(Askeri) ARIZALI ÇALIŞMA: Herhangi bir parçanın kusurlu ve tutukluk meydana getirecek şekilde çalışması. Cephanenin, normal olarak ve umulduğu gibi patlamaması hali veya bir paraşütün gerektiği şekilde açılmaması da, arızalı çalışma meydana getirir
If a machine or part of the body malfunctions, it fails to work properly. The radiation can damage microprocessors and computer memories, causing them to malfunction Malfunction is also a noun. There must have been a computer malfunction. a fault in the way a machine or part of someone's body works
An accidental instance of indecent exposure caused by a fault in someone's clothing (especially that of a performer) or by an error made while changing this costume
A wardrobe malfunction is a euphemism for accidental exposure of intimate parts. It is different from flashing, as the latter implies a deliberate exposure. There has been a long history of such incidents, though the term itself was coined in the mid 2000s and has become one of the most common fashion faux pas