kabul edici

listen to the pronunciation of kabul edici
Turkish - English
Any specialized cell or structure that responds to sensory stimuli
A sensory nerve ending or organ in a living organism that is sensitive to physical or chemical stimuli
the component of the cell to which the drug binds and through which a chain of biochemical events is initiated Many receptors are proteins located on or within the cell Membrane receptors act as an ion pore and thus change the membrane permeability or may affect cell function by being linked to some intracellular biochemical process and when activated, will stimulate or inhibit some type of intracellular effector such as an enzyme, which than leads to a change in cell function
An exact spot on a nerve cell in the nervous system that receives a specific neurotransmitter It is the "message receiving" part of the nerve
Receptors are nerve endings in your body which react to changes and stimuli and make your body respond in a particular way. the information receptors in our brain. a nerve ending which receives information about changes in light, heat etc and causes the body to react in particular ways
A molecule which produces a response when another molecule ("ligand") is bound to it Receptors can be e g ion channels, tyrosine kinases, G-protein coupled receptors or steroid-binding transport molecules In a pharmacological sense, even enzymes can act as receptors (to drug molecules)
Protein that binds to a ligand at a specific site and initiates a response in the cell
A structure on a cell wall that binds with specific molecules so that they can be absorbed into the cell in order to control certain functions
{i} acceptor, receiver, one who takes in; (Anatomy) sensor which receives stimuli (in the nervous system)
A cell component that combines with a drug, hormone, or chemical to alter the function of that cell
A molecule on the surface of a cell that serves as a recognition or binding site for antigens, antibodies or other cellular or immunology components
A structure that can capture a molecule (often of a specific type in a specific orientation) owing to complementary surface shapes, charge distributions, and so forth, without forming a °covalent bond See °dissociation constant
a molecule on the surface of a cell that serves as a recognition or binding site for antigens, antibodies or other cellular or immunologic components
In the nervous system, a site on a nerve cell that receives a specific neurotransmitter; the "message receiver "
A site on the surface of a cell which in a lock and key fashion fits into a complementary site on another cell or protein, as in the binding of an antibody to an antigen
A specialized protein on a cell's surface that binds to substances that effect the activities of the cell Specifically, in a nerve cell, neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the surface of the neuron The binding of a neurotransmitter can have either excitatory or inhibitory effects on the neuron Once a neurotransmitter is bound to a receptor, changes occur within the neuron that can result in the neuron sending messages to other neurons
The species, population, community, habitat, etc that may be exposed to contaminants
Protein that spans the cell membrane, and carry a site capable of specifically recognize a molecule
A binding site located on the membrane of a cell that responds to a specific molecule of substance
kabul et
(Konuşma Dili) let's face it
kabul et

He didn't agree to my proposal. - Teklifimi kabul etmedi.

They agreed to work together. - Birlikte çalışmayı kabul ettiler.

kabul et
{f} admitted

Everyone admitted that the earth is a sphere. - Herkes dünyanın bir küre olduğunu kabul etti.

Tom admitted that what Mary said was true. - Tom Mary'nin söylediğinin doğru olduğunu kabul etti.

kabul et
{f} conceding
kabul et

The accountant would not concede the mistake. - Muhasebeci hatayı kabul etmezdi.

The professor I was arguing with finally conceded and said I was right. - Tartıştığım profesör sonunda haklı olduğumu kabul etti.

kabul et
{f} postulated
kabul et
kabul et
{f} agreed

They agreed to work together. - Birlikte çalışmayı kabul ettiler.

They agreed to work together on the project. - Projede birlikte çalışmayı kabul ettiler.

kabul et

I accepted her invitation. - Onun davetini kabul ettim.

They accepted him as the city's best doctor. - Onlar onu şehrin en iyi doktoru olarak kabul ettiler.

kabul et
{f} accepted

I accepted her invitation. - Onun davetini kabul ettim.

They accepted him as the city's best doctor. - Onlar onu şehrin en iyi doktoru olarak kabul ettiler.

kabul et
kabul et

The professor I was arguing with finally conceded and said I was right. - Tartıştığım profesör sonunda haklı olduğumu kabul etti.

kabul edici