mandater, mandacı

listen to the pronunciation of mandater, mandacı
Turkish - English
{i} mandatory
Containing a command; preceptive; directory
{a} commanding, ordering, enjoining
VARCHAR2(3) (YES/NO) Indicates whether the plan is mandatory
Involving funds controlled by permanent laws Included are funds required to be paid to recipients that meet eligibility requirements established by existing law Budget authority for such funds is provided by: (1) law other than appropriations acts; (2) entitlement authority, and (3) the food stamp program Mandatory budget authority constitutes a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled Budget authority is not necessarily provided in advance, and thus subsequent enactment of appropriations is required unless the existing appropriation is permanent (See also Discretionary )
of, or relating to a mandate
required, obligatory; something that must be done because of a rule or law
A requirement that is ordered by regulation or directed by senior authority and must be complied with
member must make payment for member service Optional member may choose to purchase previous service
obligatory; required or commanded by authority
If a crime carries a mandatory punishment, that punishment is fixed by law for all cases, in contrast to crimes for which the judge or magistrate has to decide the punishment for each particular case. the mandatory life sentence for murder. discretionary. if something is mandatory, the law says it must be done = compulsory, obligatory obligatory discretionary mandatory for
Same as Mandatary
a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they ar able to stand by themselves
Required without exception Shall and Must (in the rules) means the application is mandatory Failure to comply will lead to penalty, disadvantageous interpretation or other disadvantages 1 11
VARCHAR2(3) Whether the plan is mandatory (YES | NO)
If an action or procedure is mandatory, people have to do it, because it is a rule or a (Hukuk) the mandatory retirement age of 65 Attendance is mandatory. = compulsory
- State participation in the Medicaid program is voluntary   However, if a state elects to participate, as do all, the state must at a minimum offer coverage for certain services to certain populations   These eligibility groups and services are referred to as "mandatory" in order to distinguish them from the eligibility groups and services that a state may, at its option, cover with federal Medicaid matching funds   See Optional
A requirement that must be conformed to as specific in any written document
- State participation in the Medicaid program is voluntary However, if a state elects to participate, as all have since 1982, the state must at a minimum offer coverage for certain services to certain populations These eligibility groups and services are referred to as "mandatory" to distinguish them from the eligibility groups and services that a state may, at its option, cover with federal Medicaid matching funds
mandater, mandacı