
listen to the pronunciation of marriage
English - Turkish

Evlilik bir tür insan hakları ihlalidir. - Marriage is a type of human rights violation.

Bütün boşanmalarının temel nedeni evliliktir. - Marriage is the main cause of all divorces.


Evlenmek için acele etmeyin. - Don't rush into marriage.

O size evlenme teklif etti mi? - Did he propose marriage to you?

evlenme töreni
marriage bed yeni evlilerin ilk gece yattıkları yatak
marriage broker para karşılığında çöpçatanlık yapan kimse
nikahın verdiği hak ve vazife
{i} nikâh

Nikahsız evliliklerin sayısının arttığını düşünüyorum. - I think the number of common-law marriages is on the rise.

{i} birleşme
marriage certificate evlenme cüzdanı
dünya evi
marriage ceremony
marriage office
nikah dairesi
marriage bed
gelin yatağı
marriage broker
çöpçatanlık yapan kimse
marriage certificate
evlenme cüzdanı
marriage contract
evlilik akdi
marriage licence
nikâh kâğıdı
marriage license
evlilik cüzdanı
marriage license
evlenme izni
marriage offer
evlenme teklifi
marriage officer
evlendirme memuru
marriage portion
marriage bed
Gerdek yatağı
marriage ceremony
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Nikah töreni
marriage ceremony
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Evlilik töreni
marriage certificate
Evlenme cüzdanı, evlilik belgesi
marriage contract
marriage counsellor
evlilik danışmanı
marriage counselor
evlilik danışmanı
marriage day
evlilik günü
marriage guidance counselor
Evlilik danışmanı
marriage of convenience
Kolaylık evlilik
marriage officiant
Nikâh memuru
marriage, matrimony
evlilik, evlilik
evlenme amaçlı
marriage agreement
(Kanun) evlilik anlaşması
marriage broker
marriage community
(Kanun) karı kocalık
marriage community
(Kanun) evlilik müessesesi
marriage contract
marriage contract
marriage contract
(isim)kâh, sözlenme, nişanlanma
marriage court
(Kanun) evlilik mahkemesi
marriage customs and rites
evlilik adetleri ve törenleri
marriage gift
takı takma
marriage gift
marriage in necessity
zorunlu evlilik
marriage licence
(Kanun) evlenme ehliyet belgesi
marriage licence
nikah kağıdı
marriage licence
(Kanun) evlilik izni
marriage of convenience
formalite evliliği
marriage plan
evlilik planı
marriage preparation
evlilik hazırlığı
marriage proposal
evlenme teklifi
marriage settlement
(Kanun) evlenme sözleşmesi
marriage squeeze
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evlilik sıkışıklığı
marriage vows
evlilik sözü
same-sex marriage
(Fizik) Eşcinsel evliliği
arranged marriage
görücü usulü evlenme
arranged marriage
anlaşmalı evlilik
arranged marriage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görücü usulü evlilik
child marriage
beşik kertmesi
convenience marriage
mantık evliliği
perform a marriage ceremony
nikah kıymak
civil marriage
medeni nikâh
evlenecek çağda
plural marriage
religious marriage
imam nikâhı
trial marriage
deneme evliliği
a person who is connected with another or others by blood or marriage
diğerlerine kan veya evlilikle bağlı olan kişi
bad marriage
kötü evlilik
certificate of no marriage
hiçbir evlilik belgesi
consanguineous marriage
akraba evliliği
consummation of marriage
(Kanun) Nikah sonrası eşlerin cinsel temasıyla tamamlanmış olan
exchange marriage
Berdel: Ailenin kız ve erkek çocuğunun diğer ailenin kız ve erkek çocuğuyla karşılıklı olarak aynı zamanda evlendirilmesi
gay marriage
Eşcinsel evliliği
give in marriage
evlilik teslim
happy marriage
mutlu evlilik
hollywood marriage
hollywood evlilik
inter marriage
arası evlilik
open marriage
açık evlilik
ownership marriage
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Veblen terminolojisinde, toplayıcılık döneminde kadının bir ganimet olarak ele geçirilmesinden sonra erkekle evlendirilmesi
propose marriage
evlenme teklif
sham marriage
Anlaşmalı evlilik
single marriage
tek evlilik
Gretna Green marriage
İskoçya'da kıyılan formalite gerektirmeyen nikâh
Gretna Green marriage
formalitesiz evlilik
adjustment in marriage
evlilikte uyum
an arranged marriage
ailenin ayarladığı evlilik
ask for the girl in marriage
kız istemek
break up somebody's marriage
yuvasını yıkmak
bring about a marriage
evliliği gerçekleştirmek
civil marriage
medeni evlilik
civil marriage
resmi nikâh
clandestine marriage
(Kanun) gizlice evlenme
common marriage
birlikte yaşama
common marriage
nikâhsız birliktelik
companionate marriage
anlaşma evliliği
complementary marriage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tamamlayıcı evlilik
disastrous marriage
başarısız evlilik
early marriage
erken evlilik
early marriage
erken yaşta evlilik
failed marriage
başarısız evlilik
give a girl in marriage
kız vermek
give somebody in marriage
impediments to marriage
(Kanun) evlenmeye engel nedenler
impediments to marriage
(Kanun) evlenme engelleri
irretrievable breakdown of marriage
şiddetli geçimsizlik
kinship by marriage
(Kanun) sihri hısımlılık
kinship by marriage
(Kanun) sihri akrabalık
kinship by marriage
(Kanun) sebep hısımlığı
left handed marriage
dengi dengine olmayan evlilik
{s} evlenme çağında
(Tıp) Cinsel gelişimini tamamlayarak evlenecek çağa girmiş, evlenecek çağda
{s} evlenecek yaşta, yetişmiş
{s} gelinlik
mixed marriage
başka dinden biri ile evlilik
mixed marriage
değişik dinden/ırktan kişilerin evlenmesi
mixed marriage
yabancı ile evlilik
morganatic marriage
dengi dengine olmayan evlilik
morganatic marriage
prensin halk tabakasından bir kızla evlenmesi
promise of marriage
evlenme vaadi
rocky marriage
sallantıda evlilik
second marriage
ikinci evlilik
sex in marriage
evlilikte cinsellik
symbiotic marriage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) sembiyotik evlilik
synergic marriage
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) sinerjik evlilik
types of marriage
evlenme türleri
unsuccessful marriage
başarısız evlilik
void marriage
(Kanun) geçersiz evlenme
void marriage
(Kanun) hükümsüz evlenme
English - English
A king and a queen as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em
A close union
The union of two people, to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life
The state of being married
A wedding

You are cordially invited to the marriage of James Smith and Jane Doe.

A joining of two parts
{n} the act of joining man and woman
two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
A marriage is the act of marrying someone, or the ceremony at which this is done. I opposed her marriage to Darryl
The act of uniting a man and woman for life Marriage was instituted by God himself "Marriage is honorable in all " Heb 13 Marriage: men and woman are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family an intimate or close union
a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas
What you really need after you no longer need personal freedom
the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel" two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love" the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union" a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas
n   The state or condition of a community consisting of a
A king and a queen as a starting hand in Texas hold em
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master's
A man and woman legally living together as husband and wife
A legally recognized and/or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations and usually involves sexual activity
a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"
The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, as husband and wife; wedlock; matrimony
A feast made on the occasion of a marriage
The union of a man and a woman, to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life
a civil contract between a man and woman
A legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife
A marriage is the relationship between a husband and wife. When I was 35 my marriage broke up His son by his second marriage lives in Paris
The union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life •Adoption
Marriage is the state of being married. Marriage might not suit you see also arranged marriage. Legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any). The universality of marriage is attributed to the many basic social and personal functions it performs, such as procreation, regulation of sexual behaviour, care of children and their education and socialization, regulation of lines of descent, division of labour between the sexes, economic production and consumption, and satisfaction of personal needs for social status, affection, and companionship. Until modern times marriage was rarely a matter of free choice, and it was rarely motivated by romantic love. In most eras and most societies, permissible marriage partners have been carefully regulated. In societies in which the extended family remains the basic unit, marriages are usually arranged by the family. The assumption is that love between the partners comes after marriage, and much thought is given to the socioeconomic advantages accruing to the larger family from the match. Some form of dowry or bridewealth is almost universal in societies that use arranged marriages. The rituals and ceremonies surrounding marriage are associated primarily with religion and fertility and validate the importance of marriage for the continuation of a family, clan, tribe, or society. In recent years the definition of marriage as a union between members of opposite sexes has been challenged, and in 2000 The Netherlands became the first country to legalize same-sex marriages. See also bridewealth; divorce; dowry; exogamy and endogamy; polygamy. marriage chest common law marriage marriage law
malzenstwo [MAW-zenst-vaw] There are a number of cognates here: malzonek and malzonka refer to male and female spouse, respectively; and malzenski is the adjectival form (marital, conjugal) One way to remember this is the word malz which means "mollusk " So think of being "en" (the second syllable in malzenstwo) a mollusk malz Date of entry: 31 March 2000
the ceremony of union of man and wife was a sacrament of the church
n [relationship] perkawinan (kawin)
[1] the only permanent cure for love
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master degree
the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
The marriage vow or contract
An institution in which a man loses his bachelor's degree and a women gets her master's
a King and a Queen of the same suit See common marriage, royal marriage
In bézique, penuchle, and similar games at cards, the combination of a king and queen of the same suit
A set of cultural rules for bringing men and women together to create a family unit and for defining their behavior toward one another, their children, and society
An ancient practice of taking a life's companion or long term sexual/social partner (see Marriage )
Any intimate or close union
{i} institution of being wed, wedlock; wedding ceremony, ceremony in which a man and woman are legally joined together; pairing, coupling; joining together of two parties
1 The only union that can't be organized; both sides think they're management 2 It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master's
If of the trump suit, it is called a royal marriage
a sacrament, when two people are joined in wedlock
the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union"
{n} spousal
marriage agencies
plural form of marriage agency
marriage agency
a business that endeavors to introduce men and women for the purpose of marriage, dating or penpals
marriage bed
The bed shared by a newly-married couple
marriage beds
plural form of marriage bed
marriage certificate
an official record that two people have undertaken a marriage ceremony
marriage certificates
plural form of marriage certificate
marriage counsellor
A counsellor who gives advice to married couples
marriage finger
the finger on which a wedding ring is placed; the ring finger
marriage guidance
Advice or support (especially in the form of professional counselling) about marriage, typically as given to couples looking to overcome problems in a relationship. Often attributive
marriage lite
cohabitation; civil union; gay marriage
marriage of convenience
A marriage motivated by some reason other than love; especially one conducted to obtain entry or residence rights in a country
Marriage of Figaro
a humorous opera by Mozart with words by Lorenzo Da Ponte, which is based on the play The Marriage of Figaro by the French writer Beaumarchais (1786)
marriage bed
the bed shared by a newly wed couple
marriage broker
matchmaker, one who sets up men and women for romance
marriage broker
someone who arranges (or tries to arrange) marriages for others
marriage brokerage
a business that arranges marriage contracts
marriage bureau
an organization that helps people find partners to marry
marriage ceremony
marriage: the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
marriage certificate
document that certifies that a couple has been joined in marriage
marriage certificate
an official document that proves that two people are married
marriage contract
a prenuptial agreement or contract
marriage contract
contract that binds two people together in marriage
marriage counseling
counseling on marital problems and disagreements
marriage counsellor
one who gives professional advice to married couples who are having marital difficulties
marriage finger
{i} ring finger, finger on which a wedding ring is worn
marriage guidance
Marriage guidance is advice given to couples who are having problems in their relationship. .marriage 'counseling advice given to people who are having difficulties in their marriage
marriage knot
marital bond, ties of marriage
marriage law
Body of legal specifications and requirements and other laws that regulate the initiation, continuation, and validity of marriages. In western Europe most marriage law derives from Roman Catholic canon law. Though the church regards marriage as a sacred, indissoluble union, modern western European and U.S. marriage law treat it as a civil transaction. Marriage law allows only monogamous unions; partners must be above a certain age and not within prohibited degrees of blood relationship; and they must be free to marry and give consent to the marriage. Divorce is now almost universally allowed. Though Islamic law regards marriage as a contract between the two spouses for the "legalization of intercourse and the procreation of children," it is also considered a gift from God or a kind of service to God; the Islamic practice of polygamy was always limited and has waned. Polygamous marriages are permitted under customary laws in many African countries, though there has been a growing trend toward monogamy. Marriage law in present-day China and Japan resembles that in the West. Though most jurisdictions restrict marriage to a union between a man and a woman, same-sex marriages have been legalized in two countries, The Netherlands and Belgium, and in some Canadian provinces
marriage licence
a license authorizing a man and a woman to marry
marriage licence
marriage license an official written document saying that two people are allowed to get married
marriage license
the only permit taken out after the hunt is over
marriage license
document that certifies that a couple has been joined in marriage
marriage license
A document declaring that two people applied for and received a marriage license and did in fact get married on the date and by the person indicated on the license
marriage license
A "Marriage License" is an official document that grants permission for a couple to be married, but it is not proof of marriage
marriage license
a license authorizing a man and a woman to marry
marriage license
Document issued by a town or county authorizing the performance of a marriage
marriage license
A document in possession of the couple documenting their marriage as legal
marriage lines
a marriage certificate
marriage made in heaven
{i} perfect couple; perfect combination of two things
marriage of convenience
marriage entered into for practical reasons (and not for love)
marriage of convenience
A marriage or joint undertaking arranged for political, economic, or social benefit rather than from personal attachment
marriage of convenience
a marriage for expediency rather than love
marriage offer
marriage proposal: an offer of marriage
marriage penalty
penalty pertaining directly to one's marital status; (U.S. Politics) additional tax that is paid by married couples (as opposed to two single people filing separate tax returns)
marriage portion
dowry, bride-price
marriage proposal
an offer of marriage
marriage reception
{i} wedding reception, reception or party celebrating a marriage which is held after the marriage ceremony
marriage records
marriage registry that is maintained by a government office
marriage vow
a promise that you make during the marriage ceremony
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master degree
n   The state or condition of a community consisting of a
A set of cultural rules for bringing men and women together to create a family unit and for defining their behavior toward one another, their children, and society
the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
A legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife
n [relationship] perkawinan (kawin)
a sacrament, when two people are joined in wedlock
a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"
An institution in which a man loses his bachelor's degree and a women gets her master's
A man and woman legally living together as husband and wife
The act of uniting a man and woman for life Marriage was instituted by God himself "Marriage is honorable in all " Heb 13 Marriage: men and woman are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family an intimate or close union
the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union"
a King and a Queen of the same suit See common marriage, royal marriage
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master's
two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
1 The only union that can't be organized; both sides think they're management 2 It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master's
The union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life •Adoption
[1] the only permanent cure for love
A legally recognized and/or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations and usually involves sexual activity
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and woman gains her master
What you really need after you no longer need personal freedom
a civil contract between a man and woman
An ancient practice of taking a life's companion or long term sexual/social partner (see Marriage )
the ceremony of union of man and wife was a sacrament of the church
malzenstwo [MAW-zenst-vaw] There are a number of cognates here: malzonek and malzonka refer to male and female spouse, respectively; and malzenski is the adjectival form (marital, conjugal) One way to remember this is the word malz which means "mollusk " So think of being "en" (the second syllable in malzenstwo) a mollusk malz Date of entry: 31 March 2000
Republican Marriage
Alternative spelling of republican marriage
arranged marriage
A wedding planned by someone other than the couple
civil marriage
A marriage performed by a government official instead of by a member of the clergy
Attributive form of civil marriage

civil-marriage couple.

common-law marriage
A marriage based on the duration of cohabitation rather than formal ceremony
commuter marriage
a voluntary arrangement where dual-career couples maintain two residences in different geographic locations and are separated at least three nights per week for a minimum of three months
companionate marriage
A marriage in which the partners decide not to have children, and to reserve the right to divorce amicably with mutual consent
levirate marriage
A marriage in which a widow marries her late husband's brother in order to maintain the family community
mixed marriage
marriage between people having different race, culture or religion
mixed marriage
A king and a queen of different suits as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em (see marriage (poker slang))
republican marriage
A form of human execution used during the French Revolution in which a man and woman were tied together naked, exposed to public view for a time in this condition, and then stabbed, shot, or thrown into a body of water to drown

A Revolutionary Tribunal was established , of which Carrier was the presiding demon—Carrier, known in all nations as the inventor of that last of barbarous atrocities, the Republican Marriage, in which two persons of different sexes, generally an old man and an old woman, or a young man and a young woman, bereft of every kind of clothing, were bound together before the multitude, exposed in a boat in that situation for half an hour or more, and then thrown into the river.

royal marriage
A king and a queen of the same suit as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em (see marriage)
shotgun marriage
Such marriages, or such weddings, taken collectively
shotgun marriage
A marriage beginning with (resulting from) a shotgun wedding

Others explained that a forced marriage was likely to end in an early divorce, so that the child would suffer more in a shotgun marriage than if born out of wedlock.

shotgun marriage
A shotgun wedding itself
shotgun marriage
Used figuratively
sororate marriage
A marriage in which a husband engages in marriage or sexual relations with the sister of his wife, usually after the death of his wife, or once his wife has proven infertile
white marriage
An unconsummated marriage
work marriage
a work-based platonic intimacy between a man and a woman
{a} that is of a fit age to be married
consummation of marriage
(Kanun) The first time that the husband and wife cohabit together, after the ceremony of marriage has been performed. The marriage, when otherwise legal, is complete without this; for it is a maxim of law, borrowed from the civil, law, that consensus, non concubitus, facit nuptias
dual-career marriage
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Marriages in which both partners pursue occupational careers. Such marriages are still relatively rare, and findings about dual-career marriages may not generalize to dual-earner families (where both partners are formally employed but only one—usually the male—pursues a career), which are now the norm. However, empirical studies suggest that both career women and those with less rewarding jobs appear to work a double shift, combining home and work responsibilities
exchange marriage
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Form of marriage involving an arranged and reciprocal exchange of spouses between two groups. Exchange marriage is most common in societies that have a unilineal descent system emphasizing the male line (patrilineality) and a consistent expectation of postmarital residence with or near the groom’s family (patrilocality). In such cases, the symmetry of an alliance is often maintained by a systematic exchange: whenever a marriage is arranged between a daughter from group A and a son from group B, a marriage between a daughter from group B and a son from group A is also arranged. Often, as among some Australian Aborigines and American Subarctic peoples, a traditional ideal was for a brother and sister from one family to marry a sister and brother, respectively, from another. When these processes are repeated by subsequent generations, the practice is known as cross-cousin marriage
sham marriage
A sham marriage is a union (marriage) motivated not so much by love but instead by a desire for political advantage or personal convenience. Examples of the former include many royal marriages of the Middle Ages, one of the most famous being the marriage between Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine in the 12th Century. Eleanor was a full ten years older than Henry II but the marriage made France more powerful politically. Other sources, however, claim that Eleanor wanted to experience Henry's reputedly insatiable sex drive as much as she wanted to experience greater political power
two-career marriage
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Marriages in which both partners pursue occupational careers. Such marriages are still relatively rare, and findings about dual-career marriages may not generalize to dual-earner families (where both partners are formally employed but only one—usually the male—pursues a career), which are now the norm. However, empirical studies suggest that both career women and those with less rewarding jobs appear to work a double shift, combining home and work responsibilities
A marriage
Boston marriage
A long-term, intimate, sometimes discreetly sexual relationship between two women
Catholic marriage
marriage performed by an ordained Catholic priest
Gretna Green marriage
marriage done in secret, elopement
Hollywood marriage
{i} marriage that lasts a very short time and ends in a divorce or separation; marriage between Hollywood stars and famous celebrities
Scotch marriage
marriage which is not legally recognized
a marriage
arranged marriage
In an arranged marriage, the parents choose the person who their son or daughter will marry. a marriage in which your parents choose a husband or wife for you
arranged marriage
marriage where the couple to be married is chosen by others based on considerations besides the pre-existing mutual attraction of the couple
civil marriage
A marriage ceremony performed by a civil official
civil marriage
marriage which takes place without a religious official, non-religious marriage
civil marriage
a marriage performed by a government official rather than by a clergyman
common law marriage
{i} marriage that is not formed through a religious or civil ceremony but is acknowledged and based on the agreement of the couple to consider themselves married and based also on their living together as husband and wife
common-law marriage
a marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony
common-law marriage
A marriage existing by mutual agreement between a man and a woman, or by the fact of their cohabitation, without a civil or religious ceremony. Marriage that is without a civil or religious ceremony and is based on the parties' agreement to consider themselves married and usually also on their cohabitation for a period of time. Most jurisdictions no longer allow this type of marriage to be formed, though they may recognize such marriages formed before a certain date or formed in a jurisdiction that permits such marriages
commuter marriage
{i} marriage between a couple who live apart due to locations of their jobs and who travel regularly to see each other and be together
companionate marriage
A marriage in which the partners agree not to have children and may divorce by mutual consent, with neither partner responsible for the financial welfare of the other
consanguineous marriage
marriage between family members, marriage between relatives
contract marriage
get married
contractual marriage
marriage that is legal but not necessarily valid according to Jewish law
corporate marriage
business merger, joining of two or more companies
dissolution of marriage
an annulment of a marriage
dissolve marriage
end a marriage
fictitious marriage
fake marriage, pretend marriage
first years of marriage
years immediately following a couple's wedding
giving his daughter's hand in marriage
allowing his daughter to get married, giving his daughter away in marriage
hedge marriage
secret marriage, clandestine marriage performed by a hedge priest
institution of marriage
marriage as a social and religious convention
suitable for marriage; nubile
Fit for, or capable of, marriage; of an age at which marriage is allowable
{s} of age to be married; suitable for marriage; characterizing a person who may easily enter into a marriage contract
of girls or women
If you describe someone as marriageable, you mean that they are suitable for marriage, especially that they are the right age to marry. girls of marriageable age. a marriageable daughter. suitable for marriage
plural of marriage
mixed marriage
marriage of two people from different races or different religions or different cultures; "the families of both partners in a mixed marriage often disapprove
mixed marriage
marriage in which the husband and wife are of different religions or races
mixed marriage
A mixed marriage is a marriage between two people who are not of the same race or religion. Marriage between persons of different races or religions. a marriage between two people from different races or religions
nullity of the marriage
divorce, ending of a marriage
open marriage
a marriage in which each partner is free to enter into extraneous sexual relationships without guilt or jealousy from the other
open marriage
a marriage in which each partner is free to enter into extraneous sexual relationships without guilt or jealousy from the other
open marriage
A marriage in which the partners agree that each is free to engage in extramarital relationships. a marriage in which both partners accept that they will have sex with other people
promise of marriage
person's commitment to marry a specific person, engagement
propose marriage
offer marriage, ask for one's hand in marriage
registration of marriage
recording of a request for a marriage certificate
same-sex marriage
two people of the same sex who live together as a family; "the legal status of same-sex marriages has been hotly debated
shotgun marriage
A marriage that is forced or necessitated because of pregnancy. Also called shotgun wedding
solemnize the marriage
{f} hold a marriage ceremony, have a wedding
white marriage
A marriage without sexual relations