
listen to the pronunciation of keneviri
Turkish - English
Any of several mildly euphoriant, intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs, such as ganja, hashish, or marijuana, prepared from various parts of this plant
A tall annual dioecious plant (Cannabis sativa), native to central Asia and having alternate, palmately divided leaves and tough bast fibers
any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs
Cannabis sativa, a plant that contains the psychoactive ingredient delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Cannabis ingestion typically produces feelings of euphoria and/or drowsiness Cannabis is used medically to reduce nausea due to chemotherapy and restore appetite in persons with wasting syndrome (marijuana)
Formal latin name fore marijuana Two main subspecies are Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica Indica has wide leaves and is short, while Sativa has narrow leaves and grows taller Hybrids from both subspecies, blending the best traits, are often grown for commercial purposes
the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs
Cannabis is the hemp plant when it is used as a drug. an illegal drug that is usually smoked in cigarettes American Equivalent: marijuana (kannabis). Any plant of the genus Cannabis, which contains a single species, C. sativa. It is widely cultivated throughout the northern temperate zone. Hemp fiber is obtained from a tall, canelike variety, while marijuana is obtained from the female plant of a smaller variety
A genus of a single species belonging to the order Uricaceæ; hemp
Cannabis, hashish and hashish oil come form the Indian Hemp plant, cannabis sativa
The botanical name for the plant from which marijuana comes
the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect
{i} hemp plant; parts of the hemp plant from which marijuana is made

Tom uses cannabis for medical reasons. - Tom tıbbi nedenlerle kenevir kullanmaktadır.

hint keneviri
(Tıp) cannabis sativa
(Tıp) cannabis sativa
{i} hemp
hint keneviri
hemp plant, marijuana
(Tabiat Doğa) (bitki, Fam: kendirgiller,kendiriye) [syn.: kenevir, kendir, ot] hemp
sisal keneviri
(Tabiat Doğa) (bitki, Fam: Agavaceae) sisal
su keneviri
bur marigold
Turkish - Turkish

Definition of keneviri in Turkish Turkish dictionary

Hint keneviri
Yapraklarından esrar elde edilen bir tür kenevir (Cannabis sativa)
Cannabis sativa olarak tanımlanan,kendirgillerden,sapındaki liflerden halat, çuval vs kaba örgüler yapılan, iki evcikli bir bitki
Kendirgillerden, sapındaki liflerden halat, ip, çuval gibi kaba örgüler yapılan bitkiye verilen ad
Sapındaki liflerden halat, çuval gibi kaba örgüler yapılan bir bitki
Kendirgillerden, sapındaki liflerden halat, çuval gibi kaba örgüler yapılan, iki evcikli bir bitki, kendir (Cannabis sativa)