
listen to the pronunciation of main-sequence
English - Turkish

Definition of main-sequence in English Turkish dictionary

main sequence star
cüce yıldız
main sequence star
(Astronomi) Anakol yıldızı
main sequence star
(Astronomi) Cüce, cüce yıldız
main sequence
ana sekans (parlaklık spekrum diyagramında bir bant olup, yıldızların büyük bölümünü kaysamaktadır)
main sequence star
ana sekans yıldızı (hertzsprung-russel diyagramında, ana sekans diye adlandırılan bant-şekilli bölge içinde yer alan herhangi bir yıldız)
English - English
Of or dealing with a major group of stars forming a band stretching from upper left to lower right on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram when being plotted by luminosity and surface temperature
The area on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in which the main sequence is located
: A major grouping of stars that creates a narrow band from the upper left to the lower right when plotted by luminosity and surface temperature on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
(Astronomi) The main sequence is a continuous and distinctive band of stars that appears on plots of stellar color versus brightness. These color-magnitude plots are known as Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams after their co-developers, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell. Stars on this band are known as main-sequence stars or "dwarf" stars
main sequence star
(Astronomi) The main sequence is a continuous and distinctive band of stars that appears on plots of stellar color versus brightness. These color-magnitude plots are known as Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams after their co-developers, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell. Stars on this band are known as main-sequence stars or "dwarf" stars
main sequence
The region of the H-R diagram running from upper left to lower right, which includes roughly 90 percent of all stars
main sequence
The stable phase of a star's lifetime, when outward pressure from internal fusion process using hydrogen for fuel is balanced by the inward force of self-gravitation This phase is usually the longest phase of a star's lifetime Our Sun is a main sequence star
main sequence
A major grouping of stars that forms a relatively narrow band from the upper left to the lower right when plotted according to luminosity and surface temperature on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
main sequence
A group of stars on the HR diagram that all shine via hydrogen thermonuclear fusion, and are all in a state of hydrodynamic equilibrium Stars spend the greatest portion of their luminous (nuclear fusion) life on the main sequence
main sequence
the narrow diagonal band in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram going from upper left to lower right describing the characteristics of 90% of the stars Stars spend about 90% of their lives in this stage and are fusing hydrogen to create helium
main sequence
A sequence of stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, containing the majority of stars, that runs diagonally from the upper left to the lower right
main sequence
An area on the Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram containing "middle aged" stars like the Sun more!
main sequence
the section of the HR Diagram that runs from the upper-left hand corner to the lower-right hand corner and characterizes stars in the main stage of their life; the stage at which they fuse hydrogen and helium in their core
main sequence
a narrow band of stars in the Hertsprung-Russell diagram that represents most stars in the universe
main sequence
Stars live 90% of their life on the main sequence of the Hertzprung-Russell diagram A main sequence star burns only hydrogen