenomenon associated with the equilibrium or motion of objects
mechanical piano
a mechanically operated piano that uses a roll of perforated paper to activate the keys
mechanical system
Any building service using machines. They include plumbing, elevators, escalators, and heating and air-conditioning systems. The introduction of mechanization in buildings in the early 20th century brought about major adjustments; the new equipment demanded floor space, and the design team began to include electrical and HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning) engineers. Heating and cooling changed dramatically. Modern buildings, with their large heat gains, turned central heating into little more than a supplement. Heat removal is a much more serious burden, especially in warm weather. The roofs of high-rises are occupied by cooling towers and mechanical penthouses; entire floors are often dedicated to the containment of blowers, compressors, water chillers, boilers, pumps, and generators
mechanical system
a system of elements that interact on mechanical principles
electro-mechanical computer
an early type of computer that used storage wheels, rotary switches, and electromagnetic relays and was programmed by punched paper tape
electro-mechanical computers
plural form of electro-mechanical computer
logical mechanical element
any part of a mechanism that exercises some form of logical control; such as a ratchet, trip, detent or interlock
mechanical fixtures and fittings
quantum mechanical
Of or pertaining to quantum mechanics
Of or pertaining to quantum mechanics
statistical mechanical
of, or relating to statistical mechanics
in a machine-like manner; without feeling; "he smiled mechanically"
in a mechanical way; in a mechanic manner
in a mechanical manner; by a mechanism; "this door opens mechanically"
in a machine-like manner; without feeling; "he smiled mechanically" in a mechanical manner; by a mechanism; "this door opens mechanically
in a mechanical manner; by a mechanism; "this door opens mechanically
In a mechanical manner
practical mechanical engineer
engineer that deals with planning and operating machinery
practical mechanical engineering
profession which deals with the planning and operation of machinery at the level of practical engineer
Turkish - English

Definition of mechanical in Turkish English dictionary

mechanical routine