mıntakaya ait, bölgesel,mıntakavi,zonalis

listen to the pronunciation of mıntakaya ait, bölgesel,mıntakavi,zonalis
Turkish - English
(Tıp) zonal
Related to, associated with, or similar to zones
Divided into zones
relating to or of the nature of a zone; "the zonal frontier"
relating to or of the nature of a zone; "the zonal frontier
Of or pertaining to a zone; having the form of a zone or zones
relating to or arranged in zones
associated with or divided into zones; "a zonal pattern of cell structure"; "zonal division" relating to or of the nature of a zone; "the zonal frontier
roughly latitudinal movement of air or ocean currents (east to west, or west to east)
{s} regional
associated with or divided into zones; "a zonal pattern of cell structure"; "zonal division"
mıntakaya ait, bölgesel,mıntakavi,zonalis