
listen to the pronunciation of kapatarak
Turkish - English

The girl, closing her eyes, listened to the pastor. - Kız gözlerini kapatarak papazı dinledi.

The final procedure in a house sale when documents are signed and recorded
Coming after all others
(1) In real estate sales, the final procedure in which documents are executed and/or recorded, and the sale (or loan) is completed (2) A selling term meaning the point at which the client or customer is asked to agree to the sale or purchase and sign the contract (3) The final call in a metes and bounds legal description which "closes" the boundaries of the property
A meeting at which the sale of a property is finalized by the buyer and seller signing the documents needed to transfer legal ownership of the property The mortgage documents are signed and closing costs are also paid at this time Also called "settlement "
Also called a settlement, it's the meeting at which sale of a property is finalized with the buyer signing the mortgage documents and paying closing costs
When the real estate transaction between buyer and seller is completed The buyer signs the mortgage documents and the closing costs are paid Also known as the settlement date
The occasion where a sale is finalized; the buyer signs the mortgage and the closing costs are paid Also called "settlement "
approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap; "the ship's rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision"
the act of closing something
A meeting at which a sale of a property is finalized by the buyer signing the mortgage documents and paying closing costs Also called "settlement " At this meeting, ownership of the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer
termination of operations; "they regretted the closure of the day care center"
The conclusion or consummation of a transaction This includes delivery of a deed, signing of all documentation and the disbursement of funds necessary to the sale or loan transaction
{s} shutting; concluding, ending, summarizing
A meeting held to finalize the sale of a property The buyer signs the mortgage documents and pays closing costs Also called "settlement "
The closing part of an activity or period of time is the final part of it. He entered RAF service in the closing stages of the war see also close. happening or done at the end of an event or a period of time closing remarks/words/ceremony etc. the shutting of a factory, school, hospital etc permanently closing of
A meeting at which a sale of property is finalized by the buyer signing the mortgage documents and paying closing costs
A meeting at which a sale of a property is finalized by the buyer signing the mortgage documents and paying closing costs Also called "settlement "
After your mortgage loan has been approved, a meeting is set up with the buyer, seller, and an attorney or closing agent At this time, the buyer receives the mortgage loan amount needed to purchase the property and pledges the same as collateral or security for repayment of the debt The mortgage documents are signed, and the title to the property passes from the seller to the buyer Top
Actions and procedures required to effect the documentation and disbursement of loan funds after the application has been approved, and the execution of all required documentation and its filing and recordation where required
coop in
{f} switching off
{f} shut

He checked that all the doors were safely shut. - Bütün kapıların güvenli bir şekilde kapatılıp kapatılmadığını kontrol etti.

I wish you would shut the door when you go out. - Keşke dışarı çıktığın zaman kapıyı kapatsan.

shut down

They decided to shut down the factory. - Onlar fabrikayı kapatmaya karar verdiler.

The factory was shut down ten years ago. - Fabrika on yıl önce kapatıldı.

{f} inclose
power off

Please do not power off or unplug your machine. - Lütfen makinenizi kapatmayın ya da fişini çekmeyin.

{f} shutting

Tom left without shutting the door. - Tom kapıyı kapatmadan gitti.

Would you mind shutting the door? No, not at all. - Kapıyı kapatmamın sakıncası var mı? Hayır hiç sakıncası ok.

coop up

I'm closing my store. - Mağazamı kapatıyorum.

We heard the door closing. - Biz kapının kapandığını duyduk.

Turkish - Turkish

Definition of kapatarak in Turkish Turkish dictionary

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