kafatasının arka bölümü; oksipital kemik bölgesi

listen to the pronunciation of kafatasının arka bölümü; oksipital kemik bölgesi
Turkish - English
(Diş Hekimliği) occiput
Rear portion of crown Synonym(s): hindhead In picture it is referred to as hindhead
{i} back part of the head or skull (Anatomy)
The back part of the head The base of the skull
posterior portion of cephalon, the axial portion is considered part of the glabella (occipital ring)
The back of the head or skull
back part of the head or skull
The back, or posterior, part of the head or skull; the region of the occipital bone
Rear portion of crown Synonym(s): hindhead
posterior part of head
A plate which forms the back part of the head of insects
kafatasının arka bölümü; oksipital kemik bölgesi