Definition of kesinlikli in Turkish English dictionary
- precision
- used for exact or precise measurement
- the ability of a measurement to be reproduced consistently
- the number of significant digits to which a value may be measured reliably
- The degree in which a search engine lists documents matching a query The more matching documents that are listed, the higher the precision For example, if a search engine lists 80 documents found to match a query but only 20 of them contain the search words, then the precision would be 25%
- refers to the level of measurement and exactness of description in a GIS database Precise locational data may measure position to a fraction of a unit Precise attribute information may specify the characteristics of features in great detail It is important to realize, however, that precise data--no matter how carefully measured--may be inaccurate Surveyors may make mistakes or data may be entered into the database incorrectly Therefore, a distinction is made between precision and accuracy
- the degree of refinement in the performance of an operation, or the degree of perfection in the instruments and methods used when making measurements An indication of the uniformity or reproducibility of a result Precision relates to the quality of an operation by which a result is obtained, and is distinguished from accuracy, which relates to the quality of the result
- If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done. The interior is planned with a precision the military would be proud of. the quality of being very exact or correct with precision
- The number of digit bits used by an ADC to represent an analog signal The more digits used, the higher the precision and the closer the digital representation will be to the actual value
- A measure of whether the documents returned in an information retrieval process are relevant to the query For example, if eighty percent of the documents returned by a query are relevant (and the remaining 20 percent are not) then precision is 80
- The number of decimal places to which a value is given This usually far exceeds its accuracy For example, a GIS might give the coordinate of a point location for building to ten decimal places providing a value that is precise to fractions of a centimetre In reality this value may only be accurate to the nearest ten meters
- the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance; "he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton"; "note the meticulous precision of his measurements"
- The degree to which replicate measurements of the same attribute agree or are exact "The degree to which a set of observations or measurements of the same property, usually obtained under similar conditions, conform to themselves; a data quality indicator" (QAMS 1993, 16) (See related: accuracy, bias )
- In information retrieval, the percentage of hits found by a search that satisfy the request that generated the query
- The degree of mutual agreement among a series of individual measurements Precision is often, but not necessarily, expressed by the standard deviation of the measurements
- Refers to the number of significant digits used to store numbers, and in particular, coordinate values Precision is important for accurate feature representation, analysis and mapping ArcInfo supports single precision and double precision
- The extent to which an estimate agrees with its mean value in repeated sampling The precision of an estimate is measured inversely by its standard error (SE) or relative standard error (RSE) In DAWN publications, estimates with an RSE of 50 percent or higher are regarded as too imprecise to be published ED table cells where such estimates would have appeared contain the symbol "
" (3 dots) (See also Relative standard error )
- The precision of an estimate of a parameter in a model is a measure of how variable the estimate would be over other similar data sets A very precise estimate would be one that did not vary much over different data sets Precision does not measure accuracy Accuracy is a measure of how close the estimate is to the real value of the parameter Accuracy is measured by the average distance over different data sets of the estimate from the real value Estimates can be accurate but not precise, or precise but not accurate A precise but inaccurate estimate is usually biased, with the bias equal to the average distance from the real value of the parameter
- Precision is a statistical measurement of repeatability that is usually expressed as a variance or standard deviation, root mean square or RMS, of repeated measurements These are expressed as x,y coordinates of arcs, label points, and tics in either single or double precision in ARC/INFO Single-precision coordinates have up to seven significant digits of precision This allows for a level of accuracy of approximately 10 meters for a region whose extent is 1,000,000 meters across Double-precision coordinates have up to 15 significant digits; this allows for the precision necessary to represent any desired map accuracy at a global scale
- the state of being precise or exact; exactness
- made, or characterized by accuracy
- kesin
- {s} exact
Give me an exact answer.
- Bana kesin bir cevap ver.
The exact temperature is 22.68 degrees Celsius.
- Kesin sıcaklık 22.68 derece Celsiustur.
- kesin
- precise
Precise measurements are required.
- Kesin ölçümler gerekli.
That's precisely why I need to meet Tom.
- Tom'la tanışmak istememin nedeni kesinlikle bu.
- kesin
- certain
It is not certain when he came here.
- Buraya ne zaman geldiği kesin değil.
You can certainly swim in the lake, but there is no sense in doing so.
- Gölde kesinlikle yüzebilirsin fakat öyle yapmanın anlamı yok.
- kesin
- {s} accurate
The text above contains no accurate facts on the matter.
- Yukarıdaki metin konuyla ilgili kesin bilgiler içermiyor.
He made an accurate report of the incident.
- Olayla ilgili kesin bir rapor hazırladı.
- kesin
- {s} final
That budget isn't yet final.
- O bütçe henüz kesinleşmiş değil.
The decision is not yet final.
- Karar henüz kesinleşmiş değil.
- kesin
- absolute
I looked down and had absolutely nothing to say.
- Aşağı baktım ve kesinlikle söyleyecek hiçbir şeyim yoktu.
The rumor proved to be an absolute lie.
- Söylentinin kesin bir yalan olduğunu kanıtlandı.
- kesin
- definitive
The definitive answer is no.
- Kesin cevap hayırdır.
- kesin
- {s} frozen
- kesin
- {s} rigorous
- kesin
- assertive
- kesin
- firm
Jefferson believed firmly in the value of education.
- Jefferson eğitimin değerine kesin olarak inanıyordu.
I'm firmly opposed to this.
- Ben buna kesin bir biçimde karşıyım.
- kesin
- sure
He said he would give us his decision for sure by Friday.
- O, Cumaya kadar kesin olarak bize kararını bildireceğini söyledi.
Among the five of us, he's surely the one who can speak the most languages.
- Beşimizin arasında, en fazla dil konuşabilen kişi kesinlikle odur.
- kesin
- definite
It will be four years before the definite result of beef liberalization emerges.
- Sığır serbestleştirilmesinin kesin sonucu ortaya çıkmadan önce dört yıl olacak.
Give me a definite answer.
- Bana kesin bir cevap ver.
- kesin
- {s} declared
- kesin
- {s} determined
- kesin
- specific
- kesin
- irreversible
- kesin
- sure to
This method is sure to work.
- Bu metot kesin çalışacaktır.
Your plan is sure to succeed.
- Senin planın başarılı olacağı kesin.
- kesin
- utter
- kesin
- precision
Precision is important in math.
- Kesinlik matematikte önemlidir.
Precision in measurement is important.
- Ölçümde kesinlik önemlidir.
- kesin
- pronounced
- kesin
- slipt
- kesin
- pointed
- kesin
- uncompromising
- kesin
- unambiguous
- kesin
- (Argo) in the bag
- kesin
- incontrovertible
- kesin
- categorial
- kesin
- out of question
- kesin
- for sure
Tom will visit Boston this summer for sure.
- Tom bu yaz kesinlikle Boston'u ziyaret edecek.
Tom can't say for sure how many times Mary has been to Boston.
- Tom Mary'nin kaç kez Boston'da bulunduğunu kesin olarak söyleyemez.
- kesin
- bound
He's bound to notice your mistake.
- Onun hatanı farketmesi kesin.
Such a plan is bound to fail.
- Öylesine bir plan kesin başarısız olacaktır.
- kesin
- clean-cut
- kesin
- (Kanun) mandatory
- kesin
- point-blank
- kesin
- truthful
- kesin
- (Konuşma Dili) hard and fast
- kesin
- unquestionable
- kesin
- undeniable
- kesin
- immutable
- kesin
- matriculation
- kesin
- affirmative
- kesin
- unquestioned
- kesin
- category
- kesin
- concrete
- kesin
- unequivocal
- kesin
- as sure as i'm sitting here
- kesin
- indisputable
- kesin
- doubtless
- kesin
- short and to the point
- kesin
- spot-on
- Kesin
- explicit
- kesin
- strict
Smoking is strictly forbidden.
- Sigara içmek kesinlikle yasaktır.
Smoking is strictly forbidden here.
- Burada sigara içmek kesinlikle yasaktır.
- kesin
- dernier
- kesin
- implicit
- kesin
- clear-cut
- kesin
- express
- kesin
- indubitable
- kesin
- safe
Tom was perfectly safe.
- Tom kesinlikle güvendeydi.
There is definetly a safe route!
- Kesinlikle güvenli bir rota var!
- kesin
- decisive
- kesin
- conclusive
The evidence is fairly conclusive.
- Kanıtlar oldukça kesin.
- kesin
- flat
She flatly refused to let him in.
- Onun içeri girmesine kesinlikle izin vermedi.
His secretary flatly denied leaking any confidential information.
- Onun sekreteri, gizli bilgiyi sızdırmayı kesinlikle reddetti.
- kesin
- hard-and-fast
- kesin
- tangible
- kesin
- unalterable
- kesin
- crucial
- kesin
- unerring
- kesin
- {i} deciding
- kesin
- direct
Tom certainly doesn't have a very good sense of direction.
- Tom'un kesinlikle çok iyi bir yön duyusu yok.
- kesin
- secure
- kesin
- {s} mathematical
- kesin
- be precise
- kesin
- definate
- kesin
- clean cut
- kesin
- sure as death
It's as sure as death.
- Bu, ölüm kadar kesindir.
- kesin
- definite, certain, definitive, decisive, absolute, accurate, precise, exact, categorical, final; indisputable, incontrovertible
- kesin
- categorical
I categorically refused.
- Kesin bir şekilde reddettim.
I am categorically opposed to the company declaring bankruptcy.
- Ben şirketin iflas ilan etmesine kesin bir biçimde karşıyım.
- kesin
- cheese it
- kesin
- decisive, firm (statement)
- kesin
- downright
- kesin
- dogmatic
- kesin
- extreme
- kesin
- irrevocable
- kesin
- definite; absolute, categorical; final, irrevocable
- kesin
- decided
He decided to give up smoking once and for all.
- Sigara içmekten kesin olarak vazgeçti.
The atmosphere in the room was decidedly frosty.
- Odadaki atmosfer kesinlikle soğuktu.
- kesin
- {s} square
If you go to Beijing, definitely have a look at Tiananmen Square.
- Beijing'e gideceksen, kesinlikle Tiananmen Meydanı'na bir bak.
- kesin
- terminative
- kesin
- {s} undoubted
The most important figure of mathematics of the nineteenth century is, undoubtedly, Gauss.
- On dokuzuncu yüzyılın matematiğinin en önemli figürü kesinlikle, Gauss.
- kesin
- pointblank
- kesin
- {s} stark
- kesin
- point blank
- kesin
- {s} peremptory
- kesin
- {s} surefire
- kesin
- {s} ocular
- kesin
- {s} rigid
- kesin
- {s} unquestioning
- kesin
- {s} round
Tom certainly deserves a round of applause.
- Tom kesinlikle bir tur alkış hak ediyor.
- kesin
- {s} scientific
- kesin
- {s} positive
I'm absolutely positive that I can do that.
- Bunu yapabileceğimden kesinlikle eminim.
You look positively haggard.
- Sen kesinlikle bitkin görünüyorsun.
- kesin
- spot on
- kesin
- clear cut
- kesin
- clearcut
- kesin
- {s} outright