
listen to the pronunciation of large-scale
English - Turkish
Geniş çaplı

Tatoeba bir mini-LibriVox'tur. O, yüksek sesle büyük ölçekli okuma başlamadan önce sadece yazılması gerekiyor. - Tatoeba is a mini-LibriVox, it just needs to be written before the large-scale reading aloud would start.

büyük ölçekli
geniş çapta
tabii büyüklükte
large-scale weather pattern
büyük ölçekli hava desen
large scale
geniş çapta
large scale

Bu yeni politikanın büyük ölçekli işler yaratacağı umuluyor. - It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.

Kırsal alan büyük ölçüde gelişecek gibi görünüyor. - It seems the rural area will be developed on a large scale.

large scale
(Politika, Siyaset) geniş kapsamlı
large scale
büyük boyutlu
large scale
büyük ölçek

Bu yeni politikanın büyük ölçekli işler yaratacağı umuluyor. - It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.

O büyük ölçekte bir parti verdi. - He gave a party on a large scale.

large scale
geniş çaplı
large scale
büyük ölçekli

Bu yeni politikanın büyük ölçekli işler yaratacağı umuluyor. - It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.

large scale integrated circuit
büyük ölçüde bütünleşik devre
large scale integration
geniş ölçekte tümleşme
very large scale integration
çok büyük çapta tümleşme
large scale
büyük çapta
produce on a large scale
büyük çapta üretim
large scale integration
(Nükleer Bilimler) geniş çapta tümleştirme
large scale map
(Askeri) BÜYÜK ÖLÇEKLİ HARİTA: 1: 75.000 veya daha büyük ölçekli harita. Ayrıca bakınız: map
large scale operation
(Askeri) Geniş çapta operasyon
on a large scale
büyük ölçüde
English - English
Drawn large so as to show detail
Large in amount, scope or extent
great, extensive
constructed or drawn to a big scale; "large-scale maps
A large-scale map or diagram represents a small area of land or a building or machine on a scale that is large enough for small details to be shown. a large-scale map of the county. small-scale
constructed or drawn to a big scale; "large-scale maps"
unusually large in scope; "a large-scale attack on AIDS is needed"
A large-scale action or event happens over a very wide area or involves a lot of people or things. a large scale military operation. small-scale
occurring widely (as to many people); "mass destruction"
good for showing detail in small areas
Having spatial scales of a few thousand kilometres or greater Midlatitude high and low pressure systems are large scale
a description used to represent a map or data file having a large ratio between the area on the map (such as inches or pixels) and the area that is represented (such as feet) In large-scale image data, each pixel represents a small area on the ground, such as SPOT data, with a spatial resolution of 10 or 20 meters
A map scale that covers relatively small area on the ground and has a high level of detail A small area of the earth's surface on one page is a large-scale map (i e , a 1: 500 map where 1 map unit equals 500 ground units is large scale compared with a 1: 1,000,000 map) Contrast with small scale
on a large scale
on a wide scope, to a great extent, generally, in great measure, in a large amount





    (noun.) 1966. large + scale


    ... tsunami with the large scale, even though some researchers ...
    ... large-scale deployments the drain our strength and may ultimately ...