let me note down your telephone number

listen to the pronunciation of let me note down your telephone number
English - Swedish

Definition of let me note down your telephone number in English Swedish dictionary

let me down
svikit mig
English - Portuguese

Definition of let me note down your telephone number in English Portuguese dictionary

let me down
me decepcione

Estou contando com você para me ajudar com os preparativos para a festa. Por favor não me decepcione! - l am counting on you to help me with the arrangements for the party. Please do not let me down!

English - Finnish

Definition of let me note down your telephone number in English Finnish dictionary

let me down
English - French

Definition of let me note down your telephone number in English French dictionary

let me down
me laisse pas tomber

Ne me laisse pas tomber comme tu l'as fait l'autre jour. - Don't let me down like you did the other day.

English - Russian

Definition of let me note down your telephone number in English Russian dictionary

let me down
подведи меня

Не подведи меня, как ты сделал это недавно. - Don't let me down like you did the other day.

English - Lehçe

Definition of let me note down your telephone number in English Lehçe dictionary

let me down
pozwól mi w dół
English - Danish

Definition of let me note down your telephone number in English Danish dictionary

let me down
Lad mig ned
English - German
Ich schreibe mir deine Telefonnummer auf
let me note down your telephone number


    let me note Down your te·le·phone num·ber

    Turkish pronunciation

    let mi nōt daun yôr telıfōn nʌmbır


    /ˈlet ˈmē ˈnōt ˈdoun ˈyôr ˈteləˌfōn ˈnəmbər/ /ˈlɛt ˈmiː ˈnoʊt ˈdaʊn ˈjɔːr ˈtɛləˌfoʊn ˈnʌmbɜr/