mat. üst, üs

listen to the pronunciation of mat. üst, üs
Turkish - English
{i} exponent
One who expounds, represents or advocates
a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
{i} one who interprets, advocate; small raised symbol or number placed after a number that indicates the power to which the number is raised (Mathematics)
A symbol written above and to the right of a mathematical expression to indicate the operation of raising to a power, e g 4 2 means '4 to the 2nd power', 4 x 4
An exponent of a particular skill or activity is a person who is good at it. the great exponent of expressionist dance, Kurt Jooss
– (1) Portion of the internal representation of a real number (2) Numeric value representing the power (or exponentiation) of another value
A numeral that indicates how many times a number or expression is to be multiplied by itself
In an expression of the form ab, we call b the exponent
Contains an integer that is the scale factor for floating-point fractions 3 5, p20
someone who expounds and interprets or explains
The raised number used as a power to indicate the number of repeated multiplications of the base For example: 34: exponent is 4
An exponent of an idea, theory, or plan is a person who supports and explains it, and who tries to persuade other people that it is a good idea. a leading exponent of test-tube baby techniques. = advocate
a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
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the number of times the base is used as a factor
The power to which a number, symbol or expression is to be raised. As in the "3" in x[3]
In the number 5³, the small top number, 3, is called an exponent It means that 5 is used as a factor 3 times 5³ = 5 * 5 * 5 = 125 On a graphing calculator, the caret sign (^) is used to show exponents 5³ = 5 ^ 3 = 125
a number that shows how many times another number is multiplied by itself -- "The exponent is the same as the number of zeros " (61)
One who explains or sets forth the views of another Thus, a clergyman should be the exponent of the Bible and Thirty-nine Articles (Latin, ex pono, to expose or set forth )
An expression of the number of times that a base is used as a factor (cfExponents and Logarithms Discussion)
mat. üst, üs