
listen to the pronunciation of management
English - Turkish
{i} işletme

Lenny'nin nasıl çiğnemeden veya boğulmadan tam bir sosisli sandvici yutabildiğine bak? Bu nedenle üst idare onu bu kadar fazla sever. - See how Lenny can swallow an entire hot dog without chewing or choking? That's why upper management loves him so much.


Sendika yönetimle pazarlık yaptı. - The union bargained with the management.

Firma yabancı yönetim altında. - The firm is under foreign management.

{i} idarecilik
(Ticaret) işletme yönetimi
(Ticaret) idare masrafları
yönetim kurulu
{i} müdürlük
genel işletme
(Askeri) İDARE: Sorumlulukları yerine getirmek amacıyla, amaçları ortaya koyma ve elde etme işlemi. İdare, planlama, teşkilatlandırma, yönlendirme, koordine etme, kontrol, insan kullanımını değerlendirme, para, malzeme ve görevleri yerine getirmek için gerekli kolaylık tesisleri gibi sürekli faaliyetleri içerir. İdare komutanın yapısında bulunur. Ancak komutanı geniş yetkisi ve sorumluluğunu içermez
(Ticaret) umumi heyet
(Ticaret) yönetim kurulu idare heyeti
management audit
yönetim denetimi
management games
yönetim oyunları
management system
idare sistemi
management system
(Askeri) yönetim sistemi
management by exception
hariç tutarak yönetme
management consultant
idari müşavir
management consultant
yönetim müşaviri
management information system
yönetim bilişim sistemi
management personnel
yönetim kadrosu
management authorization
yönetim yetkisi
management buyout
yönetim satın alma
management consultancy
Yönetim danışmanlığı
management consulting
yönetim danışmanlığı
management contract
yönetim sözleşmesi
management data
yönetim verileri
management development
yönetim geliştirme
management group
yönetim grubu
management information
yönetim bilgi
management information systems
yönetim bilgi sistemleri
management of health-care institutions
sağlık kurumları işletmeciliği
management practices
yönetim uygulamaları
management representative
Yönetim Temsilcisi
management review
yönetim incelemesi
management style
yönetim tarzı
management system
İDARE SİSTEMİ, İŞLETME SİSTEMİ: Bir birlik veya teşkile ait işlerin planlanmasında, tertiplenmesinde, idaresinde, koordine edilmesinde ve kontrolünde, bir komutan veya idareci tarafından, bir bütün halinde kullanılan işlemler, usuller, prensipler, tatbikat ve personel grubu
management trainee
yönetici yardımcısı
management trainer
yönetim antrenör
idare bazlı
management analysis
(Askeri) MANAJMAN ANALİZİ: Manajman değerlendirme sistemlerinin analizi
management and control system
(Askeri) (MOBILITY) İDARE VE KONTROL SİSTEMİ (HAREKET): Hareket sisteminin bir kısmı ya da yakınen ilgili olan, taşınacak ihtiyaçları belirleyen, yük taşıyıcı kaynakları elde edip tahsis eden veya yük taşıyıcı araçları yönlendiren teşkilatlar ve/veya faaliyetlerin unsurları
management and support
(Askeri) MANAJMAN (İDARE) VE DESTEK: Genel araştırma ve geliştirme faaliyetleri için gerekli tesis veya çalışmayı destekleme maksadına yöneltilmiş araştırma ve geliştirme faaliyetini içine alır. Deneme atış alanları, askeri inşaat, laboratuar bakım desteği, deneme uçak ve gemilerinin faaliyet ve bakımı da bunun içine girer
management buy out
yönetimi devralma
management by exception
(Askeri) İSTİSNALI MANAJMAN, İSTİSNALI İŞLETMECİLİK: Bir tesis içinde her seviyedeki idarecinin, kendi sorumluluğu çerçevesine giren bir yetkiyi kullanma şekli. MANAGEMENT OF ITEMS SUBJECT (TO REPAIR CMISTR) SYSTEM: TAMİRİ KABİL MALZEME (MATAP)
management capabilities
yönetim yetileri
management console
Yönetim Konsolu
management console administration
Yönetim Konsolu Yönetimi
management cost
yönetim gideri
management game
yonetim oyunu
management group
(Ticaret) yönetici kadro
management group
(Ticaret) işletmenin yöneticileri
management headquarters ceiling
(Askeri) azami idari karargah personeli seviyesi
management i
(MIB) Yönetim Bilgi Tabanı (YBT)
management inventory
(Ticaret) yönetim envanteri
management risk
(Ticaret) yönetim riski
management share
(Ticaret) yönetim kurulu hisse senedi
management share
(Ticaret) yöneticilere verilen hisse
management skill
yöneticilik becerisi
management skill
işletme becerisi
management skill
yönetim becerisi
management stock
(Ticaret) yönetim kurulu hisse senedi
management stock
(Ticaret) yönetim hisse senedi
management supporting data system
(Askeri) MANAJMANI DESTEKLEYEN BİLGİ SİSTEMİ: Manajman ve idari görevleri desteklemek üzere kayıtlar tutan; bilgi, makine çözümleri veya esaslar veren bilgi sistemi veya tali sistemleri. Manajmanı destekleyen bilgi sistemleriyle direkt olarak ilgili veya tamamlayıcı bir unsur durumunda bulunmaları halinde, kaynak bilgi otomasyon, bilgi gösterme ve benzeri tali sistemler de buna dahil edilir. İleri matematik ve benzeri etütleri içine alan eğitim veya öğretim maksatlarıyla kurulmuş bilgi sistem veya tali sistemleri, manajmanı destekleyen sistemler olarak telakki edilir
management system
(Askeri) MANAJMAN (İDARE) SİSTEMİ, İŞLETME SİSTEMİ: Bir birlik veya teşkile ait işlerin planlanmasında, tertiplenmesinde, idaresinde, koordine edilmesinde ve kontrolünde, bir komutan veya idareci tarafından, bir bütün halinde kullanılan işlemler, usuller, prensipler, tatbikat ve personel grubu
management unit
(Denizbilim) idare birimi
marketing management
pazarlama yönetimi
man management
adam yönetimi
maritime and port management
Denizcilik ve liman yönetimi/işletmeciliği
materials management
Malzeme yönetimi
Marine Corps Mobilization Management Plan
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı Seferberlik Yönetim Planı
man power management
(Askeri) İNSAN GÜCÜ İDARESİ: Eldeki insan gücünün en ekonomik ve verimli şekilde kullanılmasını temin etmek için kullanılan insan gücü kontrol vasıtaları. Asker ve sivil insan gücü mevcutlarının; görevlere veya emir ve komuta durumuna göre, insan mevcudu ve bütçe tahditleri, insan gücü ihtiyaçlarının tespiti, asker ve sivil insan gücü kullanma yetkilerinin tahsis ve kontrolü, insan gücü kullanma kıstaslarının geliştirilmesi ile ahenkli olarak planlanması ve programlanmasını içine alan bir personel görevi. Bu personel görevi; bir sivil personel idaresi olan sivil personel tedarik ve görevlendirmeyi içine almaz. Ayrıca bakınız: "manpower control"
manpower management survey
(Askeri) İNSAN GÜCÜNÜ İDARE ARAŞTIRMASI: İşlevin mevcut veya önerilen insan gücü teşkilinde, geçerlilik ve idari verimliliğin saptanması gibi pratik hususlar ve uzman bilgisi, insan gücü ayarlaması ve tecrübeden faydalanan bir işlevsel alanın sistematik değerlendirmesi
mass fatality field information management system
(Askeri) felaket bölgesi bilgi yönetim sistemi
materiel management
(Askeri) MALZEME MANAJMANI: Bak. "inventory control"
materiel management center
(Askeri) malzeme yönetim merkezi
matrix management
matris yönetimi
release management
Sürüm yönetimi
accountability of management
(Ticaret) yönetimin sorumluluğu
advanced power management
(Bilgisayar) gelişmiş güç yönetimi
advertising management
(Reklam) reklamcılık yönetimi
asset management
(Ticaret) portföy yönetimi
border management
(Politika, Siyaset) sınır yönetimi
campaign management
seçim kampanyası yönetimi
coastal zone management
kıyı bölgesi yönetimi
configuration management
(Askeri) konfigürasyon yönetimi
configuration management
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) düzenleşim yönetimi
conflict management
çatışmanın yönetimi
conflict management
çatışma yönetimi
consequence management
(Askeri) sonuç yönetimi
content management
içerik yönetimi
contingency management
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) edimsel yöntem
corporate management
şirket yönetimi
database management
(Bilgisayar) veritabanı yönetimi
database management system
(Bilgisayar) veri hazırlama sistemi
database management system
(Askeri,Teknik) veri tabanı yönetim sistemi
disaster management
afet yönetimi
domain tree management
etki alanı ağacı yönetimi
employee management
çalışan yönetimi
environment management
(Askeri) çevre yönetimi
environmental management
çevresel yönetim
exposure management
(Ticaret) risk yönetimi
faculty of management
(Eğitim) işletme fakültesi
farm management
çiftlik yönetimi
firm management
(Ticaret) işletme yönetimi
impression management
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) izlenim idaresi
incident management system
olay yönetim sistemi
institution management
(Ticaret) kurumsal yönetim
introduction to management
(Eğitim) işletmeye giriş
knowledge management
bilgi yönetimi
pain management
(Tıp) ağrı tedavisi
perception management
algı yönetimi
personnel management
insan kaynakları yönetimi
portfolio management
(Ticaret) portföy işletmeciliği
portfolio management
(Ticaret) portföy yöneticiliği
programme management
(Askeri) program yönetimi
progress management
gelişme yönetimi
project management
tasarı yönetimi
psychology of management
yönetim psikolojisi
restaurant management
restoran yönetimi
role management
(Bilgisayar) rol yönetimi
wealth management
(Ticaret) varlık yönetimi
wildlife management
(Çevre) vahşi yaşam yönetimi
automated production management
otomatikleştirilmiş üretim yönetimi
board of management
yönetim kurulu
business management
işletme yönetimi
company management
şirket yönetimi
computer aided management
bilgisayar destekli yönetim
computer aside management
bilgisayar destekli yönetim
data base management
veri tabanı yönetimi
data management system
veri yönetim sistemi
database management system
veritabanı yönetim sistemi
document management
belge yönetimi
farming management
tarımsal işletme
farming management
zirai işletme
general management
genel müdürlük
hierarchical database management system
basamaklı veritabanı yönetim sistemi
hierarchical storage management
basamaklı saklama yöntemi
hotel management
konakçı işletmeciliği
information management system
bilgi yönetim sistemi
land management
arazi amenajmanı
memory management
bellek yönetimi
personnel management
personel yönetimi
relational database management system
ilişkisel veritabanı yönetim sistemi
resource management
kaynak yönetimi
software configuration management practice
yazılım konfigürasyon yönetim çalışması
software management practice
yazılım yönetim çalışması
command battlespace management
komutu battlespace yönetimi
facilities management
tesisat yönetimi
air mobility squadron; Army management structure; Asset Management System
(Askeri) hava hareket filosu; Kara Kuvvetleri idari yapısı; Mevcudat Yönetim Sistemi
cockpit management system; command management system; community management staff
(Askeri) kokpit yönetim sistemi; komuta idare sistemi; toplum yönetim kadrosu; toplum güvenliği malzeme sistemi; muhtemel durum karşılıklı desteği; Kriz yönetim sistemi
collection requirements management; crew resource management
(Askeri) toplama ihtiyaçları yönetimi; mürettebat kaynak yönetimi
production management office(r); program management office
(Askeri) üretim yönetim subayı; program yönetim bürosu
traffic management office; transportation management office
(Askeri) trafik idare ofisi; ulaştırma yönetim ofisi
English - English
The executives of an organisation, especially senior executives
administration; the process or practice of managing
Judicious use of means to accomplish an end

Excellent time management helped her succeed in all facets of her life.

{n} conduct, government, dealing, frugality, prudence, care
You can refer to the people who control and organize a business or other organization as the management. The management is doing its best to improve the situation We need to get more women into top management
The board of directors and executive officers of a corporation, limited liability company or similar business entity
All Technical Management positions including Program Manager, MIS Director, Purchasing, HR, VP of Engineering, CTO and CEO's
{i} act of managing or supervising; person or group of people that manages a business or other enterprise; ability to manage or supervise, managerial skill
n administration, control, supervision The administration of a business concern or public undertaking Management includes the actions of planning, organising, directing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating the use of people, money, materials and facilities to accomplish missions and tasks
the act of directing and controlling the affairs of the business
the act of managing something; "he was given overall management of the program"; "is the direction of the economy a function of government?" those in charge of running a business
those in charge of running a business
The business function used to plan, organize, and control all available resources to reach company goals
Judicious use of means to accomplish an end; conduct directed by art or address; skillful treatment; cunning practice; often in a bad sense
The professional administration of any business Even a one-person business--needs to be managed Management has four key responsibilities: 1) planning, 2) organizing, 3) motivating, and 4) controlling
indicates D&B's file contains certain unfavorable current or historical information on one or more significant principals associated with this company
The process of achieving organizational goals by planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources
An essential business discipline that includes all systems developed and used to get results through others
The process of planning, organizing, executing, coordinating, monitoring, forecasting and exercising control
Effective use and co-ordination of resources to achieve pre-defined objectives
Staff References Special Programs Glossary Of Finance Terms JSS Joint Services Software The main finance system that pays you RLAS Regional Level Application System The personnel database used at the unit level contains the ADARS program for finance ADARS Automated Drill Attendance Reporting System What the Finance Managers use to upload your drills to the JSS system for pay SSD Single Source Data HPLR Health Loan Repayment Program SLRP Student Loan Repayment Program ETS Ending Term of Service LES Leave and Earnings Statement BAH Basic Allowance for Housing BAS Basic Allowance for Subsistence HPS Held Pay Status UTA/MUTA Unit Training Assembly/Multiple Unit Training Assembly also referred to as drills and/or IDT (Inactive Duty Training)
Individuals in an entity that have the authority and the responsibility to manage the entity The positions of these individuals, and their titles, vary from one entity to another and, to some extent, from one country to another, depending on the local laws and customs Thus, when the context requires it, the term includes the board of directors or committees of the board that are designated to oversee certain matters, e g , audit committee
n 1 Corporate power elites distinguished primarily by their distance from actual productive work and their chronic failure to manage (see also {suit}) Spoken derisively, as in "*Management* decided that " 2 Mythically, a vast bureaucracy responsible for all the world's minor irritations Hackers' satirical public notices are often signed `The Mgt'; this derives from the `Illuminatus' novels (see the Bibliography in {appendix C})
The act of controlling production processes and ensuring that they operate efficiently and effectively; also used to direct the design, development, production, and marketing of a product or system
The act or art of managing; the manner of treating, directing, carrying on, or using, for a purpose; conduct; administration; guidance; control; as, the management of a family or of a farm; the management of state affairs
Management of a place involves making conscious choices about what happens to the place and taking action to make those things happen In the context of this document, it is undertaken in order to, amongst other things, ensure that the cultural significance of a place is retained Management includes the widest possible range of actions and decisions, such as
the act of managing something; "he was given overall management of the program"; "is the direction of the economy a function of government?"
Management is the control and organizing of a business or other organization. The zoo needed better management rather than more money The dispute is about wages, working conditions and the management of the mining industry. the responsibility for its day to day management
Evaluation of management's efficiency
Management is the way people control different parts of their lives. her management of her professional life. intelligent money management, for example paying big bills monthly where possible. database management system integrated pest management production management operations management Labor Management Relations Act Total Quality Management
means the chief executive officer or other individual having the authority to manage, direct, or administer the licensee's activities, or those persons' delegate or delegates
Those policy makers, planners, and administrators responsible for running a business
the activity consisting of those tasks that are performed to ensure that the mission of a project is fulfilled by planning and controlling its scope, schedule, costs, resources, and communication See also program management and project management
The people who administer a company, create policies, and provide the support necessary to implement the owners' business objectives
The collective body of those who manage or direct any enterprise or interest; the board of managers
The guidance and control of action required to execute a program Also, the individuals charged with the responsibility of conducting a program
Effective utilisation and coordination of resources such as capital, plant, materials, and labour to achieve defined objectives with maximum efficiency
(Gestion) -  the spectrum of possible approaches available for dealing with a known contaminated site "Management" includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: monitored natural attenuation, warnings, restrictions to site access, change in land usage, isolation of contaminants from human and ecological receptors (contaminant stabilization, barrier walls, capping), interim remediation, partial remediation, phased remediation, full remediation, remediation in any of the previous approaches to varying standards (industrial, commercial, agricultural, residential/parkland), postpone action until activity stops, etc "Management" also includes the concept of "risk management"
interacts with the Archive by providing policy guidelines and by receiving statistics relevant to evaluating adherence to the policy guidelines it has provided
Business dealing; negotiation; arrangement
conceptual skills
management cybernetics
Interdisciplinary field of cybernetics concerned with management and organizations
Management Information Base
database that contains information about each device in a network and is used by network protocols such as SNMP to control performance and productivity (Computers)
Management Information Systems
central computer system (and the people who maintain it) that provides information on the activities resources and management method of a large company or organization, MIS
management accounting
The area of accounting concerned with providing internal financial reports to assist management in making decisions
management accounting
The application of accounting and financial management principles to create, protect, preserve and increase value so as to deliver that value to stakeholders of for-profit and not-for-profit enterprises, both public and private (see Chapter 1 for an expanded definition)
management accounting
The process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, and communicating financial information
management accounting
"Management accounting is the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of financial information used by management to plan, evaluate, and control within an organization and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources Management accounting also comprises the preparation of financial reports for non-management groups such as shareholders, creditors, regulatory agencies, and tax authorities " Statement Number 1A, March 19, 1981, National Association of Accountants
management accounting
Reporting designed to assist management in decision-making, planning, and control Also known as Managerial Accounting
management accounting
Reporting designed to assist management in decision-making, planning, and control Also known as Managerial Accounting Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
management accounting
The provision of information required by management in the formulation of policies, planning and controlling the activities of their corporation, and selecting the appropriate course of action from the available opportunities
management agreement
- A documented contract agreement between an official body (e g MAFF) and landowners and tenants regarding their management of land Such agreements are a prerequisite of certain incentive payments See ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA, COUNTRYSIDE STEWARDSHIP SCHEME & COUNTRYSIDE STEWARDSHIP AGREEMENT
management agreement
A contract between the owner of income property and a management firm or individual property manager that outlines the scope of the manager's authority
management agreement
An employment contract between the owner of real estate and a property management firm that agrees to oversee the management of the property
management agreement
An employment contract between the owner of real estate and a property management firm that agrees to oversee the management of the property As is true in any business agreement, the property manager or management firm and the owner of the property should enter into a formal contract The management contract should include the responsibilities specified in the employment agreement, the term and period of the contract, the management policies to be followed, the power and authority of the property manager, and the compensation for the management services Normally, a property manager's compensation is an agreed-upon percentage of gross income The range can vary from a very small amount, perhaps one percent on a large structure, to as much as ten or fifteen percent on a single-unit house
management agreement
A contract between the owner of income-providing property and the individual or firm who will manage that property
management agreement
An agreement between an owner of investment property and the firm or individual hired to oversee it Also referred to as property management
management agreement
A contract between an owner of a property and a property management firm in which the firm accepts periodic payments for acting as supervisor of the affairs of the property
management and staff
managers of a business and their employees
management buyout
A management buyout is the buying of a company by its managers. The abbreviation MBO is also used. Of the first three franchises to be awarded, two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives. when a company's managers buy the company they work for
management by exceptions
method of management which reports only major deviations from the original work plan
management by objectives
method of management which sets goals and assignments and determines dates for their completion
management committee
group of individuals that oversees the running of a corporation
management consultant
adviser to business about efficient management practices
management consultant
A management consultant is someone whose job is to advise companies on the most efficient ways to run their business. a leading firm of management consultants. someone who is paid to advise the management of a company how to improve their organization and working methods
management consulting
a service industry that provides advice to those in charge of running a business
management contract
This is a contract in which management is regarded as a separate discipline and responsibility from that of construction Construction (works) contractors contract with a management contractor, who is therefore their client or employer
management contract
An arrangement whereby a hotel's owner contracts with a separate company to run the hotel
management contract
An agreement by which a company will provide its organizational and management expertise in the form of services
management contract
the technique for losing your shirt under perfect control
management control
an internal control performed by one or more managers
management echelon
levels of management
management fee
{i} monthly fee paid to a bank for the handling of a bank account
management information
Simplistically, exactly what it says However, true MI is used, indeed needed, to make informed decisions and much of what is produced and referred to as MI is useless for that purpose The repetitive production of data that appears to meet no specific management need should therefore always be vigorously questioned
management information
Information for management decision-making
management information
Français : Information, Tableau de bord de gestion Deutsch : Management Information
management information system
A computer system designed to help managers plan and direct business and organizational operations
management personnel
personnel having overall planning and direction responsibilities
the day-to-day management of macroprojects that are completed and operational
master data management
A set of processes and tools which centrally and persistently define the non-transactional entities of an organization, with the objective to collect from, and supply to various processes, unique instances of each entity
materials management
Materials management is the branch of logistics that deals with the tangible components of a supply chain. Specifically, this covers the acquisition of spare parts and replacements, quality control of purchasing and ordering such parts, and the standards involved in ordering, shipping, and warehousing said parts
man management
Man management involves controlling and organizing the people who work in a business or organization. Team captains need to have effective man-management skills
materials management
(Ticaret) The organizational functions responsible for the planning, sourcing, stocking and logistics activities of materials used in the internal and external fulfillment of demand
Human Resource Management
All methods and functions concerning the mobilization and development of personnel as human resources, with the objective of efficiency and greater productivity in a company, government administration, or other organization
adaptive management
An iterative method of decision making in the face of uncertainty that reduces uncertainty by continuous monitoring; used especially in the management of ecosystems etc
advanced traffic management
Technologies that monitor and manage traffic flow to improve transportation efficiency
anger management
The ability for a person to control his/her temperament, particularly in stressful situations; to show proper behavior and/or disagree appropriately without losing control of one's emotions

The rebellious boy's father showed great anger management when he had to deal with his increasingly bad behavior.

change management
the controlled implementation of required changes to some system; includes version control and planned fallback
change management
a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams and organizations from a current state to desired future state, aimed at employee empowerment for accepting change in the work environment
content management system
A computer software system for organizing and facilitating collaborative creation of documents and other content, especially for loading to a website
content management systems
plural form of content management system
cross-platform application management
Management of applications across various operating systems
data management
All the disciplines related to managing data as a valuable resource, such as data modeling or metadata management
database management system
A suite of interrelated computer programs designed to manage message processing and database update in a tightly controlled manner
digital rights management
Schema to determine what an end user can do with a digital file by the copyright holder
document management system
A computer system or set of computer programs used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper documents
enterprise feedback management
An integrated approach to the management of all forms of feedback available to an organisation; especially that via online surveys
inventory management
The formal management of the timing and quantities of goods to be ordered and stocked by an organization in order that demand can always be satisfied without excess expenditure
knowledge management
A range of practices used by organisations to identify, create, represent, and distribute knowledge
learning content management system
A software system for the creation, management and transfer of learning content
middle management
In a large organization, the group of managers or administrators who occupy positions in the company hierarchy which, generally, are above the level of front-line supervisors but below the level of vice-presidents

The gap can also be attributed to . . . the difficulty they have had in penetrating the so-called glass ceiling, a bias barrier that keeps so many women from moving beyond middle management.

package management system
The tool used by an operating system (OS) to administrate addition, removal and upgrade of software applications. Examples of package management systems on different OSes are: Linux: RPM; Solaris: pkgadd; HP-UX: SD-UX; Debian: apt-get; Win32: Windows Installer

If your system uses a package management system, you can query that system's database to see if the attr package and its associated library, libattr, are installed.

package management systems
plural form of package management system
performance management system
A management technique intended to holistically consider the performance of (usually a group of) employees or machines to work towards optimum performance of a particular task or (more frequently) a group of tasks

After the induction stage, training and employee development is usually discussed and planned as a result of the employer's appraisal/performance management system.

performance management systems
plural form of performance management system
project management
The discipline of organizing and managing resources (e.g. people) in such a way that a project is completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints
risk management
The process of determining the maximum acceptable level of overall risk to and from a proposed activity, then using risk assessment techniques to determine the initial level of risk and, if this is excessive, developing a strategy to ameliorate appropriate individual risks until the overall level of risk is reduced to an acceptable level

Where release is recommended, a risk management plan outlining how the offender will be managed in the community and detailing recommended licence conditions, is also submitted.

soil management
The sum total of all operations, practices and treatments used to protect soil and enhance its performance
strategic management
The art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its objectives
talent management
Human capital management of the entire employee lifecycle. Companies that are engaged in talent management are strategic and deliberate in how they source, attract, select, train, develop, promote, and move employees through the organization. This term also incorporates how companies drive performance at the individual level (performance management)
time management
The management of time in order to make the most out of it
total quality management
A strategic approach to management aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes
Category Management
A retailing and purchasing concept in which the range of products purchased by a business organization or sold by a retailer is broken down into discrete groups of similar or related products; these groups are known as product categories (examples of grocery categories might be: tinned fish, washing detergent, toothpastes)
Human Resources Management System
A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology
release management
The process of managing software releases from development stage to software release
European Foundation for Quality Management
European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) a non-profit membership foundation , is the primary source for organizations in Europe looking to excel in their market and in their business. Founded in 1989 by the CEOs of prominent European businesses, EFQM is now the hub of excellent, globally minded organizations of all sizes and sectors, and both private and public. Specifically designed to help organizations achieve excellence in their business initiatives, the EFQM organization works to capture the best practices of globally-minded organizations and to turn this knowledge into practical resources for the business community. EFQM is a vibrant network of organizations that share the same ambitions to drive excellence through the organization and aspire to reach excellence results