Şekil bakımından açmaya benzer, tat bakımından ise susamsız simiti andırır. İlk zamanlar Yahudiler tarafından tüketilen Bagel, daha sonra ABD ve Kanada'da yaygınlaşmıştır
A round, chewy yeast roll with a hole in the middle which is cooked first in boiling water then baked. Though the origin is unclear, it's believed the word bagel is derived from the Yiddish word beygl, which is from the German bügel, meaning a round loaf of bread. Recipe: Bread Machine Bagelsa dense, doughnut-shaped Jewish yeast roll, cooked in boiling water, and then bakes, which gives the rolls a shiny glaze and chewy texture.(Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crustThe bagel (from Yiddish beygl) is a bread product traditionally made of yeasted wheat dough in the form of a roughly hand-sized ring which is boiled in water and then baked. The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior
A bagel is a ring-shaped bread roll. a small ring-shaped type of bread (beygel, from boug )
A round, chewy yeast roll with a hole in the middle which is cooked first in boiling water then baked Though the origin is unclear, it's believed the word bagel is derived from the Yiddish word beygl, which is from the German bügel, meaning a round loaf of bread Recipe: Bread Machine BagelsNutritive Value: Plain Bagel
A dense, firm textured, chewy, ring shaped roll Its glossy golden brown crust is achieved by placing the rings of dough into boiling water before baking top of page