
listen to the pronunciation of mauer…
German - Turkish

Definition of mauer… in German Turkish dictionary

[die] duvar; sur
n {'mauır} e duvar; sur
berliner mauer
berlin duvarı
English - Turkish

Definition of mauer… in English Turkish dictionary

duvara yapılmış resim
(Tıp) müral
(Tıp) müral trombüs
duvar resim

Ressam eski taş duvarda en karmaşık duvar resimlerini yaptı. - The artist painted the most intricate of murals on the old stone wall.

Onlar özellikle renkli duvar resimleridir. - Those are particularly colorful murals.

{s} duvara asılan
{i} duvar resmi
(isim) duvar resmi
{s} duvar

Ressam eski taş duvarda en karmaşık duvar resimlerini yaptı. - The artist painted the most intricate of murals on the old stone wall.

Onlar özellikle renkli duvar resimleridir. - Those are particularly colorful murals.

(sıfat) duvar
duvar üstünde/duvar gibi
duvara yapılan resim
{s} duvara ait
{s} duvar gibi
German - English
{a} pertaining or relating to a wall
A large design or picture, generally created on the wall of a public building, sometimes using the fresco technique
a painting that is applied to a wall surface
Pictures which cover an expanse of wall (exterior or interior), usually applied directly onto the wall
A mural is a picture painted on a wall. a mural of Tangier bay. a painting that is painted on a wall, either inside or outside a building fresco (muralis , from murus ). Painting applied to and made integral with the surface of a wall or ceiling. Its roots can be found in the universal desire that led prehistoric peoples to create cave paintings the desire to decorate their surroundings and express their ideas and beliefs. The Romans produced large numbers of murals in Pompeii and Ostia, but mural painting (not synonymous with fresco) reached its highest degree of creative achievement in Europe with the work of such Renaissance masters as Masaccio, Fra Angelico, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. In the 20th century, the mural was embraced by artists of the Cubist and Fauve movements in Paris, revolutionary painters in Mexico (e.g., Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros), and Depression-era artists under the sponsorship of the U.S. government (e.g., Ben Shahn, Thomas Hart Benton)
From the Latin word for wall, murus A large painting or decoration, either executed directly on a wall (fresco) or done separately and affixed to it
of or relating to walls; "mural painting"
Of or pertaining to a wall; being on, or in, a wall; growing on, or against, a wall; as, a mural quadrant
Wall painting or mosaics attached to a wall
A wall decoration with a pictorial design that continues over two or more strips of wallcovering and is intended to cover part or most of a wall without repeat Also called scenics
{s} of or pertaining to a wall; on a wall; painted on a wall; attached to a wall; resembling a wall
A large design or picture, generally created on the wall of a public building
Attached to, or of the nature of a wall
From the Latin word for wall, murus A large painting or decoration, either executed directly on a wall or done separately and affixed to it
[n] a wall-sized painting mounted on a wall or painted directly on a wall
a painting that is applied to a wall surface of or relating to walls; "mural painting
Any painting made directly on a wall
A large-scale painting on an interior or exterior wall
Resembling a wall; perpendicular or steep; as, a mural precipice
From the Latin word for walls, a mural is a large painting or decoration, either painted directly on the wall, such as a fresco, or prepared separately and affixed to the wall
Mauer (beim Freistoß)
defensive wall (during a free kick)
Mauer-Streifenfarn (Asplenium ruta-muraria)
wall rue
Mauer-Streifenfarn (Asplenium ruta-muraria)
white maidenhair
Mauer-Streifenfarn (Asplenium ruta-muraria)
wall-rue spleenwort
Mauerfall (Berliner Mauer)
the fall of the Wall
Mauerfall (Berliner Mauer)
the fall of the Berlin Wall
massive Mauer
solid wall
'Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer' (von Kafka / Werktitel)
'The Great Wall of China' (by Kafka / work title)
(an eine höhere Mauer angelehntes) Pultdach
lean-to roof
Eine Mauer ist alles, was vom Kloster geblieben ist.
A wall is all that remains of the monastery
Hilf mir über die Mauer.
Give me a leg up over the wall
Hilf mir, über die Mauer zu steigen.
Give me a leg up over the wall
Innere der Mauer
Schrägung (künstliche Böschung bei einer Mauer etc.)
batter (of a wall etc.)
Vertünchung (einer Mauer)
setting skin (of a wall)
der Mauerbau (der Berliner Mauer)
the building of the Berlin Wall
die Mauer
the Berlin Wall
durch eine Mauer/Wand abgetrennt sein
to be walled off
eine Mauer der Gleichgültigkeit
a screen of indifference
eine Mauer mit Graffiti beschmieren
to daub a wall with graffiti
eine Mauer/Wand/Decke mit Zierputz/Stuckverzierungen versehen
to parget a wall/ceiling {parged
eine Mauer/Wand/Decke mit Zierputz/Stuckverzierungen versehen
eine Mauer/Wand/Decke mit Zierputz/Stuckverzierungen versehen
to parge
eine rohe Mauer patschokieren (dünn glätten bzw. abdichten)
eine rohe Mauer patschokieren (dünn glätten bzw. abdichten)
to parget a raw wall {parged
eine rohe Mauer patschokieren (dünn glätten bzw. abdichten)
to parge
etw. durch eine Mauer abtrennen
to wall off <> something
hinter einer Mauer Schutz suchen
to seek shelter behind a wall
in einer Mauer befestigen
to fix in a wall
in einer Mauer befestigend
fixing in a wall
in einer Mauer befestigt
fixed in a wall
von einer Mauer umgeben
von einer Mauer umgeben