maksimum erime yeteneği olan

listen to the pronunciation of maksimum erime yeteneği olan
Turkish - English
A eutectic mixture or eutectic alloy; a eutectoid
The temperature of the eutectic point
Easily melted or fused, especially at low temperatures
Of maximum fusibility; said of an alloy or mixture which has the lowest melting point which it is possible to obtain by the combination of the given components
The minimum melting point of a combination of two or more materials The eutectic temperature of an alloy is always lower than the melting point of any of its individual constituents The eutectic temperature is the particular temperature at which the eutectic occurs Eutectic alloys, when heated, transform directly from a solid to a liquid and do not show any pasty regions For example, eutectic solder paste has a composition of 63% tin (Sn) and 37% lead (Pb), and has a eutectic temperature of 183ºC
The lowest temperature at which a mix of two materials will melt Often the temperature is an anomaly, that is, it is much lower than the melting temperatures of only slightly different mixtures Lead-tin solder is an example Lead melts at 327C, tin at 231C The lowest melting combination is 67 lead, 33 tin (180C) Non-eutectic mixtures have a melting or softening range Such mixtures do not flow well until thoroughly heated past the softening range This softening phenomenon is what makes glazes hang onto the ware
{s} melting, liquefying, fusing
-An alloy used to form the melting point of a fuse It is frequently silver or tin based
(1) An isothermal reversible reaction in which a liquid solution is converted into two or more intimately mixed solids on cooling, the number of solids formed being the same as the number of components in the system (2) An alloy having the composition indicated by the eutectic point on an equilibrium diagram (3) An alloy structure of intermixed solid constituents formed by eutectic reaction
The proportion of metals in an alloy that results in the lowest possible melting point for that alloy In tin/lead solders, the eutectic is 63%Sn/37%Pb
This phenomenon occurs when two dissimilar fats are melted, blended together and re-crystallized, the resultant mixture will melt at a lower temperature than either of the components
upon cooling, a liquid phase transforms isothermally and reversibly into two intimately mixed solid phases; the lowest melting composition in a material system
A univariant reaction involving a liquid and c solid phases (where c is the number of components in the system) where in composition space the liquid plots inside the polyhedron whose vertices are the solid compositions Hence in a binary system (c=2), a eutectic is an equilibrium between two solids and a liquid which plots in between them Therefore it is a reaction of the form A + B = liquid See peritectic
In alloy systems with eutectics, this can be the lowest melting point phase and so the last to solidify when casting In Al-Si casting alloys, the eutectic is often modified to alter its structure to enhance ductility
An alloy with a melting point lower than that of any other combination of the same components; an alloy used as a fuse element to detect and protect against high damaging environmental temperatures' a fuse element used to monitor long overload conditions on a transformer by melting when a combined temperature (top oil temperature rise due to loading plus temperature rise due to current passing through element proper) equal to the fuse's melting temperature is achieved
1) An isothermal reversible reaction in which a liquid solution decomposes, on cooling, into two or more intimately mixed solids The number of solids formed are the same number of components in the system 2) An alloy having the chemical composition indicated by the eutectic point on a equilibrium diagram
a mixture of substances having a minimum melting point
The lowest melting mixture of two or more ceramic substances This is always lower then the melting points of the individual materials
{i} substance that is melted, substance that is liquefied, substance that is fused
An alloy of two or more metals combined to achieve a melting point lower than the melting points of the parent metals This process is used in granulation In this case, the parts to be joined fuse together only at the contact points Many combinations of metals have a eutectic relationship which may cause one metal to melt into the other when they are heated past the melting point of solder This is especially evident in soldering silver to brass
maksimum erime yeteneği olan