Definition of library of congress classification in English English dictionary
or LC Classification System of library organization developed during the reorganization of the U.S. Library of Congress. It consists of separate, mutually exclusive, special classifications, often having no connection save the accidental one of alphabetical notation. The arrangement roughly follows groupings of social sciences, humanities, and natural and physical sciences. It divides the field of knowledge into 20 large classes and an additional class for general works. Each main class has a synopsis that also serves as a guide. The resulting order is from the general to the specific and from the theoretical to the practical. The LC Classification has largely replaced the Dewey Decimal Classification in university, special, and government libraries
the largest library in the US, in Washington, D.C. It is one of the largest libraries in the world. Publishers have to give a copy of every book, magazine etc that is produced in the US to the Library. U.S. library, the largest and one of the greatest of what may be considered national libraries. Founded in Washington, D.C., in 1800, it was housed in the Capitol until the building was burned by British troops in 1814; it moved to permanent quarters in 1897. In addition to serving as a reference source for members of Congress and other government officers, it is outstanding among the learned institutions of the world, with magnificent collections of books, manuscripts, music, prints, and maps. It contains some 18 million books, 2.5 million recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.5 million maps, and more than 54 million manuscripts