An ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas and Tibet with dark, long and silky hair a horse like tail and a full bushy mane
A yak is a type of cattle that has long hair and long horns. Yaks live mainly in the Himalayan mountains and in Tibet. an animal of central Asia that looks like a cow with long hair (gyak). yakked yakking to talk continuously about things that are not very serious, in a way that is annoying. Massive ox (Bos grunniens mutus) of high Tibetan plateaus. Bulls grow to 6 ft (1.8 m) at the shoulder hump. The wild yak's hair is black and short, except for a long, shaggy fringe on the flanks and tail. The horns spread outward and upward; the head is held low. Wild females and young live in large herds; mature bulls form smaller groups. Yaks graze on grass and require much water, eating snow in winter. Wild yaks are now endangered. Domestic yaks, which breed freely with domestic cattle, are used as pack, draft, milk, and beef animals. The hide provides leather; the tail, fly whisks; the fringe hair, ropes; the dried dung, fuel