kleineres referat

listen to the pronunciation of kleineres referat
English - Turkish

Definition of kleineres referat in English Turkish dictionary


Onun hakkında konuşmak için birinci olmak isteyen kimse olmadığı ortaya çıktı.Şimdi ne yaparız? - It turned out there was nobody who would be the first to talk about it. What do we do now?

Hava hakkında konuşmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to talk about the weather.


Bir fincan kahve içerken sohbet edelim. - Let's talk over a cup of coffee.

Bir fincan kahve içerken sohbet ettik. - We talked over a cup of coffee.


Ağzın doluyken konuşma. - Don't talk with your mouth full.

Ağzın doluyken konuşma. - Do not talk with your mouth full.

{i} laf

Konuşurken lafımı bölme. - Don't interrupt me while I'm talking.

Ona laf anlatmak, deveye hendek atlatmaktan daha zor. - Giving advice to him is like talking to a brick wall.

hakkında konuşmak

Grup, yaklaşmakta olan parti hakkında konuşmak için bir boğa oturumu planlıyordu. - The group was planning a bull session to talk about the upcoming party.

Onun hakkında konuşmak için birinci olmak isteyen kimse olmadığı ortaya çıktı.Şimdi ne yaparız? - It turned out there was nobody who would be the first to talk about it. What do we do now?

boş laf
{f} konuş

Mary'nin konuşacak hiç kimsesi yok fakat o kendini yalnız hissetmiyor. - Mary has nobody to talk with, but she doesn't feel lonely.

John o kadar telaşlıydı ki konuşmaya vakti yoktu. - John was in such a hurry that he had no time for talking.


Barış görüşmelerine acil bir ihtiyaç var. - There is an urgent need for peace talks.

Barış görüşmeleri gelecek hafta başlayacak. - Peace talks will begin next week.

konuşma biçimi

Onun konuşma biçimini seviyor. - He likes the way she talks.

Ben sadece Tom'un konuşma biçimini severim. - I just love the way Tom talks.

lakırdı etmek
{i} dedikodu

O, şehrin dedikodusuydu. - He was the talk of the town.

Tom şehrin dedikodusuydu. - Tom was the talk of the town.

hükmü geçmek
(Nükleer Bilimler) konuşum
konuşmak: She taught her parrot how to talk. Papağanına konuşmayı öğretti. Be quiet when I'm talking to you! Seninle konuştuğum zaman
{i} söylenti
{f} görüşmek

Biz seninle görüşmek istiyoruz. - We want to talk to you.

German - English
A lecture
{n} speech, conversation, discourse, tale, a public conference with or among Indians, and an official verbal communication
{v} to speak, prate, converse, discourse
When different countries or different sides in a dispute talk, or talk to each other, they discuss their differences in order to try and settle the dispute. The Foreign Minister said he was ready to talk to any country that had no hostile intentions They are collecting information in preparation for the day when the two sides sit down and talk John Reid has to find a way to make both sides talk to each other The speed with which the two sides came to the negotiating table shows that they are ready to talk
Like the talk in an IRC chat, this is the simplest method of communication, and is used for speaking with people in the same room See the MOOing 101 tutorial for more information
Discussion and debate
Talk is a UNIX protocol that lets two people conduct a real-time, text-based "conversation" over the Internet A conversation can be initiated by using the command "talk" followed by the e-mail address of the person with whom you wish to speak at the UNIX command line
To prate; to speak impertinently
express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
When a handset is powered on, and is engaged in a voice or data call Talk time is the approximate length of time that a fully charged battery will last while on a continuous call, under ideal conditions, before needing to be recharged
What is being said about a subject of interest
A protocol which allows two people on remote computers to communicate in real-time
Text telephone: a service that permit two people who are logged in to host computers to engage in a split-screen "conversation," in which what one user types is presented on the top half of both screens while the other user's typing is presented on the bottom half of both screens Available on OAK
To cause to be or become by talking
To utter words; esp
A program that allows two users to communicate using keyboards and display screens Each user's screen is divided in half; one half shows what the user types, while the other half shows what the other person types
a program that lets you speak to someone elsewhere in the world using your modem and Internet connection instead of your telephone You need a soundcard and microphone, and the other person must be using the same program you are Also known as Voice On the Net (VON) The term 'talk' is also used to describe the kind of typed chat that takes place between two people rather than a group in a chat room
To deliver in talking; to speak; to utter; to make a subject of conversation; as, to talk nonsense; to talk politics
divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
If someone talks when they are being held by police or soldiers, they reveal important or secret information, usually unwillingly. They'll talk, they'll implicate me
kleineres referat