Definition of list in English English dictionary
- to carry out such a manoeuvre
- To wish, like, desire (to do something)
The spirit seemed to blow where it listed among a historically motley collection of Catholic theologians, Puritan zealots and American squires.
- A data structure that is fundamental to the LISP language. A list is defined recursively: it may be nil or it may consist of a header (the first element) and a tail (the remainder; the tail may be nil). Both header and tail are lists
- To listen
Peace, what noise? / List, list! / Hark! / Music i' the air.
Tom doesn't seem to be willing to listen to anything Mary says.
- Tom seems to be unwilling to listen to anything Mary says.
You have to listen to me.
- You must listen to me.
- To create or recite a list
- To be pleasing to
- A strip of fabric, especially from the edge of a piece of cloth
- a tilting or careening manoeuvre, which causes the ship to roll. Usually used to describe tilting not under a ship's own power
- a tilt to a building
- To place in listings
- The palisades or barriers used to fence off a space for tilting or jousting tournaments
- A register or roll of paper consisting of an enumeration or compilation of a set of possible items
- A codified representation of a list, used to store data or in processing
- Material used for cloth selvage
- {v} to cover with list, inlist, hear, like
- {n} a roll, catalogue, place for fighting, strip of cloth, fillet, coarse wool, an inclining, a bill of ratable estate
- A line inclosing or forming the extremity of a piece of ground, or field of combat; hence, in the plural (lists), the ground or field inclosed for a race or combat
- To cover with list, or with strips of cloth; to put list on; as, to list a door; to stripe as if with list
- a tilting or careening manoeuvre, which causes the ship to roll. Usually used to describe tilting not under a ships own power
- To lean; to incline; as, the ship lists to port
- To list several things such as reasons or names means to write or say them one after another, usually in a particular order. Manufacturers must list ingredients in order of the amount used
- A list of things is a set of them that you think of as being in a particular order. High on the list of public demands is to end military control of broadcasting I would have thought if they were looking for redundancies I would be last on the list `First City' joined a long list of failed banks
- include in a list; "Am I listed in your register?"
- To cut away a narrow strip, as of sapwood, from the edge of; as, to list a board
- Text that is categorized, be it bulleted, numbered, or unnumbered The default list bullets and numbers are black with no special effects To make a bulleted list using graphic images as bullets, web graphic designers use a table format
- A list refers to a collection of email addresses similar to a mailing list The list is given a name, such as BIRDTALK Participants (subscribers) in the list can send messages to one email address and all subscribers will receive the message The collection of email addresses is maintained by a list server At KU, the server software is called ListProc
- A roll or catalogue, that is, a row or line; a record of names; as, a list of names, books, articles; a list of ratable estate
- the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical; "the tower had a pronounced tilt"; "the ship developed a list to starboard"; "he walked with a heavy inclination to the right"
- To listen or hearken to
- A list is a comma separated list of things, surrounded by parenthesis All functions calls have lists after them for the parameters to the function Arrays are initialized with lists as well For example, the list below is being passed to "print" print("two plus two is ", 2+2, ", but two minus two is ", 2-2)
- a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
- An expression consisting of any number of elements between parentheses Here are three sample lists: (setq var1 45), (strcat "hello" " dolly"), and (456 76 32 06 180 25) In a function list (such as the first two samples), a function is the first element in the list In a data list (such as the third sample), there is no function within the list, but every element in the list (or the list as a whole) is acted upon by an external function A list can be a null list (containing nothing) or contain many elements Lists can also contain other lists, which in turn can also contain other lists In other words, lists can be nested many levels deep, as in the following example: (setq sum (+ n1 n2 (* (sqrt 10) n3)))
- A list in the DAE is an ordered collection of values
- If a company is listed, or if it lists, on a stock exchange, it obtains an official quotation for its shares so that people can buy and sell them. It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds. see also listed, listing. To lean or cause to lean to the side: The damaged ship listed badly to starboard. Erosion first listed, then toppled the spruce tree. To listen or listen to. A desire or an inclination
- a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics) give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of; "List the states west of the Mississippi"
- To place a property up for sale in the public forum, to add it to the list of properties for sale
- A limit or boundary; a border
- tilt to one side; "The balloon heeled over"; "the wind made the vessel heel"; "The ship listed to starboard"
- A group of paragraphs similarly formatted to indicate membership in a set or in a sequence of steps In the FrontPage Editor you can create numbered lists or bulleted lists, menus, directories, or definitions
- {f} write or print a series of names or items according to a certain order, make a list; inscribe, record; lean to one side (Nautical)
- A group of paragraphs similarly formatted to indicate membership in a set or in a sequence of steps
- A group of paragraphs formatted to indicate membership in a set or in a sequence of steps In the FrontPage Editor you can create numbered lists or bulleted lists, menus, directories, or definitions
- enumerate; "We must number the names of the great mathematicians"
- A collection of objects enclosed in square brackets such as [a, b, c] A list is made up of the head (or first element) and a tail (the remainder of the list)
- To inclose for combat; as, to list a field
- A narrow strip of wood, esp
- give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of; "List the states west of the Mississippi"
- a data structure made up of cons pairs the cdr of which contains either another list or nil
- Inclination; desire
- To engage in public service by enrolling one's name; to enlist
- To desire or choose; to please
- To enroll; to place or register in a list
- The first thin coat of tin
- To plow and plant with a lister
- A component that presents a list of items for selection
- A strip forming the woven border or selvedge of cloth, particularly of broadcloth, and serving to strengthen it; hence, a strip of cloth; a fillet
- Shorthand term for EPA list of violating facilities or firms debarred from obtaining government contracts because they violated certain sections of the Clean Air or Clean Water Acts The list is maintained by The Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring
- The lobe of the ear; the ear itself
- A stripe
- To list something in a particular way means to include it in that way in a list or report. A medical examiner has listed the deaths as homicides He was not listed under his real name on the residents panel
- include in a list; "Am I listed in your register?
- A little square molding; a fillet; called also listel
- cause to lean to the side; "Erosion listed the old tree"
- A piece of woolen cloth with which the yarns are grasped by a workman
- To hearken; to attend; to listen
- A set of choices from which a user can select one or more items Items in a list can be text, graphics, or both Lists are created using the JList component See also combo box
- The word list is used in a few places in the manual in the specific sense defined by the YACC grammar in `control y' A list is simply a list of words or numbers, and its meaning depends on the context For example, SET x=3*{1 2 3} will set the vector x to be 2 4 6, while MACRO hi { echo Hello} will define the macro hi
- An inclination to one side; as, the ship has a list to starboard
- To engage, as a soldier; to enlist
- In cotton culture, to prepare, as land, for the crop by making alternating beds and alleys with the hoe
- List 99
- A confidential register of people forbidden to work with children, maintained by the Department of Education and Skills
The management of the registration of people considered to be unsuitable to work with children and placed on List 99 became increasingly complex.
- list box
- A GUI widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list contained within a static, multiple line text box
- list ingredients
- count components, enumerate ingredients
- list manager
- The in-house or outside professional or company responsible for marketing a list and/or maintaining, cleaning and enhancing that list
- list manager
- A person or agency working on behalf of the list owner, who handles promotion, rental and control of lists
- list manager
- One who, as an employee of a list owner or as an outside agent is responsible for the use, by others, of a specific mailing list(s) The list manager generally serves the list owner in several (or all) of the following: List maintenance, list promotion and marketing, list clearance and record keeping, collecting for use of the list by others
- list manager
- A company which holds a customer's file, updates, adds and deletes records as required and produces copies, selections etc , from the list according to the instructions received from the owner
- list manager
- A person who oversees the use of a list(s) by others The list manager, if not also the list owner, serves the owner by promoting and marketing a list, record keeping and list cleaning, along with the collection of list usage fees
- list of candidates
- directory of all the possible candidates
- list of courses
- listing of various classes offered (by a college, university, etc.)
- list of debtors
- register containing all people who owe money
- list of equipment items
- record of equipment
- list of priorities
- arrangement of priorities, scale of preferences
- list of the fallen
- register of all those military men who died in battle
- list owner
- The company whose customer/prospect list is available on the List market
- list owner
- The person or persons responsible for the smooth functioning of an email discussion list Depending on the nature of the list, the owner may moderate messages sent to the list, control subscriptions to the list, and handle bounced messages and other errors as they arise Information about who owns a list is provided in the welcome message sent to each subscriber at the time they join the list
- list owner
- The company that owns the mailing list you want to rent
- list owner
- One who, by promotional activity or compilation, has developed a list of names having something in common-or one who has purchased (as opposed to rented, reproduced or used on a one-time basis) such a list from the developer
- list owner
- The person who administers a mailing list, and usually sets the rules On most mailing list servers, you can reach the list owner by sending a message to an address in the form: listname-owner@server domain Thus, to reach me as the listowner for the CAMsoc Update list, you would send a message to: cu-owner@associate com In FidoNet Technology Networks, the equivalent term is moderator
- list owner
- It refers to list administrator, list coordinator, and list manager
- list owner
- Also known as the owner
- list owner
- 1 A person or company who has built a list by compiling names which have something in common 2 Someone who has purchased a list from someone else
- list owner
- The person who manages a mailing list Usually, the list owner is the person who conceived and launched the list Also called list manager, and may be called the moderator
- list owner
- The owner of an e-mail list defines the list's charter and policy, i e what the list is about and what are the general rules that all subscribers must accept in order to be subscribed to the list The list owner is also responsible for administrative matters and for answering questions from the list subscribers
- list owner
- The owner of an e-mail list defines the list's charter and policy (i e what the list is about and what are the general rules that all subscribers must accept in order to be subscribed to the list) The list owner is also responsible for administrative matters and for answering questions from the list subscribers
- list price
- the selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list; often subject to discounts; "I got it at 30% off the list price
- list price
- The list price of an item is the price which the manufacturer suggests that a shopkeeper should charge for it. A basic published or advertised price, often subject to discount. a price that is suggested for a product by the people who make it
- list price
- official price of an item (as listed in a catalog, advertisement, etc.)
- list processing
- processing data that is given in the form of chained lists
- list processing language
- (Computers) language that handles lists of data
- list system
- based on the principle of proportional representation; voters choose between party lists, the number elected from each list being determined by the percentage cast for each list out of the total vote
- list-book
- collection of lists on a particular subject
- linked list
- A simple linear data structure, each of whose nodes includes pointers to the previous and subsequent nodes in the list, enabling traversal of the structure from any starting point
- life list
- A cumulative record of the species seen and identified by a naturalist, especially a bird watcher
- linked list
- data structure in which there are pointers at the end of each list with leads to the next list
- A-list
- An informal list of people in any of several categories (but especially in the entertainment industry) who are most admired, desirable or bankable
- B-list
- An informal list of people in any of several categories (but especially in the entertainment industry) who are admired, desirable or bankable, but not as much as the people on the A-list
- Christmas list
- a list, normally on paper, of items one wants to receive as presents for Christmas
A handbag was way out of my league and so was a silver necklace that I wouldn't even put on my Christmas list, since no one in my family could afford it.
- Christmas list
- a list, normally on paper, of people one is going to send cards or presents to at Christmas
What a great idea for the many friends and neighbors on your Christmas list!.
- Red List
- a list of endangered species, created by the World Conservation Monitoring Center
- Swadesh list
- one of the lists of vocabulary with "basic" meanings developed by Morris Swadesh in the 1940-50s
- Z-list
- A group of people who are very far from stardom, unlike the A-list. Thus called because the letter Z is so far from the letter A in the alphabet
- access control list
- A security scheme for file level security (as opposed to traditional user, group levels, or the somewhat stricter role levels.) Abbreviated ACL
The hackers broke through the B security model, so no more role level security; all critical data must use access control lists from now on.
- association list
- A data structure that associates keys with data; implimented as a list whose members are paired storage locations (cons cells), one element of which (the car) contains the key and the other element of which (the cdr) contains the keyed data
- bullet list
- A list whose items start with the typographical symbol of bullet, that is •, or with other symbols other than numbers
- bulleted list
- A list whose items start with the typographical symbol of bullet, that is •, or with other symbols other than numbers
- clout list
- A usually secret list containing the names of people who are to be given special access, benefits, or influence in a political or social situation, especially as a result of having personal, professional, or financial relationships with those in authority
The University of Illinois announced Monday that it will temporarily suspend the use of a clout list in the admissions process—a practice school officials first downplayed after it was described in a Tribune investigation.
- definition list
- An HTML structure consisting of a number of tags intended to present a set of pairs of terms and their definitions as a list
- drop-down list
- Alternative spelling of drop down list
- dropdown list
- A user interface control GUI element similar to a list box which allows the user to choose one value from a list
- friends list
- A list of contacts (in social networking, instant messaging, etc.), ostensibly the user's friends
- grocery list
- A written or mental list of grocery items one intends to purchase at a supermarket or similar business
The man put milk, bread and eggs at the top of his grocery list.
- hit list
- A similar list of people to be approached for a charitable donation
- hit list
- A roster of potential victims, especially a list of people to be killed
- honey do list
- a collection of requests, usually by a spouse for someone to perform a series of tasks, assignments or jobs dealing with the operations of a household
- laundry list
- A long and often tedious list of items
Among the laundry list of inconveniences most of us can't abide: cold coffee, airport delays, the high price of gasoline.
- laundry list
- Originally, a list of articles of clothing that had been sent to be laundered
Learn how to make out a laundry list and to check it when the laundry comes home.
- listed
- protected from demolition or alteration
- listed
- Simple past tense and past participle of list
- listed
- entered on a list, especially an official one
- listing
- Present participle of list
- listing
- The action of the verb to list
- listing
- A physical manifestation of a single item in a list; as a single twenty page (bound) listing
Please pass me the second listing for the two story house, from that stack.
- mailing list
- A collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients
- no fly list
- Alternative form of no-fly list
- no-fly list
- A confidential list containing the names of people who are not permitted to board an aircraft, prepared by government authorities in various jurisdictions and distributed to commercial airlines
The no-fly list created by U.S. authorities, which singles out passengers who are potential terrorist threats, is the target of frequent criticism that it's incomplete and unreliable.
- nofly list
- Alternative form of no-fly list
- numbered list
- A list whose items are numbered, with various styles including Arabic numerals and Roman numerals
- price list
- A list of items for sale with their prices
- punch list
- The list of repairs and finish work required to complete a large project, such as the construction of a building; a list of problems to correct
The building opened on schedule, but it took them another three months to get through the punch list.
- reference list
- The list of sources used or considered in preparing a work
- set list
- A band's playlist of the order of songs in a live performance
- shopping list
- A list, written on e.g. a piece of paper, of items that need to be bought
- shopping list
- A list of related items
- short list
- A list of candidates that has been generated from a longer list (a long list)
- short-list
- Alternative spelling of shortlist
- short-list
- Alternative spelling of short list
- sick list
- A list of people who are ill
- stop list
- A list of words or other data items which, for some special reason, should be ignored or bypassed by a particular data processing operation
If you equip your search engine with a stop list containing a few common words such as a, the, and and, you can decrease the full-text index size by about 20%.
- stop list
- A list of people who subscribe to a publication (e.g., newspaper) and no longer wish to receive it
- to-do list
- A list of errands and other tasks – often written on a piece of paper as a memory aid – that one needs or intends to accomplish
Mowing the lawn and chopping the weeds topped his to-do list of chores.
- waiting list
- an ordered list of people waiting to obtain something
- want list
- A list of items missing from a collection; especially a list of postage stamps that a collector is seeking to acquire
- wine list
- A list of wines, usually with a small description, available at eg. a restaurant or bar
- wish list
- A list of desired things
- listed
- {a} covered with list, inlisted, stripped
- A-list
- A real or imaginary list of the most celebrated individuals, especially in show business: [as modifier] an A-list celebrity
- dean's honour list
- The Dean's Honour List is not a recognition given each year to outstanding students by their faculty
- skip list
- (Bilgisayar) A skip list is a data structure for storing a sorted list of items, using a hierarchy of linked lists that connect increasingly sparse subsequences of the items. These auxiliary lists allow item lookup with efficiency comparable to balanced binary search trees (that is, with number of probes proportional to log n instead of n)
- snag list
- (İnşaat) (or snagging list) A list of quality defects at the end of a build process/phase/stage
- listed
- Deleted
- listed
- on a list
- listed
- In Britain, a listed building is protected by law against being destroyed or altered because it is historically or architecturally important
- listed
- the process of getting a product accepted for sale in a supermarket
- listed
- Article 15 Historic Preservation
- listed
- UL uses this term to cover a product that has been fully tested for all safety related functions
- listed
- officially entered in a roll or list; "an enrolled student"
- listed
- is simply the recording of a terrier's parentage and description in Breed Records The number allocated is a Listing Number (LN ) and is only allocated to pups who's parents have passed Breeding Registration
- listed
- Equipment included on a list published by an organization, acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment, and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner
- listed
- An issue traded on the New York Stock Exchange or other major exchange
- listing
- A written agreement between a property owner and a real estate broker that gives the broker permission to find a buyer or tenant for some property See: listing broker
- listing
- The throwing up of the soil into ridges, a method adopted in the culture of beets and some garden crops
- listing
- the act of making a list of items
- listing
- The sapwood cut from the edge of a board
- listing
- A contract between owner and broker to sell the owner's property
- listing
- 1 a written engagement contract between a principal and an agent, authorizing the agent to perform services for the principal involving the latter's property 2 a record of property for sale by a broker who has been authorized by the owner to sell 3 the property so listed
- listing
- A piece of property placed on the market by a listing agent
- listing
- The act or process of one who lists (in any sense of the verb); as, the listing of a door; the listing of a stock at the Stock Exchange
- listing
- A listing is a published list, or an item in a published list. A full listing of the companies will be published quarterly
- listing
- Description of a property an agent will put on the market
- listing
- The contract between a property owner and a licensed real estate broker in which the broker acts as agent to sell the property and the owner agrees to pay the broker a commission for services rendered
- listing
- The LISTING element displays all characters "As-Is" in the browser as a fixed-width font
- listing
- An employment contract between principal and agent authorizing the agent to perform services for the principal involving the latter's property; listing contracts are entered into for the purpose of securing persons to buy, lease or rent property Employment of an agent by a prospective purchaser or lessee to locate property for purchase or lease may be considered a listing
- listing
- An employment contract between an owner and a broker to sell or lease real estate
- listing
- A property for sale by a real estate brokerage or agent
- listing
- items at Meet World Trade used to initiate a negotiation A listing can be either an offer to sell or a request to purchase A public listing can be viewed and responded to by any Member A private listing can be viewed and responded to only by designated recipients
- listing
- An oral or written agreement between a property owner and a broker authorizing the brokerage to offer the owner's real property for sale or lease
- listing
- a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics)
- listing
- An employment contract between principal and agent, authorizing the agent to perform services for the principal involving the latter's property
- listing
- Property placed on the market by a real estate listing agent
- listing
- 1 A written agreement which authorizes an agent, called a broker, to sell or lease real estate of an owner 2 The record of your real estate for sale, which is dept by a broker who has been authorized by you, the owner 2 The listed real estate for sale
- listing
- asking, as a price of real estate
- listing
- An oral or written agreement between a property owner and a broker authorizing the broker to offer the owner's real property for sale or lease
- listing
- An entry in a list or directory
- listing
- A printout that lists the source language statements and the output resulting from execution of a program A compiler listing file shows, at minimum, the options used by the compiler, any error messages, and a standard header
- listing
- {i} list, record; act of making a list; something which is part of a list
- listing
- A printout of a program or data set
- listing
- The agreement that allows a real estate professional to market a property or the actual notice of the property's availability and features
- listing
- The selvedge of cloth; list
- listing
- A written agreement between a property owner and a real estate broker authorizing the broker to find a buyer
- listing
- A contract in which the seller agrees to pay a commission to the agent who finds a purchaser
- listing
- The formal process through which the Service adds species to the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants
- listing
- In the context of real estate, written agreement between a property owner and a real estate broker that gives the broker permission to find a buyer or tenant for some property See: Listing broker
- listing
- An employment contract between owner and broker authorizing broker to perform services involving the principal's property
- listing
- A written employment agreement between a property owner and a broker authorizing the broker to find a buyer or a tenant for a certain real property
- listing
- A property placed on the market by a listing real estate agent
- lists
- Lists are catorgories of information They can be spaced out by bullets, numbers, letters, or astericks
- lists
- name for the field where the combat activities are held at and event
- lists
- Email linked special interest groups Bi-directional lists enable subscribers to discuss various topics via email Uni-directional lists support mailings to a group of interested subscribers but do not permit the subscribers to send their own messages to the list
- lists
- Always plural, the term designates the border of the field on which a tournament is held and by extension the field itself and the roster of fighters who take part in it (See Eric )
- lists
- Lists are records from databases or tables, which usually show summary information Edit objects can be launched from lists
- lists
- The lists command can be sent to the Majordomo server by anyone The response contains the names of all advertised mailing lists on the system
- lists
- When publishing professionals talk about a "list," they are referring to the books designated for publication for any given selling season Most often, publishers offer new lists twice every year--spring and fall
- lists
- E-mail linked special interest groups on Internet Some lists are moderated; others feature free-wheeling conversations and controversy
- lists
- {i} arena (for knights' tournaments, contests, battles, etc.)
- lists
- List with has two parts: a term and a definition such as in this document
- lists
- A list is simply a collection of "things" that you wish to work with as a group Evolution allows you to create many different types of lists A General List allows you to have a collection of various types of files from all over your system Similar to a General List, a Group Launch List allows you to have a collection of files, but clicking on a Group Launch List automatically launches (runs) every file in the list A Play List is a list of sound files you wish to collect into a related group Clicking on a Play List will cause the sound files to be played by Evolution according to their order in the list Session Lists allow you to collect a list of Play Lists which are launched when the Session List icon is clicked And finally, a Desktop List allows you to make a collection of existing Evolution Desktops
- lists
- plural of list
- lists
- third person singular present tense of the verb to list
- lists
- Mailing lists serve a similar purpose to newsgroups: they're both excellent ways to stay in-the-know