
listen to the pronunciation of laked
English - Turkish
(Tıp) Hemoliz'e uğramış, hemoliz olmuş (Yapısındaki hemoglobinin açığa çıktığı eritrositler hakkında)

Biz gölün etrafında yürüdük. - We have walked all around the lake.

Damlaya damlaya göl olur. - Drop by drop, the lake fills.

(Sanat) laka
lake boya
(Tıp) lake

Japonya'da, Biwa gölünden daha büyük bir göl yoktur. - In Japan, there is no lake bigger than Lake Biwa.

Van Gölü Türkiye'nin en büyük gölüdür. - The Lake Van is the greatest lake of Turkey.

(Tekstil) kırmızı boya maddesi
lake trout göllerde yaşayan alabalık
koyu kırmızı boya
abanoz rengi boya
Turkish - Turkish

Definition of laked in Turkish Turkish dictionary

Bir cins reçine kullanılarak cilalanmış mobilyalar için kullanılan sözcük
Laka ile cilalanmış: "Yaldızlı beyaz lake karyolasının yanındaki koltukta dadısı uyukluyordu."- C. Uçuk
English - English

Definition of laked in English English dictionary

To make lake-red
An offering, sacrifice, gift
In dyeing and painting, an often fugitive crimson or vermillion pigment derived from an organic colorant (cochineal or madder, for example) and an inorganic, generally metallic mordant
To present an offering
To leap, jump, exert oneself, play
Fine linen
Play, sport, fun, glee
{i} pond, small body of water; deep red dye; any of a number of brightly colored organic pigments; bright red color
A lake is a large area of fresh water, surrounded by land. They can go fishing in the lake The Nile flows from Lake Victoria in East Africa north to the Mediterranean Sea. Relatively large body of slow-moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin. Lakes are most abundant in high northern latitudes and in mountain regions, particularly those that were covered by glaciers in recent geologic times. The primary sources of lake water are melting ice and snow, springs, rivers, runoff from the land surface, and direct precipitation. In the upper part of lakes there is a good supply of light, heat, oxygen, and nutrients, well distributed by currents and turbulence. As a result, a large number of diverse aquatic organisms can be found there. The most abundant forms are plankton (chiefly diatoms), algae, and flagellates. In the lower levels and in the sediments, the main forms of life are bacteria. See also limnology. Handsome Lake Lake Ijssel dry lake Albert Lake Alexandrina Lake Assal Lake Athabasca Lake Atitlán Lake Avernus Lake Baikal Lake Lake Baykal Balaton Lake Balkhash Lake Lake Balqash Bangweulu Lake Biwa Lake Bras d'Or Lake Chad Lake Champlain Lake Chapala Lake Chiem Lake Chilka Lake Chilwa Lake Chuzenji Lake Como Lake Constance Lake Crater Lake Dian Lake Dongting Lake Edward Lake Ellesmere Lake Er Lake Erie Lake Eyasi Lake Eyre Lake Garda Lake Gatún Lake Geneva Lake George Lake Great Bear Lake Great Salt Lake Great Slave Lake Hammar Lake Hongze Lake Huron Lake Iliamna Lake Ilmen Lake Iseo Lake Itasca Lake Izabal Lake Kentucky Lake Khanka Lake Kivu Lake Kyoga Lake Ladoga Lake Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Lake District Lake Dwellings Lake Placid lake trout Lake Turkana remains Lanao Lake Last Mountain Lake Lesser Slave Lake Llanquihue Lake Lugano Lake Magadi Lake Maggiore Lake Malawi Lake Lake Nyasa Managua Lake Manapouri Lake Manitoba Lake Mapam Lake Maracaibo Lake Mead Lake Memphremagog Lake Michigan Lake Mjosa Lake Moeris Lake Mweru Lake Nahuel Huapí Lake Naivasha Lake Näsi Lake Lake Näsijärvi Nasser Lake Lake Nubia Nemi Lake Neuchâtel Lake Neusiedler Lake Ngami Lake Nicaragua Lake Nipigon Lake Nipissing Lake Okeechobee Lake Onega Lake Ontario Lake oxbow lake Ozarks Lake of the Päijänne Lake Peipsi Lake Petén Itzá Lake Pielinen Lake Pontchartrain Lake Prespa Lake Rainy Lake Rudolf Lake Lake Turkana Rukwa Lake Saimaa Lake Saint Clair Lake Salt Lake City Sambhar Lake Scutari Lake Sevan Lake Siljan Lake Simcoe Lake Superior Lake Taal Lake Lake Bombon Tahoe Lake Tai Lake Tana Lake Tanganyika Lake Taupo Lake Te Anau Lake Texcoco Lake Tiberias Lake Titicaca Lake Todos los Santos Lake Towada Lake Trasimeno Lake Urmia Lake Valencia Lake Van Lake Victoria Lake Volta Lake Wakatipu Lake Wanaka Lake Winnipeg Lake Winnipegosis Lake Winnipesaukee Lake Wollaston Lake Woods Lake of the Yellowstone Lake Yojoa Lake Ysyk Lake Lake Issyk Kul Zürich Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg Lake Lake Webster Lucerne Lake Vierwaldstättersee Lake of the Four Forest Cantons Finger Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes trout Menindee Lakes Rangeley Lakes Saranac Lakes Waterton Lakes National Park
A basin of variable size and shape that is permanently inundated with water Landscape - The visual appearance of natural and manmade environments Leaching/Leachate - The process by which materials such as organic matter and mineral salts are washed out of a layer of soil or dumped material by being dissolved by or suspended in percolating rainwater; the material washed out is known as leachate Leachates can pollute groundwater and waterways Lentic - Standing water bodies e g lakes Levee - An artificial embankment or wall built to exclude flood waters, or a natural formation adjacent to a waterway built by the deposition of silt from floodwaters Litre (L) - Unit of volume equal to one cubic decimetre Lotic - Flowing waters e g streams
{n} a large inland water, red color, lawn
In caving, a body of standing water (no matter how small) in a cave Cave - Parts of Ref JJ
an inland body of water, usually fresh water, formed by glaciers, river drainage etc Usually larger than a pool or pond
A considerable body of inland water or an expanded part of a river
a large inland body of fresh or salt water
n a considerable inland body of stnading water
a large body of water completely surrounded by land LAND the solid part of the earth's surface LANDFORM refers to different types of shapes that can be created on the surface of the earth
A body of fresh or salt water entirely surrounded by land
a pigment made up of organic coloring matter with an inorganic base or carrier
A large body of water contained in a depression of the earth's surface, and supplied from the drainage of a more or less extended area
A pigment formed by combining some coloring matter, usually by precipitation, with a metallic oxide or earth, esp
offering, sacrifice, gift (obsolete)

This is the deepest lake in Japan. - This lake is the deepest lake in Japan.

We've walked all around the lake. - We have walked all around the lake.

A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land on all sides Really huge lakes are often called seas
any of numerous bright translucent organic pigments
to leap, jump, exert oneself, play (mainly dialectal)
An inland body of standing water, an expanded part of a river, or an impoundment formed by a dam "Small lakes" are fishing impoundments, usually 5 to 25 acres (2 - 10 hectares) in area
A large amount of liquid: a wine lake
with aluminium hydrate; as, madder lake; Florentine lake; yellow lake, etc
Any inland body of standing water, usually freshwater, larger than a pool or pond; a body of water filling a depression in the earth’s surface
Large body of water into which a kid will jump should his friends do so
an area characterised by its many lakes; e.g., the English Lake District is often shortened to The Lakes
Large, landlocked, naturally occurring stretch of water
a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal
play, sport, fun, glee (obsolete or dialectal)
A large body of water, typically freshwater, which can be formed by glaciers, river drainage, surface water runoff, or ground water seepage Lakes provide an area for recreational activity (e g , boating, water skiing, and fishing) and a habitat for wildlife They are particularly important to migrating wildlife
a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land any of numerous bright translucent organic pigments a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal
A body of water completely surrounded by land
n (ME lake, lak; AS lacu, a lake, pool; L lacus, a hollow, a basin, tub, pool, lake) an inland body of water, usually fresh water, formed by glaciers, river drainage, etc , larger than a pool or pond
a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land
A generally permanent inland body of fresh water of considerable size occupying a basin or hollow in the earth's surface
body of still water lying in depressed ground without direct communication with the sea Lakes are common in formerly glaciated regions, along the courses of slow rivers, and in low land near the sea
A basin of variable size and shape that is permanently inundated with water
fine linen (obsolete)
To play; to sport
A body standing water found on the Earth's continental land masses The water in a lake is normally fresh Also see eutrophic lake, mesotrophic lake, and oligotrophic lake
a red pigment
A body of fresh or salt water entirely surrounded by land Lake Como in Italy is a fresh water lake, but the Great Salt Lake has salt water
A kind of fine white linen, formerly in use
a body of fresh water which is entirely or nearly surrounded by land
n danau
to present an offering (obsolete)
Turkish - English