düzenli frekansı olan ve elektromanyetik dalgalar meydana getiren veya frekans ve görünüşü aynen muhafaza ederken bu dalgaları kuvvetlendiren herhangi bir tertibat
a device for the coherent amplification or generation of electromagnetic radiation (especially of microwave frequency) by the use of excitation energy in resonant atomic or molecular systems
a piece of equipment that produces a very powerful electric force laser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). Device that produces and amplifies electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range of the spectrum. The first maser was built in 1951 by Charles H. Townes. Its name is an acronym for "microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." The wavelength produced by a maser is so constant and reproducible that it can be used to control a clock that will gain or lose no more than a second over hundreds of years. Masers have been used to amplify faint signals returned from radar and communications satellites, and have made it possible to measure faint radio waves emitted by Venus, giving an indication of the planet's temperature. The maser was the principal precursor of the laser
An amplifier utilizing the principle of microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Emission of energy stored in a molecular or atomic system by a microwave power supply is stimulated by the input signal
Acronym for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation A member of the general class of microwave oscillators based on molecular interaction with electromagnetic radiation
"Microwave-amplified stimulated emission of radiation" An amplifier of radio waves (similar to a laser, which amplifies visible light) This may be a natural feature, such as water molecules in space, or can be created by using special properties of certain crystals, such as ruby, at temperatures near absolute zero and in strong magnetic fields Water molecules in space can form masers that help astronomers study radio emission from objects that would normally be too faint to detect
an acronym for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an amplifier that works on the same principle as a laser and emits coherent microwave radiation
This name stands for Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation When an atom is in a suitable energetic state, the passage of an electromagnetic wave triggers it to give up energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation This reinforces the passing wave, which allows excited atoms to build up an intense pulse of radiation with a defined frequency
Turkish - English
Definition of masers in Turkish English dictionary