lets get down to brass tacks

listen to the pronunciation of lets get down to brass tacks
English - Turkish

Definition of lets get down to brass tacks in English Turkish dictionary

get down to
yol almak
get down to
get down to
get down to
dört elle sarılmak
get down to

Biz ödevimize başlamalıyız. - We must get down to our homework.

Şimdi çalışmaya başlayalım. - Now let's get down to work.

get down to
ciddiyetle girişmek
get down to
k. dili (bir işe) bakmak/başlamak
get down to
{k} (bir işe) bakmak/başlamak. get down to brass tacks k.dili. meselenin esaslarını ele almak; asıl meseleye gelmek. get down to brass tacks k.dili. asıl konuya geçmek
get down to
(Fiili Deyim ) -e başlamak
English - English

Definition of lets get down to brass tacks in English English dictionary

get down to
give one's full attention to (Informal)
get down to
If you get down to something, especially something that requires a lot of attention, you begin doing it. With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business
lets get down to brass tacks


    lets get Down to brass tacks

    Turkish pronunciation

    lets get daun tı bräs täks


    /ˈlets ˈget ˈdoun tə ˈbras ˈtaks/ /ˈlɛts ˈɡɛt ˈdaʊn tə ˈbræs ˈtæks/