Users may enter any number of items in any conference that they have access to (except that only the fairwitness may enter the first item in a conference) The item author supplies a title and introductory text when he or she enters the item The system assigns it a unique identifying number within the conference Other users may then attach responses sequentially to the end of the item Some systems call items ``topics ''
Brings up the Item Information Screen of the first item specified in a Purchase Request Accessible from: the Order Information, Basis for Vendor Selection, Special Notices, and Review of Purchase Request screens
The ITEMS element defines the number of multiple occurrences of a single object, such as a column In this case there are 256 items in the image histogram
Heroes pick up items and store them in their inventories Items usually benefit the hero or provide him with consumable spells and abilities Items are dropped by Creeps, but can also be purchased at a Merchant Hut