Set apart to the service or worship of God; hallowed; sacred; reserved from profane or common use; holy vessels; a holy priesthood
sacred or pure, as in: The people refused to build there because they considered it holy ground
{s} sacred, consecrated; divine; devoted to the service of God or religion; saintly, godly
(hoh-lee) Perfect; pure; separate; given to God's service Above all else, God is holy Everything associated with God is holy Psalm 29: 2 Isaiah 29: 23 2 Corinthians 1: 12 Return
A spell which comes from the deepest core of the Planet It's designed to destroy invading attackers (kind of like white blood cells) but is very volatile and unpredictable It can also be blocked by a powerful evil force like Jenova
Yurtdışında Günaha Son çağrı, Mahabbarata, Orta Direk gibi film ve oyunların müziğini yapmış, geleneksel Türk müziğini özgün biçimiyle yaşatmayı amaçlayan çalışmalarıyla tanınmış Türk ney sanatçısı