Proper mulching in summer months keeps the soil cooler.
to add materials to soil in order to protect from cold, to reduce evaporation, to control weeds, or to enrich the soil Common materials are sawdust, bark, leaves
Mowing grass clippings into fine particles to be deposited back down into the turf, where they quickly decompose into valuable nutrients
The use of plant residues or other suitable materials on the soil surface, primarily to prevent evaporation of water and erosion of soil
Covering the surface of the soil with natural (e g litter) or deliberately applied organic materials (e g straw, wood chips, foliage)
Most mulches are made from organic materials, some of the best being: hay, grass clippings, fallen leaves (best when shredded), bark chips, and compost Mulching serves to prevent moisture loss from soil, protect plants from temperature extremes, control weed growth (weed before laying mulch!), prevent water from splashing onto plant material, and as a slow-release soil amendment
The natural and gradual decomposition of dead organic matter that has been evenly distributed in a thin layer on the ground
A method of preventing weeds, moderating soil temperatures and keeping soil moist Involves covering gardens, shrubbery borders and foundation plantings with a layer of wood chips, bark mulch, cocoa hulls or hay Does not totally prevent weeds, but does help
Process of spreading organic material such as wood chips, leaves, or compost over the soil surface to control weeds and retain soil moisture