She was horribly frightened; but she had pledged her word now, and it was irredeemable.
Investors have always had to trust somebody or something. . . . But they have not always had to make a leap of faith about a nation's irredeemable paper currency. Up until Aug. 15, 1971 the dollar was exchangeable into gold at the rate of $35 to the ounce.
We finally got rid of our old car.
- Sonunda eski arabamızdan kurtulduk.
Tom got rid of his old car.
- Tom eski arabasından kurtuldu.
You should get rid of these weeds.
- Bu yabancı otlardan kurtulmalısın.
Tom thinks he can get rid of his cold if he takes this medicine.
- Tom bu ilacı alırsa soğuk algınlığından kurtulabileceğini söylüyor.
It took me three weeks to get over the flu.
- Gripten kurtulmam tam üç hafta sürdü.
I need to get over him.
- Ondan kurtulmam gerekiyor.
How will you dispose of this problem?
- Bu sorundan nasıl kurtulacaksın?
Tom managed to elude capture.
- Tom yakalanmaktan kurtulmayı başardı.