
listen to the pronunciation of locker
English - Turkish
{i} kilitli dolap
(Askeri) portuç
kilitli çekmece ya da dolap

Tom dolap kapısını çarparak kapattı. - Tom slammed the locker door shut.

Dolaplar okulun malıdır ve sebepsiz aranabilir. - The lockers are the property of the school and may be searched without cause.

{i} den. dolap, ambar
{i} malzeme dolabı
{i} kilitleyen kimse
{i} (soyunma odasında/okul koridorunda) kilitli dolap
locker rooms
soyunma odaları
locker room
dolaplı sporcu odası
locker clench
(Askeri) hırca mapası
locker room
(sporcuların elbiselerini bıraktığı) dolaplı oda, soyunma odası
locker room
{i} soyunma odası

Kirli giysiler soyunma odasının havasında iğrenç bir koku bıraktı. - The dirty clothes left a foul odor in the air of the locker room.

Dan soyunma odasında kendini astı. - Dan hung himself in the locker room.

locker room
(isim) soyunma odası
evidence locker
kanıt deposu
evidence locker
kanıt odası
automatic baggage locker
otomatik bagaj muhafaza yeri
chain locker
zincir dolabı
go to Davy Jone's locker
denizin dibini boylamak
Davy Jones' locker
(deyim) Denizin dibi
The Hurt Locker
(Film) Sinemalarda "Ölümcül Tuzak" adı altında gösterilen film, 82. Oscar ödüllerinde en iyi film ödülünü, filmin yönetmeni Kathryn Bigelow da en iyi yönetmen Oscar'ini kazanmıştır. İrak’ta, savaşın ortasında bombaları imha etmekle yükümlü arkerlerin hikayesini anlatmaktadır
girls locker-room
kızların soyunma odası
go to Davy Jones' locker
(deyim) Denizin dibini boylamak
medicine locker
ilaç dolabı
overhead locker
Bazı taşıtlarda koltuğun yukarısındaki eşya koyma yeri
arms locker
(Askeri) Silah dolabı
davy jones's locker
denizde ölenlerin kabri
davy jones's locker
denizin dibi
go to davy jones's locker
denizin dibini boylamak
go to davy jones's locker
denizde boğulmak
left luggage locker
kayıp eşya dolabı
luggage locker
small arms locker
(Askeri) hafif silahlar dolabı
English - English
One who locks something

The locker of the trapped chest must be careful, so as not to spring the trap.

A type of storage compartment with a lock usually used to store clothing, equipment, or books

The student placed her books in her locker when she arrived at school.

{n} a drawer, cupboard, chest, box
{i} lockable storage compartment
A stowage compartment, whether equipped with a lock or not
A drawer, cupboard, compartment, or chest, esp
A type of storage compartment with a lock usually used to store clothing,equipment, or books
one in a ship, that may be closed with a lock
A locker, or locking differential, is a type of traction adding differential A locking differential essentially locks the axle shafts together, transferring all of the power from the ring gear to both axle shafts, regardless of either wheel's lack of traction Where limited-slip differentials are normally "unlocked" and only begin to function when one tire slips, a locking differential, except for an air locker, is always locked, and only "unlocks" to allow for wheel-speed differentiation when cornering A locking differential is typically used in a rear-axle application; a locker installed in the front axle can impair steering
A locker is a small metal or wooden cupboard with a lock, where you can put your personal possessions, for example in a school, place of work, or sports club
a fastener that locks or closes
a storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock
A compartment, in a shed or on board of a vessel, used as a safekeeping place to stow valuable goods, which can be secured by means of a lock
One who, or that which, locks
a trunk for storing personal possessions; usually kept at the foot of a bed (as in a barracks)
Points to the person-id of the locker of the article
locker room
A room attached to an athletic, recreational, or workplace facility, filled with lockers for storage of clothing and equipment; clothes are generally changed there

We changed into our swimsuits in the locker room next to the pool.

locker room
Characteristic of conversations held in locker rooms; that is, either very informal, boastful, juvenile, or explicitly sexual

The others tired of Frank's habitual locker-room boasting about various women he had scored with.

locker room humor
a type of humor involving jokes about crude and sexual topics
locker rooms
plural form of locker room
Alternative spelling of locker room
locker key
key used to open and close a lockable storage cabinet
locker room
a room (as at an athletic facility or workplace) where you can change clothes and which contains lockers for the temporary storage of your clothing and personal possessions
locker room
A locker room is a room in which there are a lot of lockers. A room furnished with lockers, as in a gymnasium, school, or workplace, used as a place in which to change clothes and store equipment. a room in a sports building, school etc where people change their clothes and leave them in lockers
locker room
{i} room with lockers (generally used for dressing and storing sports equipment)
relating to or appropriate for a locker room; "locker-room humor"
relating to or appropriate for a locker room; "locker-room humor
Davy Jones' locker
Alternative spelling of Davy Jones's locker
Davy Jones's locker
The bottom of the ocean, especially as the grave for sailors. Also a common saying when something goes overboard and is lost

NOTE: Partridge erroneously refers to this as from the journal of Richard rather than Nicholas Cresswell.

chain locker
a space in the forward part of the ship, typically beneath the bow in front of the foremost collision bulkhead, that contains the anchor chain when the anchor is secured for sea
hurt locker
A state of severe physical or emotional injury
evidence locker
Evidence lockers are specifically designed to provide an extremely secure chain of custody during the critical short-term evidence storage period, which is the period of time when evidence leaves the hands of the person who collected, until it's properly logged and stored in the evidence and property room
Davy Jones' locker
(deyim) Davy Jones’s Locker is an idiom for the bottom of the sea — the resting place of drowned sailors. It is used as a euphemism for death at sea (to be sent to Davy Jones' Locker). Davy Jones is a nickname for what would be the devil of the seas. The origins of the name are unclear, and many theories have been put forth, including incompetent sailors, a pub owner who kidnapped sailors, or that Davy Jones is another name for the devil – as in, “Devil Jonah”. This nautical superstition was popularized in the 1800s
The Hurt Locker
(Film) The Hurt Locker is a 2008 American war film. It follows a United States Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal team during the Iraq War. The Hurt Locker was one of the most acclaimed films of 2009, earning awards and honors from numerous critics' organizations. The Iraq War drama "The Hurt Locker" won best picture and five other prizes at the 2010 Academy Awards
Davey Jones' locker
{i} (Slang) bottom of ocean or sea
davy jones's locker
(Slang) bottom of ocean or sea
foot locker
a large strong box that you keep your things in, used especially by soldiers
plural of locker
shot in the locker
last resort, last straw



    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈläkər/ /ˈlɑːkɜr/


    [ 'lä-k&r ] (noun.) 14th century. From lock (+ -er) from Old English loc (“fastening, enclosure”) from Proto-Germanic *lukan. Cognate with German Loch, Dutch luik, and Dutch loket.

    Common Collocations

    locker room


    ... uploaded to the locker from James Blake. ...