little ripples spread out across the water

listen to the pronunciation of little ripples spread out across the water
English - German
Das Wasser kräuselte sich
little ripples spread out across the water


    lit·tle ripples spread out a·cross the wa·ter

    Turkish pronunciation

    lîtıl rîpılz spred aut ıkrôs dhi wôtır


    /ˈlətəl ˈrəpəlz ˈspred ˈout əˈkrôs ᴛʜē ˈwôtər/ /ˈlɪtəl ˈrɪpəlz ˈsprɛd ˈaʊt əˈkrɔːs ðiː ˈwɔːtɜr/